Saturday, May 29, 2021


Can I just say how excited I am to do the washing later on today?   I know... it's weird wanting to do the washing!

Did I tell you that I bought the biggest top loader on the market (Domestic use)?

Yeah.  I will probably fall in it at some point. 

Nah, I will use a little step stool and me 'grabber'.

I'll show you what me grabber is later.  I'm in bed, so ain't getting up to take a photo right now.

What I'm looking forward to THE MOST is re-washing me towels, and have them come out 'normal' again!

So, a bit later on this morning we will go and pick up the washing machine, get it home and then Steve is coming over to help Stew put it in the laundry.

Once that is done, we are gunna just have a nice, quiet day. πŸ”

Stew is tired, he's been up in Auckland at a work conference for a couple of days.  I'd say 'poor man' but I think he rather likes them.

Yesterday, while I was out emptying the trailer, a bloke came over and chatted with me.

He was a local real estate agent, just making himself known.

We had a really great chat!  Mostly about shared house buying/selling experiences.  

Anyway, after yakking for about 40 minutes he left, but not before giving me this:

ABOVE:  I'm going to put it on a lanyard and wear it when I go out and about.  It's damn neat don't ya think?

Oh and I reckon he'd be a nice agent to use if you were wanting to sell in Hamilton.  There's a plug for ya Nick. 😊

And that's about all I have for now.


9.30 am:  It's been raining all morning, so we have not been able to pick up the washing machine yet.
Stew's gone to the supermarket for our usual 'Friday Night' supplies.
Which means a week's worth of DIET COKE.  Among other things.

ABOVE: THIS is me 'Grabber'.  I use it to open and close curtains that I can't reach behind furniture, pick up dog toys off the floor etc.
I'm sure I can use it (if necessary), to get washing from the bottom of the washing machine.

ABOVE:  Steve and Bex can visit anytime, if they come with boxes of MAMA'S DONUTS!!!!!!
OMG morning tea has arrived.

LYNDA:  Well Stew said it's because I only like 'Big Units' like him!
But in reality, I do washing once a week.  I save it all up and so, I have a lot of washing at the end of the week.
And I like the versatility of being able to do a small or large load.
Each to their own.

ABOVE:  It arrived...

ABOVE:  LOOK how BIG it looks beside the other one!

ABOVE:  Yes Sharon, it is an agitator type.

ABOVE:  It has the cutest shimmery lid. It's labeled as Scratch Resistant.  So Steve tried it out.  I nearly throttled him.

ABOVE:  Steve could hardly move for the girls mobbing him.  They are just so CUTE!

ABOVE:  Chipping the corner off the shelf so the lid could be raised fully.

ABOVE:  Lynda, this is our garage/wet fridge.  And no, we don't quite go through that many Diet Cokes in a week!  But just in case... we have plenty. πŸ˜†πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‹
AND.... the beer is mostly for visitors, as is the wine.  There's water too!  And milk if anyone wants a cuppa tea/coffee.
See, it's a WELL BALANCED fridge.

ABOVE:  Amanda trying out the Ottoman, as a seat and coffee table...

ABOVE:  and as a storage unit.  lol

ABOVE:  2 pm, more visitors!  Griffin and Kayla... and more laps for the girls to sit on.  Little hussies.

ABOVE:  Well after a couple of hours on our own, Steve and Bex came back and cooked dinner for all of us!
We had a delicious Chicken and Bacon Cabonara.

ABOVE:  Brylee joined us for dinner too.   After the main, we all had some ice cream and chocolate sauce.  πŸ₯🐀

Everyone  has now left, it's back to peace and quiet and just us and the dogs.
Stew is watching rugby on TV, and I am going to browse You Tube.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Where is Yank it, or Flick it oh oh oh or Pop it πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
    #Lacy πŸ’™

  2. I certainly hope you don't need the grabber for laundry. If you do... fine. But I think you will manage without falling in!

  3. Morning mum x
    Awwww, donuts 🀀

  4. OK, it has to be asked... there is just you and Stew so why do you need the biggest machine? I only ever do low washes in my machine and it's the smallest available. I like to wash every couple of days though. If I have anything really large I'm happy to take it to a laundrette for a one off cost. I'm pretty conscious of water cost usage here in Auckland. What does a week's worth of Diet Coke look like?

    1. I do lots of small loads :) Black/dark washing one day and towels/teatowels etc the other day. Hardly any folding or putting away etc. My nickname given to me by my daughter and grandkids is "Nana wash-a-lot". I hate damp towels waiting to be washed and the thought of doing everything once a week would do my head in!! Yes, each to their own.

    2. I do the same as you Lynda, with just two living in the house washing never becomes a chore as it’s washed, folded and put away without any dread of thinking about a huge load of washing to do, hang, get it dry, folded and put away. As you say, each to their own and whatever works.

    3. I've got to lug stuff out to the garage so I'd rather just make a day of it than doing it every day.

  5. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Haha Stew!!! Those donuts look yummy! I might need something to cheer me up lol.

  6. OK, that's a lot of Coke... does Stew drink it too? Is it 1.5L or 2.5L, it's hard to tell. I'm assuming 1.5L?

    1. Yes Stew drinks it, so do many of our visitors. And we get lots of them! And they are 2.25 litre bottles.

    2. Thanks, none of my business of course but I was curious. If I have any caffeine after around 4pm I simply don't sleep. Like you I love new stuff (like washing machines). I recently got a new fridge and new dishwasher which I just love.

  7. Wowza that’s my dream machine I have an 8 kg top loader no agitator I LIVE BY MYSELF I love mine for blankets duvets etc I have a queen bed with king size everything lol
    Oh and as you know 13 pillows!!
    I wash one load work clothes my sheets n 2 towels another load that’s it.... oh and work rags mops and yes I can lower the water level so the bigger the machine the better I say

  8. Oi i sat on that dam wana be seat yesterday lol πŸ˜‚ didn't try climb in it like Miss Toad lol aka Amanda lol love ya sis xx
    #Lacy πŸ’™

  9. OMG who drinks the Waikato gross 😝 hahaha bloody raining here too house looks like a Chinese Laundry but life's good happy weekend Team Harvey πŸ’™

    1. What do you mean gross,how rude. It's mothers Milk, necter of the gods, an elixir of life.

    2. He doesn't really mean you are rude.... he's joking.

    3. Waikato is the worst beer ever Mr Harvey 🀣 how about we agree to disagree mate??

    4. Have you forgotten about the existence of Double Brown Robyn? Haha

  10. I used to have a big machine like that and yes, i used to climb on it to reach the bottom too... nearly fslling in. I loved the big one and can see why you went back to it. I normally do a little wash during the week and biggie on the weekend. Hubby does his own on a friday and saturday after work... work stuff goes separately. Svhool clothes and stuff too... so it gets a workout on weekends.

  11. Kiwionholidays7:47 PM

    Love the happy posts n happy people ,n fab pics etc
    Sharing that sorta day too, across the tassie
    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  12. Anonymous7:57 PM

    A whole bottle of coke is only equal to one one cup of coffee in caffienne content, so no problem there. I will drink your coke no sugar and the bottles of bubbly...LOL


  13. Well - what's the verdict? Can you reach in the new washer without stools, grabbers, or falling in?


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