Friday, March 10, 2023


 Something seems to have clicked in place... and I'm on a roll.

I've decided to have another 'Mall Walk' this morning.

This exercise buzz is great.  Even walking on my own isn't bothering me any more.  I love being in the mall... all those lovely shops!  LOL.

NOT that I'm shopping, but hey, close enough.

And if I need anything from the supermarket, there's one right in the mall.  HANDY.

So that's where I will be this morning.  Then I'll come home and work on that Nautical Panel.

Doing exercise in the morning is GREAT... it's a good way to start the day, and it kills most of the morning.  I hope I keep it up.  

Totally up to me of course.  I've been here before, but I think it's more important to look out for my health, now that I'm that much older.

You have to stop taking your health for granted eh?

OH and I've just remembered that I'm due for my next quarterly HbA1c blood test.  I might do that today too.

I am keen to see if my number has gone down significantly again?  I  hope I've had another decent drop, though it won't be as HUGE as my last one I'm sure.  (But only because it was MASSIVELY HIGH last year) 

11 am:  And I just got home.  And dammit!
I forgot to do the blood test while I was out, so I'll do that after lunch now.

By the time I got outta bed I really didn't feel like walking, I was tired!
But I went.

ABOVE: Because the weather was very overcast and coolish, I decided to walk around the perimeter of the mall a couple of times.  That was lovely, even though it stared to rain half way around.  
I got a bit wet, so then I went and did one full lap of the top and bottom of the interior of the mall too.

ABOVE: It wasn't as long of a walk today, but still enough to feel like I'd done something.
Any exercise is good.
I use MAP MY RUN to record my walks, cos I like to see the word RUN.... cos I never run!  lol

ABOVE: The 'exterior loop' of Chartwell Square.

I did a small grocery grab while in the mall.  Mostly some fresh and frozen veges.
When I got home I put together a Chicken and Vege bake, and it's now in the oven.  Lunch is sorted.
I'm trying to change up what I've been having for my lunch.  Trying to incorporate more veges.

I wanted to buy a cauliflower this morning, but there were really small and $8 each.  I was like hell no!
Stew still buys fresh cauliflower, I bought frozen.  I'm sure it will be just as good, and at $3.50 much cheaper.

LYNNEY62: Thank you!  I am feeling so much better.  The past 2+ years have been rough because of family issues, and the death of my Mum, but I'm coming out the other side of all that stress now.
Deciding to NOT let other people's issues upset me has been a game changer.  
De-stressing my life, and eliminating certain people from my life has been the best thing ever.

ABOVE:  Done.  And that was by far the worse blood test I've had in years.  It stung like hell, I felt sick and dizzy and even now, 20 minutes later, my arm is still stinging.
But hopefully worth it when the results are in.
Which probably won't be until at least Monday now.

10.10 pm:  me arm feels ok now, thank goodness.
Had some left overs for dinner.  Stew enjoyed his serving of Chicken and Vege bake, it was a great success.
Time to sign off for the day, so I'll catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Absolutely correct about it being more about health. For years we focused on the number and size but now it's all about feeling good and being healthy (well for me anyway). Enjoy your mall walk :)

  2. Chris, you sound so different about sound happy, positive, excited, encouraged, eager and very "smiley"! It's wonderful!!! It makes me smile too!!

    1. Reply on blog. But.. Thank YOU!

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I find it is easier to do something every day, to develop a routine/schedule, than to try to remember to do it occasionally. And it does not have to be the same thing, the same intensity or the same duration. It just had to be something and regular. My guess is that it feels very social to just be out and about other people and have different scenery.

    I think it is great you have figured out how to remove yourself from other people’s issues. I did that almost 40 years ago and it made a huge difference in my life. Hopefully that has lead to more pleasant conversations in your life too.


  4. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Isn’t it funny how people are so different. I am very much a morning person, up at 6am, walk/jog 10 k’s every day, then go to gym for cardio/weight lifting. In saying that I have 5 kilos to lose, and have for ten freaking years. This is just my routine, not bragging. I hate walking with people, I love my own company but I also am very social, I love people, but they slow me down in the morning. Good on you Chris but we are quite different and I don’t have any judgement on what others should do, I am very aware of health though, except those effing five kilos (I love wine/bubbly). Marie, Melbourne

  5. So happy for you now that you are ‘getting in the groove’. Sometimes it just takes time

  6. Hey Chris, it is so good to see you in the zone! I agree, our health is so important and worth prioritising. You are inspiring me xxx

  7. Anonymous3:27 PM

    What a wonderful walk you had today. That is amazing. I am a slug, keep it up, you're doing great!! Ky Girl

  8. Did u have a recipe for chicken vege bake or was it just a Chris creation?


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