Wednesday, February 02, 2022



Today the meeting takes place between 'K' the asphalt guy, and Stew.

Today we should find out what he's going to do about our driveway... his big balls up.

The way he was talking to Stew on the phone last week, it sounded like he was still insisting there was nothing wrong with it, apart from where the plumbers spilt the petrol, causing  stains all over it.

So I can't wait till he sees how badly it has deteriorated in the past 5 weeks or so!  Let's see him talk his way out of THAT.

I am going to 'attend' the meeting, but not say a word (if that's humanly possible!).  I will be recording every word too.

We won't know exactly when the meeting will take place, until Stew hears from 'K', and can organise a time that fits in with Stew's appointments today.

So, it's going to be a 'sit on the edge of me seat' day.  Eeeeek.  Still feeling the upset and anger from the last time I spoke with 'K' to be honest.

At least this time Stew will be doing all the talking... I'd like to see 'K' talk down to him!

Yesterday I repaired a garden ornament that had fallen to bits.

ABOVE: This lovely garden pole had several blue glass pieces in the cut outs.  All but one fell out over time.

Luckily I kept them ...

ABOVE:  I used Araldite Glue to stick them back in.  That should hold them!


ABOVE: There was a crystal suspended in the top 'gap'.  Could not find that, so I have put a cute little blue beaded bracelet in there instead.

I'm sure it will look wonderful once it's upright and in the garden again.

ABOVE:  The 'pond/not pond' after me dumping 6 loads of stones in it.  I don't think the stones from around the back will all fit in the rockery... but let's wait and see.

I will do a few more loads this morning, at least until I get tired, or the MEETING happens!

Catch ya later.

11.25 pm: And the meeting is over.
No one lost their temper.
It was all calm, polite and friendly dare I say?
K finally admitted that the asphalt mix he got for our job was defective, too course for the job etc.

He still insists the driveway will 'wear in' over time and be OK!
But, he is aware we (The Customers), are not happy with it, so he is going to fix it.

OPTION ONE:  Rip it all up, and do it all again.  He's not keen on this option, as he tried to tell us that we will end up with a 'thin' driveway that won't be as good as option two.

OPTION TWO:  He will get in a specialist who does PAVE COTE, who will pour Pave Cote over the entire driveway, sealing it all up.  No more lose stones, we won't see the joins bla bla bla.

Option One will cost HIM upwards of $20,000, of which we would still have to pay him the balance of the original quote.

Option Two would cost HIM about $4,000, and he would not expect us to pay another cent.

Hmmmmmm.   It's obvious which way he wants us to go.  $20,000 vs. $4,000 (for him).

He wants us to look at some driveways that have had Pave Cote put on top of them.  

Our biggest concern with that option is that Pave Cote over shit asphalt does not solve the fundamental problem.
The asphalt is defective.  There will still be soft spots where car tyres will sink into it.  

But, we are prepared to go and look at the Pave Coted driveways.  And talk to the Pave Cote Installer.

*sigh*   So, no fireworks for now.  
I am 90% convinced we won't be going with Pave Cote though.

It is just like a thick paint poured on your driveway.  How is that going to 'fix' anything?

Option Three  (concrete) ... Steve shot it down in flames.  Way too expensive to do, on top of having the asphalt removed. 

My head hurts.  Way too much stress for one day.  Oh and thinking about it all night didn't help.  πŸ˜”πŸ˜• 

ABOVE: Liam looking very excited for his first day back at school today.  He will have two days at school, then three days off as we are heading into another long weekend.  (Monday off).
I hope he is having a fantastic day.

ABOVE:  The repaired garden post back in place.
I did a little boo boo with that repair job.  The glue ran down onto the kitchen table!  Forgot it might do that.  So now I have to sand it off without wrecking the table top.  Whoops.

IN FACT... if I do 'wreck' the table top... I can paint it white!  YEAH!!!   Been thinking of doing that for ages and ages  
But Stew.  Well Stew.  Liked the table in it's original state.  Rimu and all that.  Meh.  It's been 'original' for 25 years.  Might be time for a change.

I've had Lacy and Brylee here half the afternoon.
So, I put them to work.   Brylee did some vacuuming and unloaded the dishwasher.

Then Lacy and Brylee moved couches around... 
We swapped the one in the family room with the one in the sewing room (fitted better), and the girls brought the one from the sewing room into the sun room.  What a fiasco that was! 
There was a bit of swearing, screaming, arm flapping and so on, but they got it done.

They have now both left, probably so I can't find something else for them to do!  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‹

It's now 4.30 pm.  A bit early yet to be bothered with sorting out dinner.  I might just sit here and relax for a mo.


  1. Well, I hope the driveway meeting actually happens. Just be prepared with plans B and C when this guy proclaims your driveway to be the best one ever with absolutely zero problems.

  2. The best of luck with your driveway. Sort em out Stew!!!

  3. Love the blue stones so pretty! GL with the asphalt guy, he seems like a real winner.

  4. I hope the meeting goes better than you are anticipating and that they back down and admit they did a poor job. Good luck!

  5. When the fish were in there, they ate the bugs that bred in the water. Shouldn’t you remove the plastic liner so the rain water all drains with the fish gone?

  6. We have lots of rock areas at our house. We put down weed cloth to keep the weeds from growing up through the rocks. It is not plastic. The water drains through the cloth. The cloth also keeps the rocks from sinking into the dirt.

  7. Best of luck to day - I hope that "K" actually gets in touch to make a time to meet and you get some resolution.

  8. Your blue atone art piece is adorable. Makes me want one for my garden. Good luck today.

  9. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Thinking of you both.wish I could be there. Lol love that post Chris. Did you make it?

    1. no I did not make it, I'm not that clever.

    2. Yes you are that clever:-)

  10. I am also nervous waiting for the bloody driveway saga lol. Fingers crossed he turns up. Part of me will be more pissed off if he is nice & respectful & polite to Stew because he was a complete arse to you.

  11. I’m glad that meeting went reasonably well. I think Option 3 sounds good. I don’t think you will be happy in the long run with 1 or 2

  12. I am sure you have considered ut, but you should get another company to come in and give their opinions and quotes on the driveway as well.

  13. Hmmm. I am impressed that he actually "admitted" there are problems. I mean - He didn't say it was just fine. He is offering alternatives. Steve? What should they do? Get an unbiased third party opinion.

  14. We had something like pave cote poured over rain pitted concrete and the result was awful 6 months down the track! Are you in any online groups where you could ask about others experiences?

  15. Given the damage to the substructure of the driveway from the burst pipe, which is what caused the driveway to sink and crack in the first place, I'd definitely be going with option 1, regardless of how much it costs him. Then pay the difference. I'd go with that, with a promise to leave a positive comment on his web page, because he "fixed" the issue. Even though I'm sure there's a lot negative you could say. In the interest of getting the job done properly, and all that.

  16. Option One there's no other option in my opinion πŸ’™πŸ’™

  17. The meeting may have gone well but I still wouldn't
    trust him! Did you record it?

  18. Im like the others and very weary of the pave cote over top dodgy asphalt prep work of any job means a finshed job of standard...shoddy prep ie dodgy asphalt will mean lifting and breakung up in time Im sure. Not that i know anything

  19. Dig it up and start again. Pouring good stuff over bad won't fix but it might last long enough to not be considered his problem.
    Sand the table top and paint it white!

    1. Yes #sparkingmerlot#
      Dig it up and start again πŸ™‚

  20. Option 1 would be my choice. Such poor workmanship

  21. I think that you need to get a second opinion but to me just putting a coating over the current hot mess is not going to solve anything because as he admitted, the asphalt is substandard, it is a bit like painting over a mouldy room, the problem is not going away. If it is going to cost him $ 20 well tough tits, he should have done the job properly in the first place.

    If he has Public Liability insurance with "faulty workmanship" then he may be able to claim for the costs to fix his fuck up. If he doesn't - well it is his problem, not yours.

  22. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Ugh, the driveway guy! Of course he wants you to choose the option cheaper for him. Even if the driveway was structurally sound, and all you needed was to improve the look of the surface, maybe the coating option would be OK. How often would the coating have to be re-done? $4,000 (or more) every few years is going to add up.

    I hope you can get this mess resolved satisfactorily, and soon!

    A Fan in Canada

  23. Have you though about paving?

  24. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Can an option be him returning the deposit you made? The work is so shoddy they shouldn't accept payment for it. And then you pick another company to do your driveway work? Just wondering. Ky Girl

  25. I wonder why he said option #1 would be "thin". I am not an asphalt expert, but isn't it up to them how "thin or thick" it is? Or does he just not want to put "enough" asphalt to make it nice and thick? I think I would want it dug up too - especially after the water fiasco.


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