Friday, December 30, 2022


Steve is coming back today to finish off the gate/fence out the front.
I'm thrilled to bits with how it already looks.

Yesterday afternoon my Christmas present from Mike and Joyce arrived in the post.

ABOVE: I have the same rugby shirt as Stew.  I love it very much.  Thanks kiddos, you ROCK.

Lunch time today I am off to Melville to weight in at WW.  Not sure what the scales will say... I'm unsure.  Might be a small gain?

Time will tell, and if it is a gain, it's not the end of the world.  My 2023 aim is to lose a kilo a month.  Small losses I can maintain.  Huge losses?  NOPE.
Slow and steady wins the war.

And that's me for now... catch ya later.

10.30 am:  Stew and I had a nice, leisurely start today.  Stayed in bed till 8.30 in fact.
Now the guys are back out there, doing the fence panels, then it will be DONE!

ABOVE:  The first panel (on the right) is on, and Stew is working on preparing the ground over by the letterbox for the panel that goes on that side.
Steve meanwhile is working on putting the final panel on the right up.  
I had a sneak peek at the scales this morning... NOT looking too bad!  I'm hoping the WW scales concur.
I get to DRIVE through our new gates today.  I'm just a little excited about that.

ABOVE:  There ya go... it's finished.  And that's a huge load off Steve's mind.
He has been well aware of how much I wanted it done, and how impatient I am.
I think I did rather well by NOT nagging him every other day for the past few months.

Weight Watchers... well that was a surprise!

And that's with me having a very lovely Christmas lunch, and three helpings of Trifle over three days!
BUT... NO SNACKING.  And that's what did it.
Sensible eating, modest portions, good choices.

FELICITY:  Like, HELL NO will I be joining Stew in watching sports.  Slap yourself upside the head for even THINKING it!  😂😅😆

For the first time in about 2.5 years Stew has joined his mates at the local pub!  I hope he's having a good time.  About time he started socialising with his Hamilton mates again.

Meanwhile, I stayed home and shaved me legs (lost a kilo I'm sure! 😂)... gosh that's such an old joke.  And then I just sat and watched some telly.
Very peaceful.  

After I'd picked Stew up from the pub we came home and ordered Pizza to be delivered.
It wasn't very good pizza.  Shame.

Now... bedtime.  It's been a long, hot, productive day.  💙💚💜


  1. Kiwionholidays9:22 AM

    Wow the Rugby shirt is fabulous
    The colours n pattern Wow ,They really suit you Chris,,

    Well done Mike and Joyce

    Have a fab day
    Cheers 🥂

  2. Colours of shirt r truely you Chris next thing u will be watch the sports on the telly with Stew

    1. You made me smile Chris with your comment not easy task these days

  3. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Looks great, the guys did a nice job. Enjoy the breeze wafting through your home. Ky Girl

  4. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Great weight loss Chris. Marie, Melbourne

  5. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Your fence/gate is lovely! How useful!

  6. Love the gate and the shirt. Gallagher makes a great product. Congratulations on the weight loss. I am so pleased for you. It is well deserved.

  7. Woohooooo you rocking the weight loss….well done to you 👏
    Love the gate, great job Steve and Stew.

  8. The fence looks awesome. And well done on a 2kg weight loss, over Christmas that is fantastic. I know where its gone, you gave it to me! hahaha :) Krissy

  9. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Gate looks really good...doggies look happy...well done on the weight loss...Peta

  10. Well done on the weight loss and the fence, it looks fantastic.

  11. The fence looks so nice, the dogs are like what is this trickery lol.


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