Thursday, March 03, 2022



ABOVE:  All together now  ...

"You look dreadful!"

And I feel dreadful.

I really hope today I take a turn for the better cos I'm kinda over this now.

My chest feels tight and heavy now.  Not too bad, but worth noting I suppose.  Just shit changing and evolving.

If you've been reading this blog for a while, you will know that when I get a cough, I end up vomiting as well.

YEAH.  That's started as well.  Kill me now.

I got a phone call from our Medical Centre yesterday afternoon.  I forgot to mention it then.

They had been notified by MOH that I was a positive case. So they rang to check up on me.  They asked how I was feeling, if I needed any help with anything, did I need any medications and so on,  and gave me a direct line to a Doctor 24/7.

That impressed me.  

Griffin rang me last night, he's now been classed as a 'close contact' of someone (not us), so he's off this morning to get a RAT too.

Gosh is sure seems to be going around rapidly.

I hope he tests negative of course.

Right, I'm gunna roll over and try to get some more rest.  I have not slept well and feel like shit.

10.30 am:  I'm finally out of bed.  It was a rough night.  My throat was on fire, razor blades when I coughed.  Just generally horrible.
But 'JULIE', I'm sure I deserve it right?

Bex called in and is getting us (and Lacy) some supplies.  I threw cash out the window... covered in Sanitiser!  Lucky our notes are made of plastic πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜†.

ABOVE:  This came in the mail yesterday.  I can clearly remember the man taking photos of our letterbox, we were outside talking to people under our tree at the time.  
Now I know why he was taking the photos.
I wasn't going to buy one of the books, but Stew wants to.  So looks like we are getting one.

3.30 pm:  And our Covid numbers keep rising alarmingly.  And the number of people in hospital and ICU is climbing rapidly too.
Such a worry.  I hope we reach the peak and start to drop numbers soon.

As for me?  Much the same as previous days, maybe slightly worse.  But I'm not alarmed at all.  The nurse who rang me yesterday said I had about 3 days more of escalating symptoms before they started to ease up, I just didn't want to believe her!

ABOVE:  The girls were very excited to see Bex this morning... lucky they don't have the nerve to jump out the window.  Shih Tzus don't jump too well!

ABOVE:  Something 'new' in the rockery.  It's Lacy's junk.  Looks nice there though.

ABOVE:  And there's the tart herself, stuck in her Studio.  She can only walk through the garage and use the family bathroom now... we have closed off the rest of the house for just Stew and I.  No mixing and mingling going on here.

I can't go into the garage unless I spay the whole room with OUST, which is a 99.9% anti viral/bacterial spray.  Anything I touch I wipe down with sanitiser too.

We are being super careful we don't give it to Lacy or anyone else.

So far so good.  Stew is still symptom free.  If he gets it after a week or so, that means we are locked down for even longer.  Such a pain.

I remember 30+ years ago, one of our kids got Chicken Pox.  Because it was highly infectious, we couldn't go near Stew's Mum as she was going through Chemotherapy.

We had 5 kids at that time ... and they got Chicken Pox one after the other... so we had Chicken Pox for around 4 months.  It was a nightmare!

I hope we don't end up with a similar scenario with Covid and the rest of our family!

DANG!  I was just reading some info on Covid and Isolation rules.
Seems the day I tested positive was DAY 0.  So I am now technically on Day 3, not 4.  Bloody hell.
A whole day more to add to the isolation.

edit: And, as Marlene said, I had symptoms before I took the test.... so I'm gunna say I'm on Day 4 today.  so there.

Tonight we had a beef stew that Stew put in the crock pot this morning.  I was very nice, but hurt my throat something rotten.
I might switch to ice cream, custard and mousse!

That will be 'difficult'.... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‹.

Right, that's about it for today.

Fingers crossed for a better day tomorrow.


  1. If someone can get you a pulse oximeter to check your oxygen levels that is a good idea. That is where we got in trouble with my son, wish we would have been checking it earlier.

  2. I am sorry to say this... But -you look worse today. Keep that doctor number handy in case you need it. And don't be afraid to get checked out. Tightness in chest and coughing is a bit more worrisome than red eyes and fatigue. I am concerned about my favorite blogger!!!

  3. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I am sorry you still feel so poorly. Are you reclining in a sitting up position or laying totally prone? I worry about your lungs and fluids in them...I know I always feel better at an incline vs prone.

    Best wishes to you!!

    Ky Girl

  4. Assuming you have omicron, you call well imagine how very sick the delta people were. My across the street neighbor, a young mom, and her preschool son were both hospitalized for months in early 2020 and it took her a year to recover fully.

    If you think you need to be on a nebulizer, call doctor. My memory is respiratory stuff hits you very hard, and your diabetes/weight adds risk, you may need the antiviral. The people we know who have needed it, said it helped a lot very quickly.

  5. Poor sausage, I hope you feel better soon. Just keep resting & maybe get some Lucuzade or similar to sip on.

  6. I agree about having an oximeter. We bought one a few weeks ago in anticipation of needing it. It will read your oxygen levels to make sure you are OK. Once covid affects your breathing/lungs you need to be careful and make sure you do phone that doctor if you feel you are any worse.

  7. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Wow you do look like shit Chris, but I guess what goes around comes around aye...


    1. Really "Julie" piss off ... πŸ™„ honestly some people need to stop causing drama for no reason. Get a farking life

      Enjoy your cheese cake πŸ’™πŸ’™

    2. If that is the case "Julie"you should be in for a shit ton of karma after that bitchy comment. Clearly your life is not fulfilling if you have time to troll blogs.

    3. just to clarify this wasn't me lol

    4. Not for even a nano second did I think it was you Julie! The person no doubt used a fake name... happens all the time.

    5. Well said Bex and Julie

    6. And the fake names all have terrible spelling. They must think they are so smart.

    7. What Tracy said ^^^ Honestly , what is wrong with some people 😑

    8. Hey… Doucewinkle.
      Go leave ya mouth at the queens gate.
      Daughter #1 - Team Harvey.

  8. Leeann10:44 AM

    Sorry but no way that little book is worth $45 what a scam hope you don't fall for it.

  9. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Hi I hope you feel better soon.....the book looks interesting...

    Cheers Peta

  10. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Have you tried putting a test of Manuka honey in your mouth and let it dribble down your throat. This was the only relief I got from strepthroat years ago. I feel for you Chris. You don't needvthis. Hope you get more rest. Love and πŸ«‚ kj

  11. Hugs and get better soon wishes.

  12. Hope you are feeling much better soon Chris.

  13. I think the book looks interesting! I'd probably buy it just as a novelty. And I know you love unusual things!!!!!!

  14. I hope you feel better soon mum πŸ’™

  15. Awwww big hugs to you rest rest rest good to hear doctors phoning. It’s a definate worry take care much love x

  16. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Hope you feel better soon!!! Sarah (Melba)

  17. If my awesome mailbox was in a book, of course I would buy it!
    How are you feeling? Did you get yourself to a doctor yet? Sounds like you are getting worse with the addition of a sore throat and cough.
    Thinking of you and send healthy vibes!

    1. I'm not allowed to leave the property! If I need anything it will be delivered to my door. NO CONTACT allowed. I'm feeling much the same, except my throat is much worse.

  18. Keep your fluids up 🍺🍺 ohhh okay I'll do it for ya πŸ˜‰ how's Stew doing? πŸ’™πŸ’™

    1. I'm doing it for Ma as well lol 🍺 🍺 even tho we all know she is not really a drinker hehe.

      #TheAwesomnessInTheStudio πŸ₯°πŸ’™

    2. He's still symptom free. Might not last though, he does live and sleep with me afterall!

    3. YUSS with ya there Lacy 🀣🀣 we're the same chick one gets it you would think the other would too πŸ’™πŸ’™

  19. Hey its not junk lol that lovely piece is lucky to have survived this long around me lol, but I took a instant liking to it, and it holds the few bits of Mate's 🐎 stuff on it πŸ˜„

    #TheAwsomenessInTheStudio πŸ₯°πŸ’™

    1. Anonymous10:56 PM

      loving your new title Lacy!

  20. Hope you starting feeling better soon Chris. You day 0 is when you started to have symptoms or when you had a test whichever was first. If I remember right you had symptoms before your test so Day 4.

    1. Yep... so I've adjusted me days accordingly. (AGAIN)

  21. No, if Stew gets it you are not locked down past your 10 days. As long as you are well and test negative you can leave but Stew must do his ten days. Here is the info off the Covid19 website:

    "If someone else in your household tests positive, you do not need to restart your isolation period. You can complete your isolation at the same time as the first person in your household who had COVID-19 if:

    your day 10 test was negative
    you have no new or worsening symptoms."

  22. Thinking of you Chris and hope you are feeling much better soon x

  23. Horrible, horrible. Get well quickly. Lotsa love from Greece

  24. Hopefully you will start to feel better soon. Take care.

  25. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Hi Chris, I hope you're feeling better today.
    I also wanted to suggest that you buy a pulse oximeter, it will tell you if your blood oxygen levels start to drop and that's the time to go to the hospital if that should happen.
    Also, buy yourself an air cleaner/purifier. Those things are magic and will clean the air and kill viruses which is what you want. I run mine whenever people come to visit (I don't care if I look paranoid LOL) and so far, none of us have caught Covid again. We caught it right at the beginning of the pandemic on a visit to San Francisco USA towards the end of 2019 and I have no wish to catch the disease again as it left me with right lung damage.


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