Monday, February 21, 2022


For the first time this summer, our pool went cloudy.  I forgot to put chlorine in it and turn the pump on for two days.... and boom!

A light green pool yesterday morning.

I was gutted.

ABOVE:  I took that photo last night, after I'd bombed the pool with chlorine and Anti-Algae.  I hope it's looking better later on today, after I've run the pump this morning.

ABOVE:  The little bridge that was over the pond finally found a new home.
Stew put it in the back garden, behind some shrubs. It can be seen easily.  I put the old boats on top of it.  It's filled up an otherwise dead area.

ABOVE:  Marley was so adorable yesterday, lying with her sloth toy.
She just loves her toys... she has a favourite, until it is eaten (by her) or just falls to bits.
At the moment her love is the sloth.  (photos NOT staged!)

ABOVE:  But, she is a little bit fickle.  Steve comes FIRST when he's around!  Our dogs just love him so much.
I think it's cupboard love though.  He feeds them tidbits.

I'm happy that today I am off on an FBG 20/20 walk in THE EVENING!  No more early morning starts for me.
Well, I hope not.

I'm hoping the New Concept Walks take off and become a regular thing within the FBG framework.
It will suit so many of us who no longer feel up to trying to complete the Urban Challenge, or just find walk distances or pace do not suit them.
It's something to look forward to today.

Stew will be back working in the office this week, so it's back to normal for me.
First up... get the washing on, then tidy up the house, attend to the pool, etc.
Catch ya later.

I know of people who are screaming and yelling  about protecting themselves from Covid, and don't send their kids to school, don't go to places with crowds of people... because it's all too risky!  They tell everyone their health is compromised, they are vulnerable people. 

And then they go to the protest in Wellington!  Where there's over a thousand people milling around, no social distancing, no mask wearing, and MOST of them are unvaccinated to boot.

Talk about double standards.  Hypocrites.  Bull shit artists to the extreme.  

And TODAY 'someone' said he's not scared of getting Covid, yet they have been trying to keep a kid home from school so it doesn't catch Covid and give it to them?  WTF?

Make up your fucking mind.  You don't want to catch Covid from a kid who goes to school.... but you are NOT SCARED of catching Covid?  Which one is it ya fucking moron.

Meanwhile in La La Land... I've been tending to the pool for two hours.  Trying to get the Ph levels right, and scoop out more of the leaves that got blown into it during last weeks storm.
The debris is not helping correct the levels I reckon.  Right, back to it.

I do not usually publicly state how I feel about Politics, Religion, etc, but today....

YES!  Finally our Police force are taking decisive action to curtail the protestors in Wellington!  About time I say.  They have the right to protest of course, but to disrupt, harass, trespass, deface our War Memorial, threaten to kill, spread misinformation, take no Covid precautions and god knows what else?  NOT ON people.
Hopefully the new concrete barricades do their job and the protestors leave.

ABOVE:  Why yes MAGPIE... I do have steam coming out my ears!
Bed hair and I don't care!

WOO HOO.... the pool is finally starting to come right.  I've probably got ONE more tweak of the 'Ph Up' to go, and it will be perfect again.  I hate it when the pool is not right.

ABOVE:  After 3.5 hours.... the levels are perfect.
The pump has been on for hours and it's almost 100% clear again.

I've been doing housework all morning, on top of working on the pool.  It's now time to take a break and just relax.

I have to sort out dinner for Stew next.  He can eat his dinner while I go walking in Cambridge this evening.

Hmmm... some healthy debate going on here.  Not too much though, thankfully.  I don't want or need to go to 'war' over this.  I respect your opinion, and you respect mine.  End of Story.

*Some comments have not been published due to their inflammatory/aggressive nature.  To call me a 'Nazi' is DISGUSTING* 

I just had the most wonderful swim with Bex and the boys.  The pool is still slightly off colour, but that will come right in a day or two.
It is just so calming to get in and cool down, let the day's shit flow out of ya and just enjoy the cool water.
Splashy boys?  Didn't even mind them.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š

It's nearly 5 pm.  Time to sort out Stew's dinner, then get ready to head over to Cambridge for me walk.

ABOVE:  Well, that's another lovely walk done and dusted.  
It looked like it might rain, but luckily it held off until I was on my way home again.

There was an amazing blood red sunset tonight, but I couldn't get a photo as I was driving home from Cambridge.

So now... it's the end of the day and I'm just going to relax till bedtime.


  1. Good Monday morning :) I love that idea of the concept walk because it's so inclusive, no one is left out!

  2. There is steam coming out of your ears from the sound of how angry you are. People who say they don’t care if they get Covid are wrong. There is no guarantee that because you are vaccinated that your illness will be mild, People are too complacent, why risk getting it, becoming very ill and passing it on to others.

  3. Oh Ya, the Covid Hypocrisy is crazy. There are "anti-maskers" and.... I don't have a name for the opposite, shall we say "maskers"? But "maskers" wear masks, I am one! I wouldn't go to a protest unmasked and preach that people SHOULD wear masks.... That is a new one! I am just glad that my kid graduated (from college) right as Covid hit. So, he never had to go to school with Covid. After Spring Break in 2020 the school went online for the last few weeks. He and his girlfriend bought a house to shelter in. They use drive up shopping services. And we are all self-employed. So don't have to worry about co-workers. I still shop while masking. My husband even made some leather old-fashioned "plague masks" - with the long bendy nose (meant for adding aromatic herbs)! But, I never had the courage to wear it in public. Oh - he also made the matching hat!

  4. I agree with all you just said. I'm not anti people protesting but I'd like to understand the science a little better for our NZ situation before removing all mandates etc. I with the government would be more transparent on who is hospitalised (ie the 100 with covid in hospital, are they ill from covid or something else, we really don't know). Protest if you want but please don't let it affect others as they are clearly doing in Wellington.

  5. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I've just been talking to my USA family and watching their dogs with their toys. Gorgeous. They had to take them for a walk in the snow. Lol Steve is a lovely guy with your dogs. And the sloth lol. The protestors make me so angry. They don't represent me an most NZers. I wish one of them would get sick and teach them all it is real. Some businesses have unvaxed staff because their CEO doesn't believe in it so has carried on having unvaxxed staff at work. Smiths City being one of them! I'm so over it.

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Have you thought about what would happen to our shops and suppliers if every organisation wouldn't employ unvaxxed staff and the Omicron numbers continue to rise - New Zealand would grind to a halt. I can understand where the protestors are coming from because the vax doesn't stop you catching Covid and passing it on - as David Seymour has said there isn't much difference now between the unvaxxed, the partially vaxxed and the completely vaxxed. I do wish the protestors would wear masks though and some stop harrassing people who are wearing them - they certainly don't represent me. Audrey

    2. Moot point when the majority of our population is now vaccinated. Shops etc will not grind to a halt thanks to people CHOOSING to be vaccinated. The difference between vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated is if you do catch Covid and are vulnerable medically, you have a better chance of recovery from it if you are vaccinated. I cannot find anywhere where David Seymour states that there isn't much difference between vaxxed people and unvaxxed people. Can you send me that link?

    3. unfortunately I don't think it's a moot point. People can get Covid after double vaccination: I did. I had it in the new year. My state of NSW has an almost 96% double vax rate. Yet in the new year deliveries almost halted and shops shut down due to retail workers having Covid. Yes you can get Covid after vaccination, but it's a milder version (thankfully) and you can get Covid a second time, of course.

    4. Right. Found it. David Seymour is a flip-flopper, and will spout whatever 'works' for him at the time. He was a staunch pro-vaccinate advocate. Now he's saying it doesn't matter? What a twat. I don't agree with the Mandates, but I do believe in vaccinations helping keep our vulnerable out of hospitals or ... graves.

    5. Anonymous1:58 PM

      "In a release this morning, (yesterday) Seymour said the infection numbers of the past week by vaccination status showed little difference in the likelihood of a fully, partially, or unvaccinated person testing positive with Omicron. But he also said the data didn't mean vaccination was not useful or effective." His figures have been disputed by the experts such as Michael Baker. If vaccinated people test positive they will have to isolate and if enough people have to isolate at the same time (vaccinated or unvaccinated) it could make a huge difference to the supply chain. I still believe that mandates weren't the way to go to encourage people to vaccinate - we are 95% of eligible people vaccinated and the Government won't let unvaccinated people (with medical conditions that prevent them from having the vaccine) working from home - employer mandated in a lot of cases and not front line workers. Audrey

    6. Kristy, that is interesting information. I suppose it is possible for shops etc to close if enough of the population actually gets Covid! I always knew you could still get Covid after being vaccinated, but science suggests you won't be as sick... unless you are medically vulnerable. Bearing in mind some perfectly healthy younger people have gotten incredibly ill or died from Covid, I don't think ANYONE should become complacent about it. My opinion of course.

    7. Anonymous2:07 PM

      I agree with your comments re David Seymour as I am sure he will say whatever necessary to prevent Luxon from taking his votes but to be fair he didn't say that vaccinations weren't necessary. He was advocating RATs tests for people returning to the workforce and therefore unvaccinated people could work as well. Like you I believe in the vaccinations (not so sure about more boosters though) but personal responsibility such as masks and social-distancing will keep the vulnerable safer than vaccinations when you can still catch Omicron and be asymptomatic and pass it on without even knowing you have it. Audrey

    8. the whole thing is very scary and I was lucky to have a mild dose. Our highest number in NSW was a few weeks ago at almost 70,000 and it was just awful.

  6. Anonymous2:39 PM

    It amazes me how people are calling other people "Nazis" or "Commies" just because they have a different opinion to themselves. DISGUSTING. How can anyone possibly be both? Learn some history peeps and then understand how far removed as a democracy we are from either facists or communists. Audrey

  7. Some actual debate about mandates & protests without people calling others names (I agree with you filtering out the ones that are nasty & name calling, those sorts of comments do not add anything to the debate. How many of the nasty ones were "Anonymous"?.

    If I am honest, I think I am a bit David Seymour on it, I flip flop on what I think is best. Realistically, I know that I am now vaxxed & boosted and so IF I get Covid, hopefully I won't be too ill or require hospital treatment as the vaccine will help protect me from that. I am trying to "get on with life" to a certain extent but am also wary of being in places with lots of people or inside malls & other places indoors. A big part of that is that I work in the home of a couple with elderly and medically fragile older parents, my bosses are also not the healthiest and are susceptible, two of my closest friends have adult children who have medical issues that would put them at higher risks if they caught Covid, and one of them is also pregnant. I want to be able to see my friends and I do not want to be the one that puts any one at risk for the sake of some shopping or eating out. If we eat out we try to go to places with outdoor dining. If we are indoors we try to go when it is not busy.

    By attending a protest/sit in where there is a large group of unvaccinated, unmasked & unwilling to do anything to minimise any risks (not just of Covid but God only knows what other diseases are running rife or soon will be under those conditions) but to then use Covid as an excuse not to send the kids to school etc is just selective bullshit. It is the hypocrisy that pisses me off.

  8. If you google 'what country has the most freedom' the answer is New Zealand. I'm amazed at what a lot of the protesters are saying... some even saying they'd be more free in North Korea or Russia. Yep, I did read that the other day.

    1. Well we know where they can go, don't we?!

  9. I just want things to get better for everyone πŸ’™πŸ’™

    "let the day's shit flow out of ya"
    While in a pool?
    I'm sorry. I couldn't resist!
    I am a child at heart!

    1. Haha me too 🀣

  11. Being an essential service contractor to Zlarge Essential service providers we have to be double vaccinated and I have been wearing a mask and gloves for over 18 months.
    I did it for my son Asthmatic and my mum COPD and asthmatic and nearing 80. I did it for my great nieces 8 weeks old and 2 yrs old, I did it for my friends parents in their late 70 and 80’s. I did it to not be a burden in winter on the health system.
    I did it so all of my friends Whanau and people I love and care for I get to see and be around. Yes some highly educated people and not so educated take a different stance, unfortunately over 94% of the eligible population disagree!


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