Friday, October 15, 2021


Two weeks and 6 days until the next upheaval in the house.
That's when the new carpet arrives.  

Until then, we can relax.
There's just a few small jobs to do this weekend, putting up towel rails etc.

ABOVE:  We are thrilled to bits with how the floors look in the kitchen.  It like, immediately 'modernises' the room.

ABOVE:  Soon there will be no more hideous blue lino.  The carpet is going up to where the new vinyl planks start, so the kitchen area does not jut out into the family room as much. 
Same with the lino under the bar stools, it's going to be replaced by carpet too.

This project has been so much fun... and I think I've made some good choices.  Now I just have to hope the carpet was the right choice, and looks good too.

ABOVE:  I just realised I didn't show you the gorgeous LED mirror in our ensuite yesterday.

ABOVE:  Just a couple more little additions and this bathroom, and the other one will be totally finished.

Today?   Sleep in?   Relax?  
Yeah I reckon that might be a good idea.

ABOVE:  I read this, and the only thing that came to mind was "How come that chick's boobs are not under her armpits?"  Like really?  Who's boobs stay up there when you are lying down, unless you have plastic fantastics?

11.08 am:  Well... I stayed in bed until 9.30!!!
It was wonderful.
No bugger disturbed me, and I napped on and off, checked out Instagram and YouTube and listened to some music.  
Then the feet started to twitch, so I had to get up.
Now.  2 loads of washing are done, I've put stuff down in the back sheds, and with a little help from Stew, we got ONE towel rail up.  😂😅😆

ABOVE: And now, new handtowels are going on the 'to get' list.  All our handtowels are years and years old.  Time for some pretty new ones.
BLUE for this bathroom obviously.  

JUST... NEED... THE... SHOPS... TO... OPEN, so hurry up friggin Jacinda and let us out of Level 3.
I know I could do online shopping, but it's not the same as seeing and feeling the product. Particularly linen.

I got on the scales this morning.  First time in a while.  And yeah, gained a few kilos.  Stew and I have not been eating healthily AT ALL these past few weeks.  Just stressed out and tired.  Basically lazy.  So, I might take some time today to plan some better meals, and STOP whipping down to the hot bread shop for lunch!

Oh and Stew loves nuts, so I've been eating them too.  Snacking is not something I usually do, but as Stew's been home with me, I've indulged.  
MUST STOP.  Feeling quite crabby with myself, but as we all know, it can be reversed.  It's just 100 times HARDER to lose, compared to gaining. 
Gaining is SO SO EASY.  😓😒😖

JUST SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW.  Won't go into details as it could get peeps in a bit of trouble, but really??????????????
It really does make my blood boil when we are all doing the right thing, and some are not.
Bit hard to forget the Covid restrictions surely?

Also, stressing out about Steve.  He seems to be having some adverse reactions to his Covid Vaccination.  He's home from work today.
If anyone was gunna have a bad reaction ... it's him, due to the medication he's on.  

He's highly vulnerable because he has little to no immune system, but it was deemed 'safe' for him to get vaccinated.  So, I'm hoping his symptoms settle down soon, cos it's knocking him around something rotten.

I am signing off now, my day didn't get much better... feeling ever so slightly crabby.  
Dinner was nice though.  Pork chop, lettuce salad and wedges.


  1. Anonymous8:33 AM

    The kitchen floor looks amazing - I don't know how you manage to keep everything so clean and tidy with all the work going on (well, actually I do - you just keep on top of that dust and clutter Mrs OCD !) Your Grandmother's necklace is beautiful, I hope you wear it to show it off.
    Jane G

  2. Everything looks really good. I love the LED mirror. Enjoy the down time before the carpet installation.

  3. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Floor looks great, and it certainly modernises the room. Painting the cupboards white or pale grey would make it even more modern

  4. I love your new kitchen and bathroom floors. They look great!

  5. Anonymous12:10 PM

    WOW WOW WOW What a difference. Love the cupboard in the bathroom. And the floors are gorgeous. You guys deserve this happiness. Kj

  6. The floors look fantastic! I wouldn't hold your breath regarding level 2 but for your sake I hope it happens. So far this lockdown I've had to buy 'unseen'... a new bed, coffee table, side table, mobile phone, ear buds, fence paint, duvet cover, rug for the lounge, pot plants... I'm sure I've missed stuff out but you get the idea. Thankfully everything is exactly what I wanted. I don't see us getting out of level 3 anytime this year.

    1. Pot Plants? Is that legal in NZ? Way to go!

    2. The floors look excellent. I was wondering how they would look with the white cabinets.... They look perfect!

    3. Pot plants refers to any plant grown in a pot.

    4. Oh Dogstars, you made me laugh. As Chris said a pot plant is a house plant in new Zealand. We are not allowed to grow pot (yet).

    5. I figured "pot plants" was something else..... But, I just had to stir the pot!!!! I am a trouble maker!

  7. Kiwionholidays3:31 PM

    Neat how it’s all coming together , hopefully Stev will bounce back soon by having a rest today and over the weekend
    Take care n thinking of you all there in lockdown ,
    We sure know that feeling over here atm

    Cheers 🥂

  8. Oh NO! Steve, Get your arse in bed and have a bit of chicken noodle soup. Get rested and you should be good tomorrow or the next day. So sorry to hear of a bad reaction.

  9. Kiwionholidays4:27 PM

    Neat how it’s all coming together , hopefully Stev will bounce back soon by having a rest today and over the weekend
    Take care n thinking of you all there in lockdown ,
    We sure know that feeling over here atm

    Cheers 🥂

  10. Floors look amazeballs 😎😎 speaking of boobs had my mammogram today hopefully it will be all ok 👍 remember to breathe 💙💙

  11. Oh poor Stew, I do hope he is feeling a bit brighter tonight. I like your new kitchen floor :)

  12. Boobs. I went to art school and we drew and painted live models. We had two regular models that showed up on a regular basis. One had natural boobs that draped around her chest and looked natural. The other girl had what looked like two balloons perched up on her chest shooting into the sky. They looked so fake - they made the drawings look bad! I always preferred the droopy natural boobs.

  13. Just saw your comment about Steve and thought might help if I tell you a lot of young people in 30s have bad reaction but usually over in 2 days. 2 out of 3 my kids and dr showed me,the stats on how this is common. Hopefully he is better soon. It is more of a worry with his immune system but I really hope he is better soon.

  14. Loving the new flooring and your fresh looking.

    Hope Steve symtoms settle down and he recovers quickly. Rest up Steve.

  15. Can't believe the difference the new floor makes to the kitchen, it looks great. I hope Steve feels better soon.

  16. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Sending hopes that Steve is feeling better today. And sorry about the other crap. Happy for the good the floors look awesome! Hang in there, Ky Girl

  17. It all looks great! Hope Steve feels better. Have a good weekend.

  18. I hope Steve feels better soon! Everything looks great!


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