Sunday, January 10, 2021



Literally EVERYONE guessed correctly.


She is moving into a flatting situation, not far from here. In fact it's half way between our home and Steve's!

She will be living with a woman who owns her own home, and rents out her spare bedrooms.  Only to females.

So it's a 'safe' move for her first venture out on her own.

ABOVE:  She has spent the last week packing up all her belongings and making sure she has everything she will need.

The guys have her big unit already in the van, ready to take over to her house this morning.

I can't believe that TONIGHT it will just be Stew and I.

Yes... I shall say it:

42 years, 1 week and 1 day with kids at home and I am finally FREE.  Stew and I WILL BE JOINING THE 'EMPTY NESTERS'.

So many people have said I won't know what to do with myself.  Well I reckon I will be just fine working THAT out!  

I don't want Brylee to feel like we are happy to be 'getting rid of her'.  It's just that she IS THE LAST ONE TO LEAVE!  I would feel this way no matter who it was leaving LAST!

I DESPERATELY want to experience life with just STEW.  

Cooking for two.

Washing for two.

Cleaning up after just US.

Planning outings for just US.

Stew and I have had just a few weeks (IN TOTAL), in our 35 years together, where it's just been the two of us.

I really, really wanted this to happen before we got too old to enjoy 'us' time.

Moving forward from today, I am hoping that Stew and I will spend a bit more time going on weekends away, just enjoying 'COUPLE' time, visiting friends and family more, and not having to worry about, or work around, anyone else.

NOW.  The first correct guess on what the 'MOMENTOUS' event was, came from an ANONOMOUS commenter.

So, if that was you, please send me an email with your name and address :,  and I will send you your little prize.

Today will of course be spent getting Brylee moved out.

Then I will be tidying up our 'new' spare double bedroom, in readiness for when we have visitors to stay.

So there ya go... that will be our day.  FUN!

ABOVE:  Bit cute.  This little family visiting the 'HAPPY TREE'... that's what the littlies call it.
Then they went home again.  😊

ABOVE:  Moving out!  She's now in her new home.  I immediately set about making her old room our spare bedroom.

ABOVE:  It looks beautiful!  It is going to be so nice to have visitors use this bedroom, instead of mattresses on the floor in the lounge!

ABOVE:  All my wool is now in that wardrobe too.  AND that's another wardrobe that needs to be painted at some point.

We have Mike and Joyce, Steve and Griffin here... yakking and hangin'.
Mike and Joyce are leaving in a little while, for their home down in Palmerston North.
I'm gunna miss them!
It's been just awesome seeing them two weekends in a row.

I am determined to visit them in Palmy in the next 2-3 months.

ABOVE:  Very sadly saying 'Bye' to Mike and Joyce.   Hopefully we see them again soon.

5.45 pm: As of an hour ago... we are ALONE!  No visitors. No kid living here.

A...L...O...N...E !

OMG what to do, what to do?

Well, Stew just polished his shoes and is ironing shirts in readiness for his return to work tomorrow!

How riveting is that?  

I'm contemplating what we shall have for dinner.  I'm a bit over left overs already.

I had chips 'n' dip at 4.30,  so I'm not even hungry yet.  Might give it a couple of hours.

9.10 pm:  We had fish 'n' chips for dinner!  Then Brylee visited for a swim, so tonight didn't feel much different!
It will happen eventually.  
Watching a bit of TV, but we are both very tired, so will be going to bed early.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Oh Wow! That is big news. Even though the kids are pretty much self-sufficient by the time they move out.... It is still very different without them.

  2. Enjoy your "us" time. You deserve it after all of those years.

  3. Congratulations.. that's huge. Best of luck to Brylee too because she's gonna love it as well... that first flatting situation.... It's always so exciting.

  4. Even though you will be technically empty nesters, there will always be people at your place! A nice compromise because you get company and family but then they go home. I love being an empty nester... I'm sure you will too!!

  5. Loved the family photo from last night. Congrats to Brylee on her new adventure! Hope she loves it.

  6. Congratulations!

    Just to amuse you - all three of my adult kids + one wife are now all living at home. Three are working (two from home, one still in workplace), one in college, my husband working from home. So six adults, five of us home all the time. The college kid should go back in February, unless something changes/Covid. The other three were in process of moving when this started, and here/home is safest until everything is open and travel safe again. So this is all Covid related.

  7. I am SO happy for the two of you, you are going to love it. My Emily was here for Christmas/New Year for three weeks and it nearly drove me crazy even though there was no drama and she was a delight. You guys have surely earned your couple time, more than most of us. You will find so many benefits as you go along as we have. And it's so good for Brylee to have some independence, and it's a perfect transition for her. So excited for you!

  8. Enjoy Chris & Stew!I don't want to put a downeron the situation, but this generation is referred to as the boomerang generation. They leave, but they also return!
    Make the most of the alone time :-)

  9. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Good on you Brylee everything will be fine πŸ™‚ and you're just down the road so you can grab the leftovers before Lacy hahaha πŸ˜‰ Darby and Joan times ahead George's Mum.

  10. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Wow no kids at home now best thing ever :) ya love them but you will find u and stew time bliss and peace full.

  11. Hi Chris, good to hear you are planning your next stage as a couple again, fun times ahead.
    Just wondering if you know what happened with the "Webbers" after they moved to the beach...I have been checking the blog every few weeks but no posting .Hope they are still Living the Good Life.

    1. Sue is posting mostly on Facebook now. Look up Sue Webber(Sue Rayner) and friend her.

    2. Thank you 😊

  12. Congrats Brylee. A bit move but finally you are independent.

    It's a new phase of your lives, Chris, enjoy every minute.

  13. Wahoo qreat news enjoy flatting Brlee and enjoy nesting Chris and Stew. Im sure you will have plenty of visits

  14. The new spare room looks stunning! What a fabulous weekend you've had.

  15. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Hi Chris, I'm the one who first guessed that Brylee was moving out. Im in Australia so please pass on the prize to the next guess, will save you some postage😊

  16. Kiwionholidays6:38 PM

    Aww all round .,,πŸ’Been there done that n different phases for you all,,,Brylee n Mike n Joyce today

    Aroha that you have built up will always win ,,and “see you soon “ is and has always been our happy place
    You n Stew are in a new phase which is SO different,,,,,,,,πŸ‘πŸ€·πŸΌ‍♀️πŸ’☔️πŸ’—πŸ¦‹, but also so enjoyable too

    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  17. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Wow, what a day ah! Congratulations on becoming Chris & Stew live here. Photos so bedroom and Mike with you are gorgeous. Gosh, it's been a long romance for them. They look so beautiful together. Kj

  18. A very big weekend for you. Hope you enjoy your empty nesting. We loved having our girls with us until they moved out after finishing university, gaining full time teaching positions and eventually engaged and married. They pretty much lived independently at home, if that makes sense. My husband and I were free to do our couple trips, dinners etc and best thing there was usually someone at home to pet sit. We didn’t live our lives around them and we were all free to make our arrangements. Worked well for us. Does Brylee have her own ensuite and cooking facilities etc? Or just a room? Enjoy your new freedom, much deserved

  19. Have fun tonight! CongAts on the empty nest!

  20. Good luck Brylee! They will miss you!

  21. Wooohooo I've got one to go lol. Hopefully that happens before 30 years of being parents ;)


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