Monday, June 26, 2023


 At Weight Watchers last week, there was a little sale on their products. 

NOT that there's many products right now to choose from.  I virtually never buy any Weight Watcher stuff, as it's usually overpriced.

But last week I decided to buy their Egg Poacher, cos it was half price, and I could see it being used for a variety of things.

ABOVE:  I was really pleased with how it worked.  Though I learnt real quick that 1 minute and 20 seconds was 10 seconds too long for the eggs!  My eggs almost blew up.

I also like that I can use the larger compartment to make scrambled eggs, or just heat something up in it.  So, multi useful.

I love anything that can be multi useful.  I reckon I will be using this a lot.

Now.  Today?

First up will be the housework, then I'm getting on the treadmill for at least 40 minutes.

After that,  I will be sewing the next Braid Runner.

I was browsing on my blog last night, looking for something, and saw this:

ABOVE:  Hmmm, I remember making quite a few of those Runners.  I have none left, so clearly they were fairly popular.  I think I will make more of them after I'm sick of making Braid Runners.  They were fun to make.  

I forgot to update this yesterday:   the treadmill is fixed.  And so is the light in my sewing room.  

And that's me for now.
Catch ya later.

9.30 am:  I just had me walk.  I cut it down to only 20 minutes as I'm probably going to another walk this afternoon.

I went to open the boot of me car just now.  Would not open.  Weird.  The doors open, but guess what?
Can't think why.  But oh well... we are members of AA, so I rang them and they are coming out in an hour or so.
The car is in the garage, so not sure if we will have to push it outside?  I suppose I'll find out once the guy gets here.

For now... I will sew.  

Carl from AA duly arrived and got me car going again.   He told me to take it for a 40 minute run, or run it for 20 minutes in the garage, then take it for a 20 minute run.
I opted for option #2.

So, after it ran in the garage for half an hour I drove out to the expressway and went to Tamahere, then turned around and came home.  So easy on the expressway.

Then I had my wrap for lunch and came back into the sewing room.

I'm 'clock watching'.   I need to pick Liam up from school for the next unknown period of time.  Amanda had to move house, and she's struggling to work out an option for getting Liam safely home after school.

As she's too far away for him to walk home, I  have offered to pick him up after school until something else can be arranged.
His school is down near the Rototuna shops, so I might walk down to get him, then we can both walk home again.   Exercise.... don't mind if I do.  😊😉😏

ABOVE:  And there is #5 Braid Runner.  Totally foreign colours to my usual, but it's quite nice.

Now... I'm definitely taking a break.  I've just checked my car will still start (it does), so I will drive down to the school to get Liam today.
I'm just feeling knackered.  So much for good intentions of walking down.   
But in my defence, the sun is out and I don't like walking in sunshine too much.  I overheat.

ABOVE:  One grandson safely picked up, and being fed as we speak.  Now I just have to keep him entertained till his Mum picks him up.
Lucky I have a big toy box and telly.

ONE COMMENT all day!  ???  Where is everyone?
I know I blog for ME and for my 'living  records', but it is nice to hear from readers too ya know!

Ha ha... as I type, here comes a comment for my faithful DOGSTARS!  I better go and read and publish it.

DOGSTARS:  Dante and Archer's school is very close too... I can walk to theirs in about the same time as I can walk to Liam's school, just opposite directions.  They attend different schools btw.

5.30 pm and my little afternoon sidekick has just gone home with his mum.   He was a very good boy, and even helped me in the sewing room, ironing strips of fabric!
He loves to help.
I think he would have given sewing a go too, if I'd let him.

My fear of a rapid moving needle and his fingers stopped me giving him a go!!!
He also learnt REAL FAST his hands had to be OFF the table when I was cutting with the rotary cutter.  He wanted to know WHY?  

I told him he'd look like a dick with no fingers. SIMPLE.

Moving on... Stew will be home soon.  I wonder if he will want some dinner?  If so, I will make him a wrap.  It's my 'go to' now.

Stew made his own wrap.  And he called it a 'Thin Crust Pizza'... cos it sounded better than a wrap.
Funny man.

Signing off now.  Too quiet on here.


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    We discovered a puncture in one of our tyres while it was in our garage recently. We are members of the AA as well so we called them but he couldn't get the tyre off (nuts too tight or something). He called for a load loader which arrived very quickly and they took the car to the tyre place. Amazing service and makes you realise that it is worth paying the subscription every year. He even gave my husband a lift so that he could drive the car home after they fitted a new tyre. Audrey

  2. I didn't realize you were within walking distance of a school, especially one with a grand-kiddo in it. That's convenient! It's great that you are close and can help out with the granddies and spend time with them too. So many families are living so FAR from each other.

  3. Maybe you could teach Liam to see. A good life skill, will keep him occupied and it will be a cool memory for him to have of the time he got to hang with you 😁

  4. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Both of those runners look great, you are so talented Chris. I read you blog most days, so thank you for blogging.
    Cheers, Katrina,
    ACT, Australia

  5. Very pretty! Hardly anyone comments on my blog anymore. I know at least one of my kids reads it though lol

  6. OH! I think he could sew! Help him make a pillowcase or t-shirt bag (out of a too small favorite). That would be brilliant.


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