Saturday, April 22, 2023


Not sure yet.
I am getting up in a minute and looking out the window.
IF it looks semi-OK, we will pack the car and head off at 7 am.

I set everything up late last night in readiness to go, so we don't have too much to do if we do go.

ABOVE:  In my house!  I can grow mushrooms.
Or toadstools.  Either way, how funky.
Don't think I'll cook it.

Gosh we are not getting a break from damn wet weather are we?  We had a super wet Spring, then a non existent, Sopping WET Summer, and now?
Yet more rain.

I am so goddam over it!
If it's pissing down out there, I'm going back to bed.

...7.15 am. ..its drizzling. So we are going. I just hope the drizzle doesn't turn into Thunderstorms. 

All set up and it's 9 am.
The weather is very mish mash. The drizzle eased for a while, but its now starting to RAIN.
We will have to hang everything on racks to dry when we get home.

I'm thinking we should have stayed in bed.

12 noon. This market is DEAD AS A DODO. 
And we have 3 hours to go.  
There's just no one here to speak of.

ABOVE: Spot the crowds. Oh hold on... there ain't any.

ABOVE: Absolutely no children on the rides.

I went shopping online..

ABOVE: I've ordered a zippered front wall for our gazebo. Its so necessary in this sort of weather.

ABOVE: I hope it arrives before our next wet market.

ABOVE: Thank goodness I'd bought some cheap, lightweight plastic sheets to cover our stuff. If not, everything would be sopping wet.

I haven't mentioned sales today. There were a couple of little sales early on.. then nothing for ages.  Just now we made a few more sales and it's looking like an average day! Very surprised we even covered the stall fee.

We will be packing up early today, everyone is. Its not worth sitting here on our own! Lol

We had been told no one was to pack up early and leave before 3 pm by the Organisers of the market some time ago.
But this afternoon they came around to every stall and said we could go early due to the weather.
So we packed up an hour early.  We got home at 3 pm, instead of 4 pm like we anticipated.

We are home and all unpacked now, and OMG so tired!
Tomorrow we will be putting the gazebo up on the driveway to dry it out... it's supposed to be fine for the next few days.
Isn't that so typical?!

Next Saturday's market is looking to be a fine day.  AND a Cambridge Church market ... so it should be a good one.
I hope.

Now... I am thinking it's a bit late in the day for a nap, so I might just sit here and DO NOTHING.

ABOVE:  Am I comfy?  Why YES, yes I am.

8.20 pm:  And guess what?
I'm off to bed!  Yep, I'm knackered and just want to sleep.
So... catch ya tomorrow.
Not too early.  I'm going to sleep in!


  1. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Your forecast does not look good. Hopefully the radar is wrong and it dries up.

  2. I hope the weather clears and you have a gtreat day

  3. Kiwionholidays10:14 AM

    Hopefully as I am reading this a lot later than you posted the suns out for you and the sales are good
    Enjoying reading each day what’s going on in the Mighty Waikato and other places we love to hear about ,
    Take care

    Cheers 🥂

  4. Oh crud, what a bummer.

  5. Ohhhh that’s a shame with the weather I do hope you have to set everything up again at home to dry out and air out before packing away?
    I’m in Tauranga helping that friend pack and unpack we are down to the last room but I have no MOJO and drinking teenagers last night I’ve had less than 2 hours sleep. So hanged and crabby.

  6. Anonymous2:00 PM

    That must have been so frustrating, especially after the week you've had. I hope you and Stew get home and get dry and into your recliners to put your feet up. :-) Ky Girl

  7. Bugger!! It been a lovly day here

  8. Such a shame 😔

  9. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Best thing for you after a day in wet weather. Rest. It's sad your day wasnt busier bit I hope next week will be. Love your blog. Kj

  10. Hello? Have you gone missing?


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