Saturday, September 03, 2022


 A few photos of the garden:

ABOVE:  This little corner had two hydrangeas transplanted there last summer, and I thought they had both died.
But one has come away again, so that's neat.  But there needs to be more there, so I'm tossing up between another hydrangea or some succulents.  Hmmmm?

ABOVE:  I am so proud of this area, to think just a year ago it was just a bloody mess!  A pergola with grapevine, masses of rocks and a rubbish dump site.
It is so much easier to keep nice and tidy now that it's just lawn.

ABOVE:  The succulents in this pot have quadrupled in size in just a year too.

ABOVE: What a difference a concrete driveway makes to our entrance.  And no pond is a huge improvement too.

Now all we have to do is add the gate, and a few plants in gaps and it's DONE.
Well... famous last words probably, cos I can always find something needing doing! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰

AN OUTING:  there's an FBG get together at lunch time today.  I'm going ... all going well.

Right... time to get a move on and do the washing, bla bla bla.

10.47 am:  We went out this morning and spent a small fortune on soaker hoses for the gardens!

It means I won't have to spend so much time out there watering the gardens over summer now.

And any new plants will get plenty of water and not DIE.

Talking of new plants, we also went here:

ABOVE:  Wairere Nursery, and bought a cherry tree and two lavender bushes to fill the gaps in the front gardens.

I will probably put the hydrangeas I'm cultivating into other spots in the front gardens too.

It's certainly starting to feel more like spring. There were heaps of people at the plant nursery getting stocked up with spring plantings.

There is NO sign of the predicted thunderstorm!  That's nice.  It will probably arrive tomorrow... when we want to be out in the garden again. πŸ˜•

I'm now going to get myself ready for the FBG Spring Get Together.  I'm expecting to see lots of happy faces.

4.40 pm:  The FBG get together was very nice.  I left early as they were about to do a scrapbooking exercise, not something I wanted to do.

Got home in time to 'help' Stew plant our new shrubs and tree.  More on that tomorrow.

Steve, Bex and the boys arrived mid afternoon and they are providing dinner.  Pizzas.  Yum.

7.15 pm:  Dinner is done, it was very nice.

I've had some wine... now all I feel like doing is sleeping!  

The guys are watching rugby... I hope the All Blacks win and regain some dignity.

Signing off... catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Hey Chris, not sure that little hydrangea is in the right spot. While it’s a small photo and I can’t see the bigger picture, it looks like it’s in full sun. They don’t like full sun, they like morning sun then shade. I love a day in the garden however we’re in an apartment for two years which I hate. Marie, Melbourne

  2. Well done on the garden work ... great team work there! Looking fantastic!

  3. Anonymous3:35 PM

    That side garden is fabulous with luscious green grass - it's amazing how it has transformed from a year ago - such a good idea to do it - obviously it was a lot of effort at the time but it looks so good. And what about the concrete driveway after that little bit of hell you went through with the bitumen - I hope that bituman guy went bankrupt on his hideous work. I'm going to say succulents if you want something low maintenance. Have a good day - we are having rain here again suprise suprise and possibly another year of rain from La Nina. Maria(Australia)

  4. Anonymous3:49 PM

    So I am early reading and posting today. Now a little while ago you apologised for only talking about sewing etc - but I come back the next day and there's all these extra posts that I keep missing!!! But I do like how you go to the trouble of posting in different colours - I thankyou very muchly for that effort - much appreciated because I can catch up very easily. Lol small things amuse small minds - I'm having a craptola time with a sister-in-law so I really enjoy reading your sewing updates. My mum was a beautiful sewer but I didn't inherit that gene I have had some royal stuff ups when I have attempted to sew. I find lots of stuff at op shops though - (clothes I mean) but I really admire people who have the sewing skill just wanted to tell ya how happy it makes us to see someone with such creative flair. Weird hey. Maria(Australia)

  5. Kiwionholidays7:20 PM

    Fabulous pics of the gardens and the effort with Team Harvey πŸ•ΊπŸΏπŸ’―

    Enjoy the pizzas and the πŸ‰πŸ’―

    Have a relaxing evening, well earned ✅
    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  6. Your yard and house always look so nice and tidy!

  7. Yard looks grand.


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