Saturday, January 08, 2022


HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING, you are so loved by all of us.

I am taking him out to dinner this evening, just a quiet one at Lone Star for us.  

ABOVE:  a little collage of photos that I forgot from yesterday.  I just LOVE the waters around the Mount.

Now, a little story.
I found a small maiden hair fern that had been thrown in the bin at the Rest Home I worked for 2.5 years ago.  It appeared DEAD, but I took it home, hoping I could save it.
And save it I did!
It grew and grew and was doing really well.

Then I moved it to the front door area.  Put it on top of the new shoe rack didn't I?

And I promptly forgot it was there.

And it 'died' ... all dry and crackling.  

So, I chopped all the dead/dry foliage off, and watered it... and prayed for it to revive again.

ABOVE:  How many lives does a plant have?
This one is now on to it's 3rd!
I will try extra hard to keep it alive this time around!

Apart from going out to dinner, there are no firm plans for today.
Probably swim a few times, hang out and try to keep cool.
SBB's will no doubt pop in at least twice for a swim too.

ABOVE:  Whatever it was in the sky last night...had colour.  I upsized the last photo I got of it.. and it showed colour.  Stew said he saw colour too.  I was too busy taking photos to look at it properly myself.
I will check out the news and see who else saw it and knows what it was.

SOLVED.  It was a satellite of Elon Musk's.  Bringing high speed internet to the masses.  Eventually.  Seems there's over 1,700 of them up there already!  

We stayed in bed until 8.30, no hurry to get up obviously.  It's bliss.

First death in the family for 2022.  One of the goldfish died.
I think the pond just got too hot.   I keep topping it up, but it's still very hot and evaporates quite quickly.

Stew washed his car.
Did a little grocery shop.
Bought a birthday cake, which we are having a piece of for afternoon tea!

I've been in and out of the pool all day.  Lay in the sun for a little while.

SBBs came over after lunch for a swim, gave Stew a birthday present:

ABOVE:  A cute little fantail.

ABOVE:  Some things get better with age.
Stew is some.  Definitely my some.

This has to be the quietest birthday in a very long time.  Just the two of us for most of the day!  You would NEVER know we had a multitude of kids and grandkids.

OMG..  has no one but me noticed?????
There is no R in BIRTHDAY on my title for today!!!!


ABOVE:  a couple of nice photos of Stew and I. Our dinner was lovely, you can always rely on Lone Star to serve up a decent dinner.

Time to sign off and just relax.  Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Happy Birthday Stew! Hope you have a good one :) xx

  2. I saw it could be Elon Musk's satellites

  3. Happy birthday Stew have a great day.
    Beaut mount photos stunning colours in the water.

  4. Happy Birthday Stew have a wonderful day πŸ’™πŸ’™

  5. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Best place for Maiden hair ferns is in the bathroom. Happy Birthday Stew.have an awesome day. You've got it Chris.
    Must be 16 years tomorrow since I stated working for you Stew. Great times, awesome memories. Kj

  6. Abd happy birthday to Stew 🍻

  7. Happy birthday to Stew. Enjoy your yummy dinner at Lone Star tonight πŸ™‚πŸ₯³

  8. Happy Birthday to Stew πŸŽ‚πŸŽ

  9. Have a wonderful Birthday Stew.

  10. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Happy Birthday Stew!



  11. Happy Birthday Stew πŸŽ‚

  12. Happy Birthday Stew. Sometimes the quiet ones are the best. Hope the rest of the family remember. It's hit and miss with my lot!

    1. Some always remember, some just forget, and some don't give a flying fuck about Stew or me.

  13. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Happy Birthday to Stew!! Your day in and out of the pool sounds like being on holiday. Celebrate!!
    Ky Girl

  14. Happy Birthday Stew! We are 1 or 2 days apart. Mine was yesterday, yours is today, but mine is the 6th and yours is the 8th.

  15. Happy Birthday Stew!!!

  16. Leeann6:10 PM

    Hope you didn't go in the water at the Mount as I'm reading on the Herald site and it says chemists are running out of treatments for stings of jellyfish larvae there.

  17. Sounds like a like the birthday boy has had a lovly day. Yum havnt been to lonestar in yonks

  18. Happy birthday Stew! Hope you enjoyed your day

  19. Happy birthday StewπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚πŸ»

  20. Happy birthday Stew. Beautiful photos of the two of you.

  21. I love reading your blog and following you. I live in US, Illinois, so we are having our winter, ice, snow, now while you lucky devils enjoy your summer. This is a silly question, but may I ask "why do you not smile in the pics I see of you"? Like I said, "silly" but curiosity got the best of me..Take care and enjoy your great warm summer weather!!

    1. Ummmm.... if I smile my eyes scrunch up and I don't like how it makes me look? Pure and simple vanity then! lol

  22. Belated Happy Birthday to Stew.


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