Monday, August 30, 2021


 Yesterday I talked a bit about how I was feeling in relation to blogging.

After lengthy discussions with Stew and others, I am going to do this.

Diet Coke Rocks will become less 'personally informative'.  As in, some things will not be published on here anymore.  

In particular, anything to do with stuff that allows trolls and haters to have a go at me!

It might make the blog slightly less 'interesting' I suppose, but hey... I just want to maintain my/our personal space.

Also, there is a good chance Diet Coke Rocks will wind down over the next couple of years, and it will become a totally private blog for my family members only.

I've been blogging for 15 years and life changes, the reasons for me blogging have changed in that time.  It has become a personal, day to day diary of our life and at some point, I need to step away and let our lives become 'private' again. 

So that's where I am at the moment.

And of course, that may change at any given point, and I could just GO, or decide to STAY.

Lots of variables will dictate which way I go in the future.

ABOVE:  It's a terrible photo... but I just wanted to say how proud I am of Lacy.

She let me book her Covid Vaccinations last night!
Like me (to begin with), she was totally against getting it, but we managed to persuade her it was the right thing to do.  Not just for HER, but for everyone she comes into contact with.

So in about a week she will have her first jab, followed in 3 weeks by her 2nd one.

BEARING IN MIND... this is a personal CHOICE we have made.  We in no way advocate, condone or criticise anyone else for what they choose to do. 

Stew is back at work today (in the lounge).  There will be a meeting of Managers today (via ZOOM), to see if they will be going back into the office on Wednesday, when we drop down to level  3.

I am going to do the housework, then decide on my next runner design.  Possibly a Christmas Gnome one next.

NIC... I totally agree!  lol

Brylee needs food, so I shall go do her grocery shopping this morning.  Kids needs come first.

10.50 am:  And the shopping is done.  I'm very disappointed in Countdown.

ABOVE:  There was bugger all meat, and what they had was very limited in choice.  NO PORK. NO LAMB. And you were only allowed to have 6 meat items.

ABOVE:  Want an egg or 12?  Sorry.  NONE.

I am not going to Countdown again until lockdown is over and they have their shit together again.

Pak 'n' Save has MASSES of everything.  

I managed to get most of the things on Brylee's grocery list, plus a few more things to top her up for longer.

Now?  I might just relax for a minute, then go do some table runner planning.

I went into my sewing room to start working on the next runner.  But started feeling quite ill... over tired I think.
So I came back into the lounge and perked myself up by ordering some new fabrics online.

Such fun!  I ended up ringing and talking to the shop owner... and I've left it up to her what she sends me.  I want White/Silver/Grey Christmas fabrics for runners.

She was amazed that I was letting her choose my fabrics!  πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜ƒ  I told her she would do fine... I will like whatever she sends.  

So now I just have to wait for my parcel to arrive.  It's so much fun getting parcels.
I might have to order from other places!

I had a nana nap this afternoon.  Took some nurofen too.  Just feel 'off'.  Lucky I don't have to cook dinner again this evening.
Left overs again.
If you have never had a problem accessing my blog before, but are today... it's bound to be a BLOGSPOT glitch.  They happen.  It probably won't last.

Dinner tonight was left over baked carrot dish, mashed potato and mushrooms.  So yum!
And there ends the day.
I'm off to bed.  


  1. Haters are gonna hate no matter what. If you post nothing but table runners - there will be a table runner hater. If you post dinner - there will be someone who disapproves of your meal choice. If you wear clothes - there will be someone who says you wore the wrong thing. I am just glad you are not closing up Blog quite yet!

  2. I will enjoy reading your blog no matter what you share with us. I am just glad that you aren't ending the blog entirely at this stage. Have a happy day.

  3. LOL... I HAVE been criticised for my food choices, and clothes! But when I am told 'they' are going to report me to the police for having Keera, and seeing Steve and Bex (at a distance)? Kinda pissed me off. So I shall just not mention what we are doing if it's likely to bother anyone. Problem solved. As for clothes/food etc, I don't give a rats arse!

    1. OOH! That is next level stuff. I am so sorry. How Cruel!

    2. Dawn Pinnataro9:30 AM

      "They" sound like they are miserable human beings and have no meaning in their own lives but to criticize & harass you. Shame on them. I enjoy your daily blog & family but totally get where you are coming from. Better days ahead!!

    3. The fact that you blogged it, mentioned that it was from a distance just makes them look like fecking idiots.If you were dumb enough to breach lockdown rules, you certainly would not be dumb enough to put it on your blog for all to see. Also, if they are going to use shit like that as ammo - why give you the heads up so you can have the opportunity to easily produce the blog post clearly stating how it actually happened. Sweet lord these people are morons!!!!

  4. You do what's right for you Chris. I have really enjoyed reading your blog daily for the last few years, and I would miss it if you stopped - but if it doesn't work for you, then of course it's your right to do what you want.
    As others have said, it's a shame that some people have so little joy in their lives that being nasty to you is a major pleasure - deeply jealous of your happiness and success, coupled with the emotional age of a three year old. The best thing to do is to laugh at their twisted threats, and the best revenge is continuing to live well!
    Hope your day is good.
    Christine in Wellington

  5. I think you have made a great choice Chris. If/When you stop this blog you will be missed. Unfortunately there will always be haters that know how to live your life better than you

  6. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I will miss your normal blogging but completely understand, Jo

  7. Not sure if its my end but my dietcoke page is opening at 31st December then i have to go to side and open 2021 listing

    1. Might be your end Chick. No one else seems to have that problem?

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Mine is doing the same. Audrey

    3. Perhaps people have bookmarked the wrong page? You need to bookmark the base page ending in .com

    4. Same here πŸ₯Ί

  8. I read every day, but I guess my comments haven’t been accepted (so far!). Love following your sewing, painting, and the way you put colours together in craft and in your home.
    MrsF in Canada

  9. Both the Greenlane and Meadowbank Countdown have no meat either... I wondered if it was because people who normally buy takeaways a couple of times a week have had to buy a full weeks groceries! But you're probably right, they just don't have their shit together.

  10. One of the problems for Countdown is the deliveries they need to do as so many are self isolating and literally rely on the deliveries. There is no click and collect or deliveries available at all in Auckland at the moment, it's all diverted to those in need. Our Countdown wasn't too bad but I Pan n Save had good stocks of everything.

  11. Anonymous4:16 PM

    There are so many Countdown workers in self isolation in Auckland as well so that makes stocking the shelves in Auckland a problem - I think deliveries for Hamilton/Rotorua probably come down from Akld as well. At the moment Pak N Save have good stocks but wait until everyone who normally shops at Countdown start shopping at Pak N Save and it will soon change. So I don't think we can blame Countdown (or any where else for that matter) for not having their shit together - it is a terrible time for every one. Audrey

  12. Mine was doing the same I nearly had a tantrum took me 10 mins to get in 🀦‍♀️
    I showed my family and friends THE FAT BOTTOM GIRLS they loved itπŸ’–
    Have been full on gearing up for Wednesday we are required on one of our sites 21/24 hours CLEANING oh joy!! 5 of us 😁
    We have 3 other major sites calling in extra shifts and cleaning I be busy for awhile …
    But will check in on my break time doing 12-14 hr shifts

  13. I really enjoy your blog reading what’s going on in your life. And very sorry about the trolls interesting these days how easy it is to hide behind their screens and be nasty. I for one would miss your daily updates I love checking your blog every day.

  14. We have been in lockdown for 10 weeks now and the highlight of our day is if a parcel arrives for one of us. Doesn’t even matter what is in it πŸ€£πŸ˜‚. I am sure you will love your materials when they arrive.

  15. Good Morning! Glad you are still there. Small panic last night!

  16. Hoarding. That is why the shelves are empty.

  17. I am so glad you have decided to stay here, I love reading your dailys updates regarding what you and your family are doing.
    Love the Fat Bottom Girls runners.
    Hugs Pat

  18. So proud of Lacy! Good on her for agreeing. It will be so good for the whole family to keep safe. I only just saw your numbers over there. Bit of a worry :( hope it gets under control soon. Stay safe x


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