Wednesday, July 27, 2022


Sorry folks, but it's going to be more of the same today.
Once I have done the minimal housekeeping I need to do, I plan on sewing all day.

I had thought of going to an FBG walk in Cambridge, but knowing my luck it will get cancelled due to rain.

RAIN.  OMG I feel like it hasn't stopped for weeks now.  We certainly are having a WET winter!  Probably means a damn dry and hot summer coming.
I can't win.  Though I still prefer winter to summer any day.

ABOVE:  My lips are sealed, because I choose to keep knowledge to myself from now on.

That was just a wee vent.  Ya need them sometimes.

And yes, this mornings walk was cancelled.  So glad I didn't get up too early!
I've already been sewing for almost 3 hours.
I took a break and went to Spotlight for more thread, and the dogs went for a play date with Bex.

They will get picked up at lunchtime, when I go over there for lunch.  Forcing myself to have food at a more decent time of the day, instead of mid afternoon, then missing out on dinner.

ABOVE:  DONE.  And I believe sold too.
I'm now knackered.
Dinner is in the oven.  Roast Chicken and veges.
Should be good.

ABOVE:  The girls had a lovely visit with Bex.  But they did choose to come home with me.  Nice girls.

8.40 pm:  Well dinner was OK, but meh.  Think tomorrow we are having pizza.  😋😊
We are now just chilling out and relaxing till bedtime.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Please tell me I was lucky enough to get FBG RUNNER number two 😁 x

    1. There will be two to choose from. I will make sure you get one!

  2. I hear ya, re the rain. I feel like the last two years here have been wet. So wet. Floods, rain, cold. I haven't had a decent summer vacation over Christmas for the last 3 years!

  3. Nemmaline11:47 AM

    So glad that you are back blogging. I missed your blog and news over that month. And fantastic that you haven’t had any troll comments since you have returned. Fingers crossed that they stay away.

  4. Lots and lots of rain here today too.

  5. Flooding and winds have played havoc here and snow in Twizel which has meant my parents planned trip up for a visit has been put off until weather Improves or the house move which ever comes first

  6. I love those FBG runners, you are very talented Chris.

  7. Peak of summer heat here! I'll be sending the heat your way shortly.


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