Friday, September 01, 2023


Today Bex and Steve are having their baby Anatomy Scan.  Very exciting, as they will (all going well) also be finding out if baby is a little boy or girl.

Of course, we are hoping for a HEALTHY baby first and foremost!

The gender will not be shared, as per their wishes.
But I will know, so can make a Cot Name Hanging, and a few other bits 'n' bobs I'm sure.

And it is going to be so much fun shopping for a few lovely baby outfits, something I've not done in EIGHT YEARS!  I have not been in a baby shop in forever.

Gosh, it's going to be so neat holding a newborn again. 

My job this morning is going to be going through all my clothes and taking what does not fit me to an Op Shop.
I know there's quite a few winter items that are looking way too big now. 
Funny how clothes that are too big make you look larger!
So if it's still in good nick, it's all going to be donated.

I have a feeling I will be needing a new winter wardrobe next winter.

As for my summer clothes, I've not tried many on lately (being WINTER), so it will be interesting to see what fits, and what doesn't.

This afternoon I will be going over to Steve and Bex's to watch the boys for them while they are having the scan.

So far, Bex's pregnancy has gone so fast!  It helped that they didn't even know she was pregnant until she was almost in the 2nd trimester!

And on that happy note, I'm outta here.

Whoops!  I forgot to hit 'Publish' didn't I?
Sorry about that.

I've been to the supermarket.
I'm working on me wardrobe/dressing room.
Busy, busy!


That took a bit of time.  But so worth it to do a 'Spring Clean' of my dressing room.

ABOVE:  The first thing I did was take that large dresser out of the room, and put it in our bedroom.

ABOVE:  It fits in there just fine, giving me more room in the dressing room.  Which was feeling very 'tight'.

ABOVE:  Removing the dresser from this spot meant I could hang all my longer dresses etc in the corner.  Before that, they had to stay in the actual wardrobe in this room.

ABOVE:  I've now moved all my heavy winter tops and jackets into the wardrobe.

ABOVE: It took me two hours to sort through everything on the rails and in the 2 sets of drawers.
But I'm really happy with how organised it is now.
ABOVE:  I have a big black sack of good stuff to drop off to the Op Shop, some for family, and a big pile to go in the bin.

I was surprised there wasn't more stuff!  But then I have been weeding out my wardrobe for a while now, so maybe shouldn't be surprised.

At least now I know exactly what I have, what fits me, and what doesn't.  Most of the 'doesn't fit' has already been gifted away.

This cull was all about getting rid of old stuff, and stuff I know I will never wear etc.

ABOVE:  I found some coloured jeans, and a long dress that I'd bought way back in our Auckland days.... and they both fit again!  Also, a dress I bought god knows how many years ago and have NEVER worn... it fits too!

Gosh that was such fun.

ANATOMY SCAN RESULTS:  All is well with Baby Harvey.  Such a relief, you never quite relax until the anatomy scan is done.

ABOVE:  A gorgeous little Harvey baby, with it's nose on it's knees!

ABOVE:  Snug as a bug in a rug.... we can't wait to meet you Baby Harvey.

What an awesome day it's been.  Good baby news and some good work done in the house.
Time to sign off for the day, catch ya tomorrow.

I had to drive past what used to be our favourite Hot Bread Shop today, twice.  It made me drool.  I really should just stay home, away from temptations. 😖🍔🍟🍩🍕


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I was going to message you and just say WTF 😆 exciting day GM 💙💙

  2. So exciting about the scan. And great job getting rid of the bigger clothes.

  3. That short dress looks stunning on you.

  4. Ohhh exciting much for you all re: scan.
    And you look stunning in that short dress 😍 Well done chick, all your hard work shows. 💪

  5. Just like getting a new outfit when something fits that hasn't been worn for a long time. Love the short dress.

  6. Looking fantastic Chris, and no doubt feeling fantastic as well. Such fun to "find" new clothes to wear.

  7. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I think you look really good in the pink pants....Peta

  8. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Congrats on all of the rearranging, throwing out, getting rid of, etc...I love to purge and will be doing just that as our seasons are changing as we slowly creep into Fall. The dresses look nice on your. Ky Girl

  9. Anonymous2:46 PM

    p.s. And the pink pants do as well. Ky Girl

  10. You have fantastic shaped legs you lucky thing I love the pink pants and the shirt dress very stunning

  11. Love the pink pants ... they really look good on you, as does the short dress. Happy the scan went well ... you are so lucky to have a new grandbaby to love. Wish one of my kids would surprise us! Our youngest grandkid just turned 8 also ... the time just flies by.


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