Wednesday, June 02, 2021


ABOVE:  Apparently... Lacy has a pig.
It's name?  PURPLE.
I've heard of being in the dog house, but the pig house?   
Nice to know the blanket I gave her is now in a pig's bed!
I expect BACON later.

So.  It's mid-week, and I'm literally counting down the days till the weekend.  I'm looking forward to having family here, it's Queen's Birthday weekend.  Monday is a public holiday, and Stew is taking this Friday off work, making it a 4 day break for him.

Today?  Grocery shopping.  I want to get supplies in BEFORE every other bugger goes grocery shopping on Friday!  It's bound to be hectic before the weekend.
And that's all I have for now.
Catch ya later.

Hey!  I wonder if Lacy will get chickens next??? 😂😅😊

9.50 am:  and grocery shopping is on hold for a couple of hours.
I'm babysitting young Archer.  He's got a sore throat so can't go to school.
Bex is working this morning so I get the kid. 😊

ABOVE:  Seems I have to show her other animals too. So there's Mate the horse, and Fluff the rabbit.  
No chickens 🐔🐤🐥.

2 pm:  Well ... after checking with the parents (for permission), this is going on today:

ABOVE:  Our grandson Liam is in surgery RIGHT NOW, having corrective surgery on his eyes.
He's got eyes that wanna do their own thing... so all going well after today they will behave. 😉

I will update later on with his progress.

As for me... I've done the grocery shopping, and put it all away.  And I'm starving!
Time for a rather late lunch.

Intermittent Fasting is a 'thing' here.  It's not intentional of course, it just happens!

6.15 pm:  And Liam has come through his surgery well, and is now home recuperating.
It will be a two week wait to see how well it went.
In the meantime, lots of loves and quiet time for him I'm sure.

Stew is now home and I'm cooking a pizza for dinner.  
And... that's all folks!
I'm gunna have a quiet evening with Stew.


  1. Hahaha no lol no chickens for us lol 😂 🤣 and yes i have already kunda asked or joked about it lol 😂
    #Lacy 💙

  2. And you know the story behind 'Purple' lol
    But for those who dont, the owner of the farm also owns a car yatd buisness, witch has a cafe in it runned by his wife, cafe makes food scrapes ect, and they have friends who own cafes ect, so they were wanting a pig, i had called her 'Miss Piggy' but owners grandson (2year old) asked to name her Purple so thats the story behind Purple oh and Purple (pig) and Mate (horse) and Sir Fluff (rabbit) all get along and love me so they are pretty much mine 😊
    #Lacy 💙

    1. I had a rabbit named Fluff when I was a youngster!

    2. Liam! Surgery! What a brave little Man! He looks great. I really hope all goes well. It must be frightening to have your little one getting surgery.
      Good Luck to him. I am sure he is in the best of hands!

  3. Oh Lacy I love your piggy Purple. You seem like you're in your element surrounded by animals, it shows your good heart.

    1. Whats this Heart thing you speak of lol 😂 but thanks FoxyMoron
      #Lacy 💙

  4. Cant see u getting purle bacon Chris the bond with lacy has been made

    1. Lol the bond was made the first day i literly got in the back of the little truck she came in and sat with her untill she was warm and then did the same with her in her little house, gave her a blankie amd a pillow....
      Oh and then she meet Mate 🐴 and well they are best mates
      #Lacy 💙

  5. Sending healing hugs to wee Liam.

  6. Thanks y’all for the wishes for Liam. His eyes are on and off bleeding…. He looks like a character from the scene out of a conjuring movie at the moment… icky.

  7. Kiwionholidays8:30 PM

    Thinking of the lil man
    Great thing is how quickly lil people bounce back so quickly
    Kudos for the love n support

    Love the pics of Lacy at her work ,What a neat place to be Lacy.

    The animals will give back in love 100 fold

    Cheers 🥂

  8. Hope Liam is okay, thanks for the "visual" Amanda. (See what I did there?). Hugs from me too.


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