Sunday, November 08, 2020


 I'm not blogging today.

Go away and read something worthwhile.

I NEVER comment on other countries politics, but just this once...

And if my views on DT upset any of my readers... well bye bye.  We are all entitled to our opinion.

3.19 pm:  My mood has not improved.

But I know I really should come on here and do an update.

This morning I walked around my room ... getting some exercise.  I didn't feel like being around anyone.

Then at 1.50 pm I went out to the Level 4 deck and sat in the sun.  And another younger woman and I chatted.

She's over here from a European country to visit her terminally ill mother.

So we chatted. That was nice.  To actually TALK to someone, in person, for the first time in over a week.  Felt good.

We had a lot in common.  The 40 minutes passed too quickly.

Now I'm back in my room and yeah, moping.

There is NOTHING  to feel good about right now in my miserable life.  


I know that this shall pass, and I will be just fine come Friday night.

I just have to endure till then.

ABOVE: And that's what I'm missing out on at home.

5.59 pm:  I've just returned from a really good walk on the Level 4 Deck.  I walked the entire 40 minutes were are allocated.  I'm freakin' tired now!

And dinner just arrived.  So off to collect it from outside me door and probably throw it in the bin.  
Just standard procedure now.

SHOCK!  Dinner was lovely.

And on that note, I'm off to have a nice long soak in the bath, with a bath bomb.


  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Chris - here is something worthwhile: Biden elected as 46th President. Trump lost. May America forever stand strong.

    Sending wishes to you for things to be better. I know all of this quarantine is trying, stupid covid!...and it is difficult to be away from your that food situation...I would have cried 3 meals a day, just about, if any of that had been delivered to me. I don't eat hot spicy food and I bet most don't...have they never heard of "sauces" on the side? ;-)

    Anyhoo - I'm thinking of you and wishing you well. XO, Ky Girl

  2. Hold on Chris, just a few more days and this ordeal will be over.

  3. Anonymous8:25 AM

    But Chris your blog is worthwhile. It’s the first thing I read every morning. Your life has been very stressful over the last couple of months and I can understand you feeling down

  4. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Everybody thinks your blog is worthwhile reading - might not always agree with you but it is always interesting. Try and have a good day if you can and hopefully catch up with you tomorrow. Audrey xx

  5. Lol, I have seen the first but not the second

  6. Anonymous10:06 AM

    That is so funny - whatever one's politics you would have to have a chuckle at that one. Glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humour. Audrey

  7. I read DCR before I read the paper in the morning! Love to you, hang in there xxxxx

  8. I live here ! And I am horrified that ANYONE voted for this corrupt man. I get it the first time. They didn't know. But they know now! And they still voted for him.... Ugh.
    If you really do take the day off blogging - I shall miss you!

  9. What do you mean read something worthwhile?!! Your blog makes my day. But I fully understand a day off (says she who took 5 years off!). Do something nice for yourself.

  10. Anonymous11:27 AM



  11. I agree with you - the man was an orange muppet!

  12. Woohoo re Trump!

    Hope you are okay Chris. Hugs and solidarity xxx

  13. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Hope you are starting to feel ok, my hooray was for the removal of Trump.


  14. Hugs hun and i agree with your views on trump gone

  15. It was a very long week, waiting to find out that Biden won. Certainly not as long as your quarantine, but a long week.

  16. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Hey Ma πŸ’™ πŸ’œ
    'this too shall pass' you are so much stronger than you no....even tho you don't feel it....deep down inside you no you are xx

    #Lacy πŸ’™

  17. At least you know they looked after the pool while you were away!!

  18. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Hang in there! Only a few days to go and you will be in the pool too!

  19. What a beautiful pool day! Soon, soon, you will be home soon.

  20. Hang in - not long now xx

  21. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Thank god that idiot Trump has gone!
    It sure makes you appreciate having family as much as they piss us off!
    I was in quarantine when I traveled to and from America so I totally understand.
    I almost ended up with mental health problems. It was hideous!

  22. Much as I love cats I am so glad not to see one on nite nite today xxx

    1. Ha ha! 😼😻😸🐈🐈🐈

  23. Be sure to let the Food Gods know they did something right! Maybe they will do it again.

  24. Yes, yes, yes... very happy with the U.S. election outcome regarding the presidency!

  25. I saw your room walk, you are like a caged animal. BIG HUGS!!! I know how awesome it is to talk to people in person when you haven't been able to. Glad you got a good dinner.


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