Saturday, September 25, 2021


I'm having issues with my computer keyboard.
So ... no post until later, when I have bought a new keyboard.

I had a post all ready to go, and the keyboard did a huge backspace all on it's own, and ate it all!
So, so annoying.

I'll be back later.

Right.  Let's see how this goes.
We went out and about.
Looking at something to PERHAPS replace the big brown lounge setting in the corner of the family room.

It's only an idea right this minute.

ABOVE:  Miss Muppet got tired traipsing around all the furniture stores.

ABOVE:  OMG!  Another incredibly hideous lounge suite.  Calf shit green.
Think it can stay there.

ABOVE:   Lunch at Chartwell Square today.  It wasn't too busy there, unlike The Base, which is crazy, and always is over the weekend.

A quick run down of this afternoon and evening (so far).
Home from the mall, and I had a nap.
Steve and Bex dropped the boys off for a sleep over at around 2 pm.
The afternoon has been NOISY.

ABOVE: The kids have enjoyed playing together, and spreading toys throughout the family room.

ABOVE:  Marley is just gorgeous.

ABOVE: The kids had a 'picnic' dinner, with Marley looking ever so hopeful they'd leave some tidbits on the rug for her.

In an hour or so they will be getting into their pj's and getting into bed.  

And I have no expectation that they will instantly fall asleep and be quiet.

Dammit.  Because my ears are BLEEDING.  Seriously, how the hell do three little kids make so much NOISE????

10.03 pm:  And I've never been happier to get kids off to bed.  Those three!!!!
I'm now sitting in the dark family room, making sure they stay in bed and don't annoy each other.

Off to bed shortly, it's bound to be another busy day tomorrow.


  1. It's a pain when computers spit the dummy. I was a bit taken aback for a moment when you showed that lounge suite - I thought you must have had a brain fart.
    Miss Muppet looks as if she's enjoying herself. Lovely to see.

  2. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I agree with you this time - that is a particularly hideous green suite, at least the last one was bright green. Audrey

  3. I like the lounge suite it would be perfect at our house 🏠 as usual Lacy and Keera having fun πŸ’™

  4. Ok I liked the other green lounge but that one's gross!

  5. Oh now I agree that’s a definite yuck colour and couch!
    We have a stunning day here just gorgeous.

  6. OMG, that's perfect. Calf shit green describes it perfectly. It's awful.

  7. You must be having a great day

  8. Kiwionholidays11:19 PM

    What a busy but happy day for you all.
    Sleep will be from exhaustion Chris but a good kind of tiredness,

    Close game tonight πŸ‰✔️😷Guess Stew n the Boys watched it ,

    Hope you all have a fab day tomorrow

    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  9. You nailed it! The color of the couch set is truly calf shit green.


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