Monday, November 23, 2020


 Remember Stew and I went to Spec Savers on Saturday?

Well.. I didn't really get around to telling you anything about our consultations.

First up.  My eye 'health' was excellent, as was Stew's.  No damage due to diabetes at all.

Also, Stew's eyes have 'strengthened', which meant his prescription is less than what it was before.  Mine is the same.

And the best thing of all?  WE BOTH are getting two pairs of glasses.

Stew will have two exactly the same, but one will be sunglasses while the other will be normal.

Mine?  One pair will be for driving/distance wearing, and the other will be for computer/reading use.

AND can you believe this?  Our FOUR pairs of glasses will cost LESS than what I paid for my last SINGLE pair of glasses at OPSM!


WTF?  I cannot believe that.  It's crazy.  Why the hell have we not gone to Spec Savers before now?

I will show you what our new glasses will look like:

ABOVE:  bloody awful photos of me!  I had no make up on, and I look tired.  Probably was.

ABOVE:  I'm really happy with our choices.  We just have to wait several weeks for them to arrive now.

In the meantime, I get to wear glasses held together with tape.

And that is just fine.  I can be patient.

So, today is the start of a new week.  A week that I hope is nice and normal.  No dramas.

First up for me will be some housework.

Then I really don't know what I shall do.  I'm still in a real funk.  No motivation to do much at all.

I wonder how long that is gunna last?

ABOVE:  I woke with a nasty headache.  Not fun.


ABOVE: One big job accomplished today.  Groom and bath the girls.

I now have lovely clean smelling dogs, with no knots.

And I too smell like a wet dog.  Such an attractive aroma.

Next on my to do list is hang out the washing.  Then?  I MIGHT set up my stall in the garage so I know what I'm doing on Saturday morning at market.

It's been ages since I did a market!  And this time I am restricted to just 3 X 3 meters, within my gazebo.  Best get my thinking cap on.

ABOVE:  Before that though, I might just go and get out of me wet stuff!  I'm surprised I didn't get wetter to be honest.  Bathing the girls in the shower is great, but sometimes you forget and spray yourself!

ABOVE: Well, Bex called in and gave me a hand with sorting out how to set up the stall.
I am happy with the table placements and the Table Runner Rack.  
There will be room on the 'walls' of the gazebo to hang cot quilts, banners and paintings.  
Obviously, I did not put up the gazebo!  Way too hard in the garage.

Bex has now gone home with my two excess trestle tables, to use at the market for her stall.

Now... time to relax for a few hours until I have to make dinner.
Something TASTY ...

Well, dinner was a very tasty Beef and Bacon Stew, mashed potatoes and veges.
I give it a 10/10!  lol
Sorry, forgot to take a photo.

Now... watching some tv, then off to bed later.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Nice frames for your glasses. Smile sweetheart. Yes you do look tired.

  2. Glad you found some affordable glasses. They look nice! If you ever want to stock up on cheap glasses try Zenni Optical. They ship from China - you send them your prescription. I have just entered the era of "reading glasses". I have them scattered all over the house and studio. Like 12 pairs. And I still lose them!

  3. I only go to Spec Savers - I get a pair of sunglasses and long distance glasses for a great price every time. Also, not sure if you've seen them, but there are glasses places in malls now (at Sylvia Park and St Lukes anyway) where you take in your prescription and their glasses, including prescription glass, is really cheap - great for those who like to have loads of different pairs.

  4. the glasses look good hopefully they will be here soon. Water is the best for getting rid of headaches, I know you usually don't drink water but have you tried filtered water? I didn't like drinking water till we got a filter. Now when I'm out anywhere that doesn't have filter water it taste yuck! And tea made with tap water is horrible!

  5. I love the new glasses, brilliant colours and they do suit you very well. You are entitled to look a little tired after the past months you have gone through.

  6. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I recently went to SpecSavers too, price difference is amazing. I saved over $200 on my last pair almost 3 years ago at a local optometrist. This time I got two pairs including one pair of Polaroid sunglasses. Mine are multi vocals so a bit more exxy but can’t do much about that. The only disadvantage is we have to go to the next town which is about an hour and a half away.

  7. Wish we had SpecSavers here in the US. Really like the ones you picked out. I'll be getting new ones in the spring and will be at least $500.

  8. You two look great in your new glasses. I absolutely love yours with the different colors. It’s crazy how one place is so much more expensive than another for something that is a necessity, such as eye glasses.

  9. Take your broken glasses to Specsavers - they'll have a look to see if they can repair them for you.

  10. I love your new glasses. I too was shocked when i eventually started going to spec savers i also got two pairs of glasses and a pair of sunnies for the same price of 1 pair at OPSM! Craaazy!

  11. Anonymous1:07 PM

    We’ve always gone to spec savers but mainly because our niece works there and I know she’s really good at her job, we don’t get a discount but it’s still far cheaper. Your clothes today look baggy, you must have lost way more than 5kgs.Jo x

  12. Just done the same thing Chris and gone to specsavers...saved myself a heap too even buying 2 pairs like you. Wondering why I persevered as long as I did with my local company when specsavers prices so low.

  13. I love Specsavers. I shudder when I remember paying close on a thousand bucks for one pair of glasses.

  14. Forgot to tell you. I used my Wonky House runner when we had dinner guests on the weekend and everyone LOVED it, so thank you xx

  15. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Wish I had legs like yours and could wear shorts. Dogs look gorgeous. I bet they are happy to have you home. Kj

  16. oooh what are you cooking thats nice for dinner...>Cheese toasties in this house tonight because this mama cannot be bothered!

  17. I go to specsavers too. I am currently overdue so must make an appointment. I have my heart set in blue glasses this time so hope I can find some! Love what you have picked out :)

  18. Spec savers convert here too I have 4 pairs work 2 out of work pairs and sunglasses paid $400 bargain

  19. Kiwionholidays8:57 PM

    Fabulous scores Chris,
    Good on you both ,
    Lovely newsy blog as usual

    Take care

    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  20. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Hope your headache got better. Great news about the glasses, I wear glasses too - I'll have to check out spec savers next time.
    Kat / Canberra

  21. Love those new eyeglasses !!! They suit you :)

  22. Love your new glasses!


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