Sunday, April 25, 2021


 I tried a Sugar-Free Hot Chocolate this morning.

ABOVE: The only thing I liked about it was my coffee mug!

It was too sweet.  Didn't really taste like hot chocolate either.  Might not have it again.


And... just to have a laugh... cos we all love a good laugh:

Totally changes it.

ABOVE:  Playing a new card game (to everyone except me and Stew), called Skip Bo.  We all really enjoyed it.

Stew stepped in to finish Joyce's hand when she had to step out to FaceTime family.

It was the first time Stew had played cards since my brother Vern died in 1999.

Stew and I used to play cards with Vern every time he came home from overseas.  When he died, Stew never played cards again, until yesterday.

I think Stew enjoyed it.  Maybe we can convince him to join in again?

ABOVE:  The big boy and the little boys hanging out together.  It was very sweet to see.  

ABOVE:  And some of our girls hanging out too.

ABOVE:  Steve and Mike had a quick game of Magic before dinner. It looks SO complicated!

ABOVE:  Snuggle time.  

ABOVE:  It is scary how much these two precious boys take after their crazy Dad.

ABOVE:  Lacy and her kids.  All so different, but lovely in their own ways.

ABOVE:  Oh look, I got in a photo eventually!

Today everyone is meeting back here after breakfast, and we are going to Hamilton Zoo.

I am sure we will have a very enjoyable time.
After the Zoo we will be having lunch in the mall, before probably going home.

BUT... there might be some shopping done too.
Ya just never know.

So, if you thought there was a lot on here already... just wait!

3 pm:  And we are finally home, having spent about 2.5 hours at the Zoo, then lunch at Chartwell Square.

WARNING:  Photo dump!....

ABOVE:  Heading off on our adventure.

ABOVE: Three little monkeys.

ABOVE: Awww ... little baby primate.

ABOVE:  We were lucky to be at some enclosures at feeding time, so got to view more animals than 'normal'. This porcupine was lovely.

ABOVE:  Lacy got to touch the porcupine spines... she wasn't allowed to keep one.  
I could have said she got to cop a feel, or stroke a prick... but I didn't!  πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

They felt like fingernails or even  a bit rubbery.

ABOVE: A very old female chimp. She sat on a blanket and had another blanket over her shoulders earlier on.  She was so sweet.

ABOVE:  Lacy stroking a Kune Kune pig.  

ABOVE:  It was lovely seeing the Giraffes, but the smell of their urine was SO STRONG I felt extremely sick, and couldn't leave them fast enough!
That was sad, as I really love seeing them.

ABOVE: Rhinos are by far my most favourite wild animal.  They are majestic.

ABOVE: Finally leaving.  
We had to dodge a few showers during the first half of our visit... but it was still a wonderful morning.

Everyone is tired now, so we are just sitting down relaxing for a while.

9.54 pm:  Well I cooked up a huge dish of Chicken and Bacon Rice Risotto for dinner.  I do believe it went down well.
Except for Brylee.  She didn't come back for dinner, she hates Rice Risotto!

Everyone has left now, Mike and Joyce are sleeping at Steve and Bex's tonight for a change.

We expect them all back in the morning to help Brylee move to her new abode.

And that's it for the day!   
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Have a wonderful day. So good to have your family there. Kj

  2. Gorgeous family pics ❤

  3. Hi from Moeraki, heading to the Catlins (bottom of South Island). My brother bought me an apron to match your cup haha. Hope you have a super day with the family xx

    1. Ask him where he got it! I'd love one!

  4. Love your family pics x

  5. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Your just the best Mumma, Jo

  6. Have you tried the Avalanche hot chocolate? It's made in NZ and we love it. I buy every box when our supermarket has it.

    1. Apparently that was the one I had! Glad you like it Chick.

  7. I didn't even realise that Hamilton had a zoo! Looks great. I have tried the Avalanche hot chocolate and didn't like it with just water. I find a little milk in it make it much nicer.

  8. What a lovely day out some nice pictures I love Hippos they my favourite big cuddly pink bits and aggressive as fuck

  9. Everyone looks like they've had a fun family day how cool 😎 nice work Team Harvey πŸ‘πŸ‘ lest we forget πŸ’™

  10. You have made my morning with your photos. I am having breakfast and drooling over them, such a wonderful family day and everyone enjoying themselves. Cold and grey here this morning in Wales UK.

  11. Ohhhh I think stardust creations here from m Taupō have things that match your mug!!
    I will have a look see

  12. What a wonderful, happy family blog today, Thankyou for sharing and all the beautiful photos. You are so generous in sharing your life with us.

  13. I don’t blame Brylee for not coming back for risotto. A friend once called it soggy rice, I totally agree πŸ˜‚

  14. Such fun! Loved all the pics.

  15. Your pictures are amazing. So great to be able to have family fun. We still can’t here in my part of Canada. Jean

  16. Great photos of a lovely family day.

  17. Love the photos. The one of Steve and the boys making faces is just PERFECT! Our giraffes have smelly pee too!

  18. What a lovely family adventure. Enjoy your long weekend.

  19. Fun! I haven't been to the zoo in ages


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