Tuesday, January 11, 2022


Two things on me agenda today.
First up, an early morning walk over in Cambridge!

It will be my first FBG walk of the year.
I don't usually do early morning starts, but I have to if I want to tick a few off for the BINGO Challenge.

Once done, I am coming home and tidying up the garage.  And then perhaps make a table runner with the dog fabric?
Time will tell.

Tonight is the first Card Night of 2022.  So that will be two trips over to Cambridge today.
That's OK, not like I've been over much lately.

So, that's me for now.  I'm getting up, throwing some face on, clothes, sneakers etc... and heading over to Cambridge!

ABOVE:  I totally forgot to mention our friend Martyn called in again last night.  He's certainly getting around on his motorbike!
His kickstand left a hole in the driveway!  lol
Like it mattered.  The driveway is a bust.

ABOVE: Super proud of myself for getting up at sunrise today!  I went outside to get a photo and got to see the FORLONGS hot air balloon too.
Forlongs is a very well known shop here in Hamilton.  Sells furniture, white ware, homeware etc.

It only took half an hour to get over to Cambridge this morning, no traffic to speak of at all.

Although the walk was at 7.30 am, by the time we had finished it was bloody HOT as F. 
I was only too happy to go to the nearest coffee shop with a few of the FBG ladies for a drink.

ABOVE:   A full glass of ice to go with me Coke No Sugar.
Why don't places stock Diet Coke?  Twats.

So, I sat a yakked with a few of the girls, and one, Chris H (not ME!) told me about a newly opened Patchwork Fabric shop, that is situated half way between Cambridge and Hamilton.

She suggested I stop in on my way home.... what a good idea Chris!

Full of bright fabrics that I adore.

ABOVE:  It was fairly busy in there too. Bottom right photo shows her sliding shelving!  Amazing idea.

ABOVE:  The shop dog.  So cute. Sniffed the life outta me legs!  There was a cute little cat too.
I'm not a cat lover, so no photo of it! lol

ABOVE:  The 'Goodie Jar'... you get to take a little piece of fabric when you buy something.
Nice idea.

ABOVE:  The fabrics I bought from Bower Bird.  LOVE THEM.  I WILL be going back!

ABOVE:  I stopped at Punnet, a cafe in Tamahere.  Grabbed a couple of pieces of cake. 

ABOVE:  Looks amazing?  Tasted delicious... but by the last bite I was over it.  Too sweet.

ABOVE:  Next door to Punnet was a gift shop.  Very nice stuff.  Nothing screamed "BUY ME"... So I left empty handed.

Home now.  Fed Griffin.  Stocked him up with some food till his pay day.

Bex and the boys are here for a swim.
I'm about to do some work in the garage.

I am expecting a technician this afternoon to fix the heat pumps so we can use them for Air con.

2.21 pm:  Well the technician is here sorting out the heat pumps.
Dogs went ballistic at him.  😒

I've been pottering around in the sewing room, just sorting out stuff.

ABOVE:  This morning's walk photo. 26 adults, 1 infant aged 1 month and Robbie the dog.  An awesome group!


So it's bad news about the heat pumps/Air con units.

More about that tomorrow.  I've got to get ready to go out again.

10..13 pm:  Home from Cards in Cambridge.  So tired!  Like can hardly keep me eyes open tired.
Been a busy day.  Did enjoy cards though, lovely to catch up with the card girls again.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. You go girl 💙💙

  2. Anonymous12:34 PM

    You have had a busy morning - what happened to the "doing nothing" - knew it wouldn't last and why should it, lol. Do what makes you happy (and Stew), old saying "happy wife, happy life!" Those sliding shelves used to be used for filing cabinets in the old days - Holds an amazing amount of files. So I am wondering if they are new and have been made especially or have been recycled. Showing my age with the filing shelves because they were way before digital technology. Audrey

  3. I always wondered why you never use the AirCon. It's in need of a bot of attention! It's great that there is a fabric shop nearby with a dog and fabrics that you like! Good luck at cards tonight!

  4. Sounds like a perfect day.

  5. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Yes, Fabulous day for you,


  6. Oh dear. I can feel your pain. Everytime we go to do something simple it ends us costing us money.

  7. Not sure what's wrong with the aircon units but pay the big bucks and get a ducted system through the house. You won't know yourself! We have this and the house is always cool, best thing we ever got. (Oh and warm in the winter).

  8. Sounds like a busy day for you. Sorry to hear the Air Con is a bigger problem. Take care.


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