Tuesday, October 13, 2020





14/5/1937 - 12/10/2020 

The last 24 hours with Mum.

Mum's breathing and heart beat were very fast, and had been for 3 days.

So I stayed with her on Sunday night. I felt I NEEDED to stay with her.  I sat beside her, holding her hand all night long.  I played music, her sort of music, all night long.

I talked to her.  I told her over and over again how much I loved her. How much ALL OF HER FAMILY loved her.

In the morning, I read her a special letter from one of her granddaughters.

Then at 8.40 am, I left her alone with Ron and did some shopping in Bellingen for a couple of hours.

On my return from that, I had about 2 hours with her before she entered her final minutes.

Ron and I held her and reassured her we loved her and it was OK to leave.

And she left us peacefully, in our arms; at 12.52 pm.

All the time I've been here, there has been no rain in Coffs Harbour.

Yesterday morning, it clouded over, and after Mum passed away, we got thunder and lightening, then the heavens opened, and it poured with rain.

I believe the heavens opened to welcome Mum.


  1. Rest in peace to your beautiful mum. Sorry for your loss Chris and family. Its lovely that you have been there for her this past while and I am so glad that you got to share these days with her. Thinking of you. Paula

  2. I am so sorry to hear this and so sorry for your loss. We have never met and I live in the United States but I’ve been following your blog for years. Having lost my own mother a few years ago I understand the pain. I’m so glad you were able to be there with her. Hugs to you and your family

  3. Rest In Peace Mum 🧑🧑

    Much love to you, Ron and your extended families.

    We are honoured to have shared this journey with you and are blessed to have known The Old Moo via this blog over the years.

    Huge hugs ❤️❤️

  4. Much love to you all. Pain free x x

  5. I am so sorry. So fortunate you were able to be there.

  6. So sorry Chris and family. RIP Old Moo!! No longer suffering and free of pain.


  7. Anonymous6:26 AM

    My thoughts are with you all George's Mum πŸ’™

  8. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Rest in peace the old moo. Surrey

  9. Heartfelt hugs to you and all your family. I am happy that you have the comfort of having been with her as she left.

  10. I a so very very sorry to hear of your Mums passing. My thoughts are with you and Ron and family. Losing a mother is one of the hardest things you will ever have to go through. I am so happy you could he there with her when she passed. Xox

  11. Oh Chris I'm so sorry. Thank goodness you and Ron were with her to comfort her and send her on. May you live long and remember your years with her, her love for you, and the great times you shared.

  12. I am so very sorry. I know how hard it is. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Rest in Paradise Old Moo!!

  13. Rest In Peace. So special to share that time with your mum Chris.

    Lovely to see the photos. She was surrounded with so much love My thoughts and love are with you all xx

  14. Anonymous7:00 AM

    RIP, Sincere condolences Ron, Chris and the whole family.
    Kindest, Heather

  15. So sorry Chris. Such lovely words and gorgeous photos to treasure. Sending much love your way 🌷

  16. I'm so sorry. The photo's of your Mum are beautiful.

  17. So sorry for your loss 😒 xx

  18. What a lovely tribute to your mother that post was Chris. I'm sad for you and your family but glad that you could be with her. She is at peace.

  19. Please accept my deepest condolences on the loss of your beloved mother; I am so sorry for your loss and for your family, and for Ron. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. May the comfort of the Almighty help you and all your family through these next days. Dawn M. Pinnataro Albany, Georgia USA

  20. Awwwwww chick as I read this tears in my eyes my love And thoughts to you Ron and all your Family.
    The old moo lives on through her children grandchildren you have been blessed to love and care for her and Ron in their time of need.

  21. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Beautiful pictures! What a wonderful tribute and I'm so glad you were able to spend the time together. She left an amazing legacy with her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. A life well lived and well loved. Sending you love and best wishes to help you through the transition back to your loves in New Zealand. Love Nicole in CA

  22. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Chris although it is so very sad that your beautiful has left this World she is free of the pain and illness and would be so endeared to you and Ròn for your care and support during her passing. Ìts such a special time. Thinking of you all. Kj

  23. i grieve with you...

  24. I’m so sorry Chris x

  25. Anonymous8:04 AM

    So sorry to read this, can’t imagine how tough this is for you. I’m glad you were there. I read your blog everyday without fail.... have done from the start but don’t tend to comment. Sending hugs from UK. X

  26. Anonymous8:05 AM

    So sorry to read this, can’t imagine how tough this is for you. I’m glad you were there. I read your blog everyday without fail.... have done from the start but don’t tend to comment. Sending hugs from UK. X

  27. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Hugs Chris. I am so glad that you endured the 2 weeks in isolation to get to spend some irreplaceable time with your mum.
    Condolences to you and Ron and family

  28. Chris, my deepest sympathy to you, my heart breaks for you. I am so glad you had the last precious time with your Mum, it will give you strength and treasured memories.


  30. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Sincere condolences Chris and family, your Mum is now free from pain.
    A beautiful tribute to your beautiful Ma, thinking of you. Sharnee, Melbourne, Aus.

  31. Anonymous8:49 AM

    So sorry for your loss Chris but as others have said so glad you were able to spend those last few precious moments with her. Karen, Perth, Aus

  32. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Chris - I am so terribly, terribly sorry for your loss. May your sweet mother rest in peace. Ky Girl

  33. You can no longer see her,
    But please know she is there,
    She is the flower in your garden,
    And the wind beneath your hair.


  34. Thank you Chris for sharing this journey with us. Sending my condolences and love to you and all the family and of course Ron as you face the days ahead. They will no doubt be filled with many tears and I hope love and laughter too as you share memories of days gone by. Take care and I hope you get to walk on that beach, sometimes that's the best place to be to recharge our batteries and soothe our soul. Hoping too that it won't be long before you can be with Stew and the family for those all important hugs. πŸ’πŸ’ž

  35. Anonymous9:07 AM

    So sorry for your loss. I too sat with my mum as she passed. It is emotionally exhausting but know that all the people on here have you in their hearts and also your family back in NZ. Hugs.

  36. So sorry for your loss Chris. May your Mother rest in Peace.

  37. Anonymous9:13 AM

    R.i.p Granny πŸ’™πŸ’œ
    Fly High with Grandad, Uncle Vern Uncle Peter and other Loved ones in Heaven

    I'm so happy Ron and Mum could be with you in your final moments we were all with you in love, and forever will be

    #Lacy πŸ’™

  38. So sorry Chris to hear of your loss. What a blessing for both you and Ron to be there for her final breaths. May she be a peace and no longer suffering. I hope you can cherish all the happy moments you had together, including her being angry at you for going shopping without her!!! Lots of Love, Mel

  39. So sorry for your loss😒

  40. So sorry for the loss of your mum, have been thinking about you all. So difficult but so glad you were able to be with her. Xx

  41. Sending so much ❤️

  42. Barbara Anne9:34 AM

    Deepest sympathy to you, Ron, and the family. It was a blessing that you and Ron could make your Mum's last hours so very special to her and a gift to her that you told her it was okay to go. She'll live on in your heart and in the hearts of all who love her.

    Chris, it's okay to cry. As my Grandma Hall used to say, "Tears show clear what the heart hold dear."

    Hugs from afar

  43. Beautiful photos of your mum. So glad you could be there to say goodbye to her. Love to you, Ron and all your family.

  44. Those are wonderful photos of your family, especially your mom. She was surrounded by love from you and your family in her last moments. I am sorry for your loss, take care of yourself.

  45. Anonymous9:50 AM

    So sorry Chris. what a blessing for you that you were able to share these last memories with your lovely mum. Thinking of you and sending love.πŸ’•πŸ’
    AllyS Melbourne

  46. so grateful you were there with her, as hard as it is you will never regret that decision. Thinking of you all at this very sad time xxxxxxxxx

  47. No words can make it better. So glad that you had this special time with your mum, and that you could show her how loved she was. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ’”

  48. No words can make it better. So glad that you had this special time with your mum, and that you could show her how loved she was. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ’”

  49. Sincere condolences to you,Ron and your families . How very special you were able to be with your Mum Chris and help her on her way. Your photos are beautiful.

  50. So sorry for your loss Chris. Peace and love to you, Ron and family x

  51. Oh Chris, I am so sorry for your loss! Sending love and prayers πŸ’—

  52. I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you, Ron and your family at this very sad time. I'm so glad that you were able to spend those last precious days with your Mum - I know they will have been some of the hardest days of your life, but ones that you will never regret spending with your beautiful Mum. Your Mum would have appreciated so much that you were there for her and Ron. I know that you will cherish all those beautiful memories of the happy times with your Mum. Know that your Mum will always be nearby in your heart, memories and the lovely photos you have of her. RIP Old Moo. xx

  53. I have tears for you, even though you are on the other side of the world and have never met you. May she Rest In Peace. You are a good daughter.

  54. So sorry for your loss. It is very sad. My thoughts are with you and your extended family.

    What beautiful pictures. Such a thoughtful post.

    And you and your sister both were able to spend time with her recently. What a blessing in these difficult travel times. (And she got to spend time with the new baby).

    So glad it all worked out so you are there now too, to help Ron. Poor thing, what a loss he has had.

  55. Anonymous10:41 AM

    My condolences and thoughts to you, Ron and the whole family. She is at peace now with her loved ones in heaven. You have memories to treasure forever. Beautiful photos.

  56. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful lady. I'm so sorry to hear that she has left this world but I know you will always have a special place in your heart for her and wonderful memories.

  57. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful lady. I'm so sorry to hear that she has left this world but I know you will always have a special place in your heart for her and wonderful memories.

  58. My heart breaks for you and your family xxx

  59. Love to you, Ron, Stew and everyone who misses her. I am so glad you made it there and had the time you had. Much much love xxx

  60. Sorry for your loss. I lost my mom a few years ago, also. Much love for you and your family.

  61. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Please except my deepest condolences Chris and family, Jo xxx

  62. I am in tears for you Chris 😒 my heart breaks for you but know that πŸ’” your mum is now at peace, so sorry u cant just be in the arms and comfort of your Stew. My love to you all.

  63. jamie m12:18 PM

    So sorry for your loss Chris, big hugs from Lancashire, UK x

  64. Thank you for sharing this special journey with us. You eased your mum out of this world in a beautiful way. She will rest in peace.

  65. Oh Honey I am so sorry for your loss. So relieved you got to spend some time with her before she passed and that both you & Ron were able to be with her at the end so she was surrounded by love in her final moments. The next few days will be hard & a blur but you are strong and have lots of people who love you.

  66. Heartfelt sympathy to you all Chris but also happy that your darling Mum will suffer no more and that she had Ron and you with her as she moved on to the next stage of her journey. Much love xx

  67. All my wishes for peace and comfort to the family and friends- may memories of happy times stay with you-
    Barb Brownlee

  68. I'm so very sorry for your loss Chris xx

  69. Chris, my heart aches for you. So glad you made the journey to be with her and have her in your arms for her final journey.
    Much love and condolences to you and yours xx

  70. Kiwionholidays2:34 PM

    Such beautiful pictures of Mum and all in recent times,

    Peacefully sleeping and know we are thinking of you and all the Whanau here and back home

    Lots of Aroha to you all xxπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸŒ·πŸŒ·πŸŒ·πŸŒ·

  71. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Condolences to you, Ron and your families...take care xx


  72. I am so sorry for your loss Chris and family. I am so glad you were able to comfort your mum in her final moments and tell her how much she meant to you. My heart aches for you and your loss but I am glad that your beautiful mum is suffering no more x tania

  73. Anonymous3:34 PM

    So Sorry to hear of your beautiful Mum's passing. Deepest condolences to all your family XXX Christine Australia

  74. So sorry for you loss

  75. Anonymous4:40 PM

    So sorry to hear this sad, but not unexpected, news. Sending condolences to you, Ron, and all your family. Please take care of yourself.

    A Fan in Canada

  76. So sorry Chris! I’m so glad you were able to be with her. Big hugs!!

  77. Sincere condolences to you, Ron and your family on the passing of your beautiful Mother, Wife, Grandmother and Great-grandmother. In time I hope you’ll gain comfort from being with your mum in her final days and hours. She went with your blessing on her next journey with you all in her heart. πŸ’”πŸ’”

  78. I'm so glad you got to spend some quality time with her in the last few weeks. Sending lots of love to you, Ron and your families at this sad, sad time xxx

  79. Very sorry for your loss πŸ’™

  80. So sorry for your loss, but also so happy you got to be there with your Mum for her final journey. Kia kaha xx

  81. I was so sorry to read that your Mum had passed away. I was relieved that you got out of quarantine in time to be with her and also that you and Ron spent time talking to her at the end. She would hear you, hearing is the last sense to go.

    My prayers will be with you and your family in the coming difficult days.

  82. Chris I am so sorry for your loss. How blessed you are to have spent her last days with her. Memories that will stay with you forever. Sending you and Ron and all your family love and hugs. ❤️

  83. Chris - you are a good girl, helping your mum in her journey and looking after Ron.

  84. Anonymous10:13 PM

    So very sorry to hear your sad news Chris. What a lovely tribute these special photos are. Sending love and prayers to you and all the family. Your Mum and Ron were blessed to have your care and love in her final days and hours. Take comfort that Mum had a good life, well lived, and is at peace now with the rest of your loved ones gone before. You rest up now, and take care.
    Jane G

  85. I'm so very sorry for your loss Chris -x-

  86. So much love to you and Ron and the family. Rest in love, Mum ❤️❤️


  87. So sorry for your loss Chris xx

  88. What an emotional post that must have been so difficult to write. Much love to you, Ron and your families as you navigate this difficult time together. Liz

  89. I am very sorry for your loss.
    Much love to you all.
    Maureen xxx

  90. My condolences to you all. Glad that you had this time with her. All the best in the trying days ahead.

  91. Trish in NJ6:56 AM

    So very sorry for your loss. From the pictures and comments to and from her that you've shared with us, I can truly say the world will be a poorer place without your mum.

  92. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Not sure what happened to my post yesterday, got lost somewhere - but just wanted to say how sorry I am and know how hard the last few weeks must have been. I am so glad you went when you did as you must be too. Having sat with my mum for the last week of her life I know how how emotionally and physically exhausting it is. Take time for yourself now to heal and know you will be back in Stews arms soon. Take care

  93. So very sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, I know how hard it is to watch your mother pass. Glad you were able to be there with her. I'm sure it was a comfort to her. May she rest in peace.


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