Tuesday, May 18, 2021


Let's start the day with this little 'story'.

When we left home, I pinned a note to the pillows on my bed.

It said 'NO'.

I did that because whenever we go away, Steve messes up my bed and pillows... EVERY SINGLE TIME.

So I put the note on my bed, hoping he'd leave them alone.


ABOVE:  OH COURSE HE messed with my pillows!  He's a 'MANAGER', so presumably can do what he likes?

ABOVE: This was the first cushion to greet us when we came through the front door.

ABOVE: We had pillows playing cards!

'Back story':    When I get annoyed with someone, I tell them I'm gunna stab them 16 times in the chest (IT'S A JOKE!).  A very long running joke I might add.

ABOVE:   So, here's another of our bed pillows, on the kitchen floor, with 16 stabs in the chest!  

And blood.  Nice they could find some 'blood' from my fabric scrap boxes.

ABOVE: This would appear to be the murder weapon, covered in 'blood'.

ABOVE: And finally, I am going to presume this is supposed to be me, the murderer!  Nice tits, at least they are even!

Thanks Steve, Dante and Archer for your clever play on my '16 stabs in the chest'... using my bed pillows!

Now.  Photos from yesterday:

ABOVE:  Along the Wellington Coast, between Pukerua Bay and Paekakariki (pronounced: Pie Cock A Re Key)!  Yes, it's a mouthful.

ABOVE:  This little green building has sat beside the railway line in Paekakariki FOREVER.  We don't know if it was once a home, or what?

Does anyone else know?

ABOVE:  The stunning ranges running up the country from Wellington to Palmerston North.

ABOVE:  Poor Stew, sitting in the car while I take yet more photos.

ABOVE: Views of the Mangaweka Gorge from a  small road, off the main road.  I really wanted some from closer... 

ABOVE: So Stew took us down another side road and we came to a small, rickety bridge. Off to the side there was a new bridge being built to replace it.

ABOVE: We stopped smack bang in the middle of it!  

ABOVE: The Mangaweka Gorge, it is so beautiful!  

ABOVE: Some of the cloud formations yesterday were stunning!

ABOVE:  We stopped here in Taihape, and I bought some dress pants.

ABOVE:  I will show them to you, once I've had them shortened.  I'm not doing it myself cos I don't want to muck it up!  I will also show the dress I bought in Palmerston North another day.

ABOVE:  Our BEAUTIFUL Lake Taupo at dusk.  I couldn't decide which 2-3 photos to use, so you get them all!

ABOVE: Bridge at Wairakei, south of Taupo. 

After this it got too dark for any more photos.

I am thinking you are probably quite happy about that.  πŸ˜…πŸ˜πŸ˜†

Guess What?

That's it for now.

I've got a shit load of stuff to be getting on with.

Washing top of the list.

Catch ya later on ...

1.13 pm:  Well... when I arose this morning, I had great intentions of getting all the housework done, unpacking etc.

I quickly got myself presentable, and took off to the local REBUS meeting.  It was being held at the Hamilton Gardens.  Remember I met some of their members last week?  They were about to go for a walk.
Well... anyway.
I attended their bi-monthly meeting.

Sat through a shit load of stuff I had no interest in whatsoever.  I did find the guest speaker interesting.  She was a mobile pharmacist, working for the DHB helping people sort out their prescriptions, what to take/when to take etc.

After the meeting a lot of them went to lunch in the Gardens Cafe.  I chose to come home and get on with my jobs.
I will join the walking group next week and see how that goes.

But will I join REBUS?  I think I am 10 years too early for it!  So probably not.

ABOVE: The gardens are looking so very pretty with the last of the autumn leaves.

I've just had me lunch, so will carry on getting the house back to normal now.  Got red fabric and pins to return to the sewing room, washing to do, bed to make!  Yep, first time in YEARS I have not made the bed before going out.

Well... it's now 5.12 pm and I've pretty much done everything that needed doing today.
My batteries ran flat around 4, so I've not done much since then.  
The dogs are doing my head in.  They won't leave me alone, which is nice, but I'm over tripping over them.
So they have been banished to the garage for a while.  

Marley pulled out every single toy she had and had them all over the house, I was constantly stepping on them, around them or over them.  
Now they are all away and I can breathe again.

It wouldn't have been so bad if she didn't keep depositing them at my feet, begging for me to throw them for her to fetch!

Where's Archer when ya need him?  He would have kept her entertained.

I will have to start on dinner soon.  Sheesh, this day is long.

10.48 pm:  We had a visit from Steve, Bex and the boys this evening.  Those little boys were rather chuffed with their prank on us !
Nice they enjoyed themselves.
Dinner was sausages, mashed potatoes, veges and gravy.  Just what I wanted!

Now... it has cooled down considerably, and I'm ready to head off to bed and get warm.


  1. Looks amazing. Great pics ❤

  2. Good morning. Haha I'm sorry I started the pillow idea with the couple playing cards then it kinda escalated πŸ˜…

  3. Hahaha nice work Steve 'the manager' lol πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
    Love the pic of the barb wire with the land scape just out of focus in the background

  4. That's so funny Steve and Bex. Chris, you must have laughed your tits off (nearly) :)

  5. Anonymous10:13 AM

    That Steve is a card lol! Love your photos Chris. Kj

  6. Hahaha! Cracked up laughing at Steve!

    Back in 2008 we got married in New Zealand. We, as a family, went for a driving holiday. Flew into Christchurch, then down to Queenstown, stayed there a week and got married there, drove up to Christchurch for a few days, then up to Wellington, took the ferry, picked up another car, and drove to Puka Park Resort on the Coromandel Peninsula. Some of these photos look familiar but I can't remember if they're exactly where we went. I know we stayed the night in Palmerston North, and again in Rotorua, before ending up at Puka Park Resort. Such a beautiful country.

  7. Gorgeous! Too funny about the pillows!

  8. Loved "The Managers" work, he did good, still chuckling πŸ˜†

  9. Haha brilliant prank Steve :-).

    The photos of your trip look great :-)

  10. Hope they preserve the rickety old bridge when new one is finished its crazy cute....glad u had beautiful break and your boy didnt disapoint you on your arrival home and is encouraging Dante and Archer to be great fun men too lol

  11. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I love that you have such a great relationship with your family. I love the photos of your trip as well. Take Care Christine Aus XXXX

  12. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Sooo, when are you going away again? I want to see what Steve and Bec come up with nextπŸ˜‚

  13. Steve and BEx can look after my house while I am away! Love it!

  14. Steve and Bex Harvey you are both eggs 🀣🀣 superb photos I really hope you enjoyed your trip πŸ’™

  15. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Great pics of your trip away. When we visit again I'd love to visit more of the North Island, but go down by Lake Taupo this time instead of Gisbourne/Napier. It's lovely that ypu and Stew are enjoying these weekends away together....good on ya ! No breaks for us for a while as hospitality slowly opening up here and we have lots of bookings for our cabin and rooms - just need the weather to warm up, my legs have not been this white in years !
    Jane G

  16. Haha that’s the best prank yet
    That’s my Awa/whenua
    Lake Taupō

  17. Nicely played Steve! Great pictures from your travels. Keep warm.

  18. More great photos. Mangaweka, Wairakei. Echoes from my past.
    You have a great family. Fun all the way!

  19. Good prank on you, yu have a fun family by the sounds of it.
    Thanks for sharing those lovely photo's the scenery is beautiful.
    Glad you were able to get away for a couple of days, can't wait until we can do that.
    Take care


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