Thursday, January 19, 2023


I'm being a totally lazy tart, and am having my oven professionally cleaned today.
I could do it myself but just don't want to.

Cleaning the oven is an utter shit job, and for once I decided to get someone in to do it for me.

So, she is coming at around 9 am this morning to spray the cleaner on, then will come back in a couple of hours to do the actual clean.

Yaaaaa.... can't wait.  

I saw a cute toy on Facebook a while ago, and asked Bex if she could make it for me.  So she did.

ABOVE:  Meet KERMIT.  He's adorable.  Not quite completed yet, he's got shorts and a rubber ducky to come.  Oh and a fish hanging from the end of his 'rod'.  The fishing rod was Bex's idea, on top of the original pattern.

You are never too old for a new soft toy!

Today I don't really have any plans.  I don't need to sew anything right now, the house is tickety boo, household jobs are up to date and so on.

So... let's just wait and see.  Might just be a jig saw day!  

Oh I have thought of something... it's a question for you.
Q.:  Have any of you had a dog that suddenly starts eating dirt?  Moss, little stones, fluff off the carpet and so on???
In the past month Coco has been eating all of the above every day and then vomiting it back ... all over the place. 
It's gross.
I was worried she was sick, but seriously, she seems just fine.  
She has never done this before.
Has anyone had a dog do this???

9.44 am:  And the day is going very well.
All me jobs are done, the oven lady has been and sprayed the oven and will be back in a couple of hours.

My jig saw is coming along nicely.

I've blocked Coco from accessing dirt (for now).  My plan to allow her out the front is on hold, as that's where she is getting most of the dirt from.
My quandary with taking her to a Vet is that I know 100% what he/she will say.
- Either mineral/nutrient deficient - let's do lots of expensive blood tests to see shall we?  Ca ching, ca ching $$$.
-Or... anxiety.
And as she is showing signs of anxiety (whining and whimpering) for no apparent reason, so I'm thinking that is the more likely reason.
I have checked her all over and there is nothing of any concern about her body or ears/mouth etc.  
It's not nice when you don't want to go to the vet because you have been ripped off before.
The last vet I took Coco to was awful, saying she needed to do this/that and the other thing, and gimme $1,800 for doing that OK?
Like clean her teeth?  Do plaque removal.  Pull some teeth. Keep her in overnight,  bla bla bla.   NONE of that was necessary I might add.  I'd taken Coco in for ear ache!
And the bitch charged me $140 for a bottle of ear drops and sterile water.  WATER!  Yep.
So maybe just restricting her access to dirt (for now) will have to do.  IF she develops any other worrying issues, I will of course take her to a vet.  But maybe NOT the one we went to last time.
That woman was only out to rip me off.
Well that turned into a bit of a rant ... 😂😆😉

I might head into me sewing room... and sit still.

ABOVE:  That was, hands down, the best money spent in a while!
My oven is gorgeous again... Alicia did an amazing job.
Now I'm gunna have to go buy a new oven liner... so it doesn't get quite so bad again.

They just had a swim.  LOUDLY.

And not much else has happened today.
Very quiet once the kids left.
Stew got home and went to the local pub for an hour to catch up with his mate Richard.  I picked him up when he was ready to come home.
Dinner was just crackers 'n' cheese.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Hi Chris, it’s Magpie from Melbourne Aus. I just googled about Cocoa eating dirt, it’s probably a good idea to take her to the vet, in case she is lacking in some nutrients.

  2. Bex's Kermit is fantastic. I wish I could crochet like her. You've got talent girl!

  3. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Coco - that is such a “puppy” thing to do, is her mind going and she is reverting? Vitamin deficiency?


  4. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I get a “boy” to clean my oven, charges $80 to clean it better than I could. Only thing is he has a plumbers cleavage but I can deal Marie, Melbourne

  5. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Lack of nutrients or anxiety. If you are worried, best to take her to the vet. Our dog (a labrador) ate grass and dirt in the Redwood forest but not in the garden - never find out the difference. She once started to eat a dead possum before we noticed. Audrey

  6. Love the Kermit. Bex does a great job. No idea about the dirt eating pup.

  7. Anonymous10:28 AM

    You could maybe ring the SPCA for the name of a vet - they work with vets who care about the animals more than the dollars. Will you still let Marley out the front, if you do that could increase Coco's anxiety (if it is anxiety) even more) Audrey

  8. My mom had a dog that liked to eat little rocks. Totally messed up his digestive system later in life. The Kermit is SO cute!

  9. Anonymous11:32 AM

    OH MY GOD! Kermit is my kinda soft toy!!! Re Coco, dogs will do that if they've eaten something that gives them a tummy upset or have a tummy upset. Mine do it, and in fact, one did it just this weekend. However, because she is a repeat offender, and she's been anxious, please take her to the vet. There could be something underlying that is giving her an upset tummy and causing her discomfort. Find another vet if you need to, ask around for recommendations, but please do so. They can't tell us when they're upset or in pain, they can only exhibit different behaviours, which I think Coco is doing. Hugs x

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Sorry, Chris, I forgot google only wants me to post anonymously now! It's Colleen! :)

  10. OMG! That rant is NOTHING compared to my vet stories. The worst one resulted in the horrific death of my yellow lab, Buddy. NEVER give your dog Rimadyl. EVER. I brought my dog in for arthritis/ being a little stiff. I am usually too "poor" to go to the vet for such things. But, Buddy was a good dog and we bit the bullet and brought him in. Dead a week later. Not to mention the $$$$ and IV's and all the other shit while he was dying of Liver Failure as a result of the meds. Keep Coco out of the dirt and keep an eye on her.
    I still refuse to use the Rimadyl clipboard they hand me for filling out paperwork at the vet. I think they got rid of it now.

  11. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Nawh, Kermit is supa cute… ‘N mite go missing lol “winks”

    1. You can get ya beady eyes OFF my Kermit.... Amanda!

  12. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Owwww Kermit is gorgeous, I love him.

  13. Kermit is so cute great job, Bex is so talented. BEEN A WEEK FROM HELL. Dad passed away early hours Tuesday morning thankfully not having a service or any thing the small gathering we have got is getting bigger by the seconnd

    1. So sorry to hear that Felicity. {{{Hugs}}}

  14. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Bex is like a daughter to you. She is excellent at her craft and has a heart of gold. You are so fortunate. Kermit is awesome. Kj


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