Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 Last night, as I was getting ready for bed, I walked up the hallway to use the family bathroom.   I do that every night, so I don't disturb Stew in our room.

Anyway.... I walk up the hallway and SPLISH,  SPLOSH, SPLASH!

ABOVE:  OMFG, our hot water cylinder has shit itself, and the entire contents of the cylinder is on the floor.

I'm like, are you shitting me?   AGAIN???

We had this happen to our hot water cylinder in Palmerston North.

We also had two house floods in our Auckland home.   

I can't believe this has happened again.

ABOVE: Steve came around to help Stew work out how to disconnect the hot water, and the gas, while leaving us with cold water for the loos! 

I am expecting to hear from the Insurance Company this morning, and a cleaning company to come and dry it all up.

ABOVE:  The first job to do today?  Hang all this wet linen outside.
Thank god there was ONLY this much on the floor of that linen cupboard.

ABOVE:  I've taken 80% of the remaining linen out, including the shelving, and just dumped it on the spare bed.  There's one more shelf to empty, I'll do that in a minute.

I'm already over today!  And I haven't even started to sort this shit out.

But... we are lucky!  We are not down south and having to deal with our entire home being flooded with filthy flood waters.
Small mercies.

NEXT .... I didn't hear back from the Painting Company that was supposed to come and do a quote for our job yesterday.

Poor form.  I gave them an alternative time and day they could come, but they didn't reply.  So now I don't know if they are coming then, or not? 

In the meantime, I've contacted another company, and hope to hear back from them soon.

Steve is also working on getting us a quote.

I always knew it could be difficult to get this job scheduled... there is such a shortage of trades people now.  

I am expecting Bex and the boys this morning.  Bex has to do their grocery shopping, and I offered to watch the boys.  She'll get it done much faster without them in tow.  

And well... that's it for now.

Catch ya later.

9.45 am:  Progress.

A plumber is on the way, Thanks Steve!

Chemdry will be here with their dryers late this afternoon.

It sounds like we will have to cover all the costs of this mishap.  'Wear and tear' ain't covered by insurance.  But any damage caused by the water will be covered.  

I'm sure they can dry the carpet out. The only damage might be skirting boards.

The boys just arrived, so I've got company.

11.15 am:  And the painter arrived bang on time!  Nice guy too.  He will have his quote to me in a couple of days.  And then it will be 'around' 2-3 MONTHS before he can actually do the job.  😐  Good things take time right?

Just as he was leaving, the plumber arrived.

ABOVE: He sussed out the cylinder, declared it dead and said he would get a new one.  We might be out of hot water for a week ... or two. πŸ˜±πŸ˜­πŸ˜–

I have a headache.

ABOVE:  And.... let the noise and humidity begin!

It's 3.15 pm... finally got someone here to get the floor dry.

ABOVE:  So, three days of that noise.  
He's coming back to check on the dryers each day, so I can't go anywhere.
Not that I had planned on going anywhere really.
But you know how it is, when ya can't, ya WANT TO.

This really was the last thing I needed to happen, but thank god it didn't happen AFTER we got the painting done, and new carpet!

I am in a foul mood now... and craving KFC for dinner!  So, that's what we shall have I do believe.  

9.21 pm:  OMG that KFC burger was amazing!  It was the first full meal I've had in two weeks. 
Time to get comfy, watch a little TV then head off to bed.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Oh no! So sorry to hear that your hot water cylinder has given you issues. We've had a couple of floods in the past and those industrial dryers and dehumidifiers are not fun to have around. Have fun with the boys this morning and fingers crossed you get those painting quotes soon πŸ™‚

  2. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Another good thing - at least you hadn't had the painting done and new carpet laid - imagine what that would have been like!! You must feel sometimes that it is just one crisis after another - things must get better for you soon. Audrey, Rotorua

  3. Anonymous10:06 AM

    First time commenting by long time reading. This exact thing happened to us last year during lockdown. Except we had it going all night - so the cylinder kept filling up and emptying all night. Insurance did not cover the cost of fixing the valve on the hotwater cylinder or the plumber call out etc but covered the drying out of the carpet, the fixing of the skirting boards and the repainting of the wall areas that were damaged. In the end as terrible as it was, they had a process to follow and it all got sorted out.

  4. That’s one bonus of having ours outside. We replaced ours shortly after we purchased the house and that lasted 10 years, this one is about 15 years old so could go at any time.

  5. I immediately thought thank goodness you don't have the new carpet yet!

  6. Plumber has his boots on that a shock for your house...wet carpet oh joy!!!3 weeks without hot water showers at Steve ans Bex i guess...we on no clean water again after the rain on wkend so shower in ashburton rightbpain

    1. I told the plumber to leave his boots on! No point taking them off, the carpet is stuffed, and WET.

  7. It seems like a massive design flaw for it to just empty 100's of gallons of water on the floor!

  8. Anonymous2:08 PM

    ....a week or two?...damn, that hurts. ;-)

    Is it an option for you all to buy the hot water heater from a local hardware store and this plumber install it for you? I did that once, it was cheaper than what he was getting them for. Just a thought.
    Thankfully the damage doesn't seem too terribly bad.

    Sorry about it all though, and your headache to boot. Ky Girl

  9. Oh Chris that sucks. Lucky you caught it when you did. Our hot water heaters are almost always outside the house thank goodness. Hope it all gets sorted and your headache gets better.

  10. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Don't let the plumber take your old hot water tank away! You get $80-$100 at the scrap metal dealership.

  11. Thank God never had a hot water cylinder as we have gas cooking, water heating and gas fire. Sorry this happened to you.

  12. Bloody hell Chris, I would be moving into a lovely hotel for 3 days

  13. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I had that noise too for 3 days. 3 big machines to dry the ceiling, walls and floor when the header tank pipe had a Crack in it and overflowed the overflow. Boy did they do my head in. And so hot! Kj

  14. Oh boy what a catastrophe. We've had bursts like that before but they just drip and we find everything wet and mouldy days later. And we don't have carpet. I'm amazed that you can have the carpet dried. Interesting to see those machines, glad I don't have to put up with them
    I feel for you dear Chris. Thank the powers on high for your two Steve/Stews but it's you who has to do the donkey work.

  15. Bloody Hell Chris! I’d even eat KFC after a day like this and I’m a vegetarian πŸ˜†

  16. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Lucky its winter with those hot dryers!

  17. Kiwionholidays10:18 PM

    Glad you enjoyed the KFC after your overwhelming day ,
    Given me the idea now for a taste tomorrow πŸ•ΊπŸΏπŸ˜·
    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  18. What a pain! Good thing it happened before you had all your work done. Insurance companies here requires the water tank to be replaced by year 10 of it's manufacture date in order to have any damage covered. Can't believe it will take so long to get a replacement, it can usually be done here in a couple of hours to a day. Good luck getting this sorted. Take care.

  19. Just go with Steve's Company for everything! If they foul it up - you know who to talk to! But of course - they will do it to perfection! Right Steve?

  20. Wow I'd die 2-3 weeks with no hot water? Here we can just go down to the store and buy one and put it in ourselves.


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