Thursday, April 22, 2021


 Today, IF I can drag myself out of bed in time, I will head over to Cambridge for an FBG walk.

It doesn't start till 9.30, which means I need to leave at 8.30 probably.

I'm sure I can be out the door in time!

I will only be doing the first half of this walk, as I did the 2nd half earlier.  So I probably won't hang around for morning tea afterwards.

I'll just come home and get on with something here.

ABOVE:  I'd love to go for a drive!  But... I'd want to take those I love with me.

Life has it's ups and downs eh?  Nothing is ever smooth.  I'm sure we are no exception to the rule.

The 'Waltons' we are NOT!

Who else remembers this totally unrealistic TV Family?

I used to dream of having a family like them.

Jokes on me I suppose.

I feel like my posts lately have been a bit down and negative.  It's just a phase I promise.

Ain't that the truth!

Dang!  I really do have to snap out of this funk I'm in!  Life is too bloody short to let a few arseholes affect my life so much.
Walking away from them feels so FRIGGIN GOOD.

I'm hanging out for the day I am able to share what's been going on!  It's not been, or is ... FUN.  It's downright NASTY.

ABOVE: Bed hair... and she don't care. Lol
I'm now in Cambridge a full 45 minutes too early.  *sigh*
It's a gorgeous day, might get a bit hot on this walk.

ABOVE:  YES!  I did go on my walk.  It was bloody hot as this morning!  And this walk had a couple of really nasty hills too.  My legs might not thank me later on today.

ANON:   Idle threats do not worry us in the least.  I refer you back to my post yesterday...

We know EXACTLY what is going on.
More fool you.

DOGSTARS:  You have NO IDEA how heavily 'censored' this blog is!  OMG the things that are going on a few fronts.  One day I will talk about it all.  But not yet.

ABOVE:  Griffin is down visiting us.  He now has wheels. 

Griffin has left, and I'm just chilling out by myself for now.  I don't really feel inclined to do much, but in a little while I might go and do some more of my puzzle.  

ABOVE: I ended up keeping busy this afternoon yakking with friends on the phone!  I just love that, the support is so appreciated.
My poor jig saw puzzle is so neglected!

Maybe tonight I can work on it?

Our Plans for tomorrow have changed.  But all good.  KARMA takes time.

Well.... it's been a long day!  I'm tired.  Looking forward to bed tonight.
Dinner was sausages and left overs.  Nice and easy.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. U r stronger than you realize chick xx

  2. How far away from you is Cambridge Chris?

    1. It is a 30 minute drive from my home. More like and hour if the traffic is heavy.

    2. AN HOUR is what I meant to say!

  3. Those who matter don't hurt you and those who hurt you don't matter. You will come out the other side of whatever is going on. Hugs to you and those who matter, Chris. The rest, family or otherwise, will get their Karma - and Karma is a vicious beast.

  4. we read your blog because it is your story> if your story has a bit of drama or negativity _ so be it please don"t censor just live your life and if something it crappy< then voice that < you can do that

    1. Above is the result of a malfunctioning keyboard! Please excuse the multiple typos!

  5. We are the Strongest Family Unit now more than ever.

    Oh and i get to dress up tomorrow and look all girly, sh*t that might be a shock lol makeup and heels even πŸ€” πŸ˜‚
    #Lacy πŸ’™

    1. We need photos please πŸ˜‰ you'll be looking spiffy guaranteed.

  6. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I like Griffins new car, it is sharp looking. Good luck tomorrow. XO, Ky Girl

  7. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Good luck for tomorrow, I have no idea what your going through but know when all the shit is done and dusted it feels wonderful. Jo

  8. Nice car Griffin...all best tomorrow nice Griffen able join u says lots

  9. Good one on the walk bet it was neat catching up with everyone gotta release that stress πŸ’™ nice work Griffin don't prang it πŸ‘

  10. Anonymous3:45 PM

    If any of this negativity involves NZ authorities, then you do need to be careful what you put on your blog because it can come back and bite you especially if other people/children are involved (which I suspect) One day you will be able to let it all out and say anything you want but perhaps not yet!! Anyway, whatever is concerning you today, good luck for tomorrow. Audrey

    1. Not to worry Audrey, in case you haven't noticed, I have NEVER mentioned anyone's name in relation to our problems. And by the way, there is MORE THAN ONE situation going on. And as I said, NO NAMES have ever been mentioned. Nothing is going to come back and bite me in the arse. I have been extremely careful about that, and have our lawyer aware of my blog, and what does and does not go on it. Any comments pertaining to any of the situations are not published.

    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Chris, I have of course noticed that you have never mentioned names or actual details but I was more or less commenting on other people's suggestions that you have the right to let it all out on your blog, and you do, but I am mindful of how careful you have to be when other people are involved. As my Mum used to say "it will all come out in the wash!!". Wait long enough (be patient, lol) and things always seem to have a habit of sorting themselves out. Audrey

    3. My comment was just referring to her "mood". If There is stress or "negativity"
      she can let it out. Not everything has to be "cheerful". But confidential HAS to stay confidential. That is understood.
      Good Luck, if not today than whenever this issue is resolved!

  11. Kiwionholidays4:08 PM

    Time poor so whatever is ahead , we are all here with you guys ,

    Remember Stu back in the day said

    “ Keep cool till after school,, n Billy T had it nailed ,,,with our fab sense of humour,,🐢✔️ to tide us over

  12. Kiwionholidays4:14 PM

    Ps not the tallest one here ,,,,in the Netball team , so want Griffin on our side
    Grown up n great to see him with his own car 🚘

    Lacy you will nail it in your girly clothes ,,,,,pics please ( no pressure) πŸ•ΊπŸΏ

  13. Will be thinking of you tomorrow as you deal with your business, it is good that you have kept your counsel as no-one can come back at you for anything.

    Good always wins over evil, it just might take a bit of time.xx

  14. Bloody families hope all goes well tomorrow.

  15. Hi there, ~ Coming from a people who are supposedly so family-loving, it may be surprising that the Italians have this little proverb: parenti serpenti, fratelli coltelli. Which means: relatives are snakes, siblings are knives. Not an entirely idyllic view of kin. Not entirely unrealistic either.
    All the very best of luck in everything. Ro xx

  16. Just want you to know you have my support from way over here, I know what it's like to be hurt and betrayed by those we are supposed to love. I'm lucky that my situation is not ongoing and I have happily walked away from toxic people for good. I hope things work out for you soon. Love Griffin's car, gosh where did the years go?

  17. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I will be thinking of you all tomorrow and hoping you get some good news. Kj

  18. Good luck and best wishes for tomorrow.

  19. Best of luck tomorrow. Take care.

  20. ugh I hate drama days so stressful ((big hugs))


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