Friday, April 16, 2021


My doctor put me on anti-depressants a while ago.  I took them for 4 days, then, because there was no information sheet in the box they came in, I looked up the medication on the internet.

And nearly spat the dummy!  It would have increased my blood pressure, AND it could not be taken with pain killers!  

WTF?  I was on blood pressure medication AND pain killers for my back.  Both could NOT be taken with the 'depression' medication.

And... it wasn't an anti-depressant either, it was primarily prescribed for OCD, which my doctor said I had.  Hmmm.  

I immediately stopped taking it.  And didn't go back for anything else.

I decided to fix myself.  With chocolate.

And I have (finally) gained 3.5 kilos!  So... yesterday was the first day in months I did not have any lollies or chocolate!

Baby steps.  I'm not going to self medicate with sugar any more.  It's not helping me.  It was making me feel sick as a dog.

I'm going to commit to two walks a week, be they in Cambridge, or here in Hamilton with Stew.  Again, baby steps.

But I feel like I'm finally turning myself around, and getting out of my 6 month long funk.

6 MONTHS of sadness, drama, shit flung at us and not coping.  

One day, one day.... I will tell you exactly what's been going on.  But not yet.  

Because it's not over yet.  It's not settled.  It's all ongoing.  All THREE current situations.

The other two (yeah, there were 5!) ... well Steve's health is steady at the moment.  And I'm slowly coming to terms with the loss of my Mum. 

Today I am going to Godfrey's at The Base.  They sell a vast variety of vacum cleaners.  That is where Steve and Bex bought their stick vacum.

So... I will check them out.  I do still plan on waiting till Stew can go with me to make the final decision.

That will be tomorrow.

My jigsaw has been sadly neglected for two days in a row now... I wonder if I will get back to it today?  15 pieces required now...

12.15 pm:  And I've been, I've looked, I've talked to several sales people... and I think I've made up me mind.

Pros and Cons (of importance to me), of the two I'm now looking at:

1.  Powerful motor.
2.  2 yr warranty on motor and parts.
3.  1 year warranty on Battery (but no one actually told me that).  I googled it.
4.  Only 1 Battery, can buy extra for $80.
5.  You have to hold the start button down continuously to keep it running.            
6.  To empty the dust container, you have to disconnect the pole from the unit, then click it back on afterwards. Even the sales people had some trouble doing that effortlessly.  
7.  Several hundred dollars more expensive

1.  Powerful motor
2.  2 year warranty on EVERYTHING.
3.  2nd battery as part of package.
4.  Click on and off button, no need to hold the button down to keep the vacum running.
5.  To empty the dust container you just press the button and it opens.  No need to take off the pole.  
6.  Several hundred dollars less expensive

Both do the job beautifully.  But I did find the Wertheim a little heavier to hold.
But then... the salesman at Godfreys WAS NOT PUSHY.  He has offered to give me a hard floor mop for free as well.

The sales lady at ******* was pushy.  Told me the Dyson was the best, but I needed to buy it NOW because they were not able to get any more in for months, and THAT one was their last one.  Yeah right.

Two other places I went to check out the Dyson did not say anything about there being a supply issue.  I am also not that impressed with sales people who read the information off the pamphlet to me, I can do that myself.

So, I will take Stew to check both of them out tomorrow.

ABOVE:  This is the sales man from Godfrey's.  He was lovely.  Not at all pushy.  He's rather cute too... which earnt him some points!  lol

ABOVE:  I did find it INTERESTING that he had a Dyson to use as a comparison to other brands, when they don't sell Dysons.  

So.  I am 99.9% sure we will be getting..........


Talk about a process!  I was 100% sure I would be getting a bloody DYSON.  

I'm just a bit fickle.

I've been home long enough to have some lunch (a chicken wrap), and now I'm gunna go do me puzzle.

ABOVE:  I've developed a shitty headache this afternoon.  Probably down to NO SUGAR!  I've had none again today.  Feels great, apart from the headache.

6.30 pm.. and Stew is home and looking forward to a relaxing evening.  I'm about to make dinner, which will be chicken on rice.  Should be nice.

And that's it from me for the day.
Catch you tomorrow.


  1. How can you find 15 pieces? Do you have the pieces sorted in a special way? I did a silly. I bought a puzzle on Amazon that was not released yet! HAHA.
    I think it gets released today. It is a Ravensburger puzzle full of dogs having a pool party. And there is one wet cat too! I think you would geta huge kick out of the image. Its like a cross between a Wajisoo puzzle with all the chaos happening, but with Ravensburger quality. Yes- I am learning about my new puzzle hobby and quality and strategies and so on!
    Happy to hear that Steve's health is holding steady!
    Dog Days of Summer, is the puzzle title.

  2. Good luck looking at vacuums... Godfreys will, of course, try to upsell so watch out for that!

  3. I have a subscription to choice magazine, they did tests and reviews on the stick vaccine cleaners very recently. I can send it to you if you like. Becs vaccuum was one of the recommended brands. I have a Bosch it’s excellently

  4. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Chris - I am glad things are settling down for you. Constant turmoil is painful, it hurts ones mind, body, and soul. I loved seeing the last card night picture and you with your hair down, it looks really nice like that. Happy Weekend to you! Ky Girl

  5. I can't believe a doctor prescribed an a/d that would affect your other conditions. Even the chemist asked me the other day when I bought some paracetamol/ibuprofen what other meds I am taking and if I had high blood pressure etc. Exercise is a great anti depressant. Have you considered a herbal remedy like St John's Wort? I am on Effexor for my depression and it works really well with no side effects. I am so sorry you are going through such stress especially since you're still grieving for your Mum, six months is a drop in the bucket of grief.

  6. He is a bit cute isn’t he!! Love that he let you take a photo and that you asked ๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. I agree he is cute, has a lovely smile!

  7. I love Godfreys too they are the most unpushy sales people ever. Those hard floor mops are awesome too

  8. Yep always good to compare. He sure is cute, I'd buy from him out of principle! hahahaha!

  9. I've got a Dyson but would sell it up the river for something easier to empty, with a second battery! Go THE WERTHEIM!

  10. That's great about Godfreys! I must admit that when we bought a vacuum for Stu's dad there the other week they were not pushy. My experience was different, they refused to sell me the Miele I wanted and kept pushing other vacuums so I walked out and bought it at another shop! What were the other brands like at Godfreys, did you look at them too?

  11. Sounds like wertheim are the winner. I like the idea of a second battery. I may have to see if they are available here when my Dyson dies

  12. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Never heard of wertheim๐Ÿ˜ณ

  13. Anonymous4:05 PM

    We have a Dyson for quick use, as we have a ducted vacuum system which is quite good...I love that mop from Godfreys I have bought some extra mop works so well, light and easy to use.


  14. I suddenly need a new vacuum....

  15. I suddenly need a new vacuum....

  16. Oh if it helps the pain in the back id buy 3 lol...not sure what cleaning will be like in new place cause floors r all that veneer paben so think vacum might mark it...guess ill find out next Saturday gosh i wish u were here u r so good with moving routine

  17. My Dyson stick vacuum cleaner is a pain in the neck to empty. I wouldn't buy a Dyson again. It's a pain in the arse having to hold the button in too! I think you've made the right choice!

  18. Kiwionholidays7:27 PM

    Time poor so have a gr8 weekend all of you there,,๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒฟ
    Cheers ๐Ÿฅ‚

  19. I took anti depressants for 6 months in the year 2000. I gained a lot of weight, and it took many years to lose.

  20. Good luck with the shopping. Have a wonderful weekend.


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