Friday, August 21, 2020


 Our washing machine has been playing up for over a year or more.

It keeps stopping on the spin cycle, with it going CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK and obviously having an uneven drum as it spins.

Yesterday it just kept doing it, no matter how much I took out of it.  It just would not spin without stopping and showing ERR 17.

Steve came around last night after dinner to have a look at it for us.  He thinks he knows what's wrong with it, so will pull it out from the wall on the weekend and see if he can fix it.

If it's not fixable, I'll be looking for a new machine.

A front loader.  I've never had a front loader,  if I get one I won't ever have to stand on tippy toes to get the washing out of the machine again.  That would be awesome!

So I'm kinda hoping it is condemned.  πŸ˜€πŸ˜œ

I had so much to sort out yesterday in relation to the applications to Aussy that I didn't finish sorting out clothes to take with me.  So I will do that today.

Then I really am going to do NOTHING.  My brain needs a break. It's been buzzing from one thing to another for too long.

Coco : has ear wash and steroid cream to be applied twice a day to her sore ear.  Someone remind me to do that would ya?  lol

That Vet!  OMG can you believe it cost me $175 for a 10 minute consult?  And I told HER what was wrong with Coco, and was correct.  I could have even told her what medication we needed too. This was not Coco's first ear infection.  

What was I paying for I wonder?

She said I was to bring Coco back in a week for a check up.  Ahhh... NOT A SHIT SHOW IN HELL!  I'm not getting charged like a wounded bull again.

Next time we need a vet I will be ringing around to find out what their charges are.  I felt utterly ripped off yesterday.

Finally for now... The Old Moo gets to go home today!  She is looking forward to that so much.

I can't wait to talk to her tonight and see how she is feeling... AT HOME.


Wow lot's of negative comments about Front Loading Washing Machines!

The OLD MOO has one so I will ask her what she thinks of her's, how it affects her back etc.

ABOVE:  I went out and bought some travel bottles, and a little tube of toothpaste.  Getting all me ducks in a row... which I'm good at I might add.

I also had 4 inches cut off my hair, just getting rid of all the ratty ends and dry bits.  It feels much better.  I ran into Emily and Liam's Dad who was in having a haircut too. 

I'm now home and contemplating lunch.  I seriously don't 'feel' like food, but my stomach is complaining ... so I better have something to shut it up.


ABOVE: There.   The hairdresser cut it in a curve, not something I ever ask for, but I forgot to say "Make it straight", so there ya go.  Curved bottom.  Probably just as well, cos I've yet to have a dead straight cut.

Right.  Lunch.

ABOVE:  This girl is worrying me. She's lost a lot of weight since moving out of here.  So Lacy, if you want me to stop worrying so much... EAT A HORSE FFS.  Come around and eat our left overs EVERY DAY if need be.  Just fatten up a bit, I am really worried about you.

Sheesh... now it's like... 50/50 with what type of machine to get (if I need to!).  

Utterly stormy outdoors today.  We've had some really heavy downpours and wind.  Not nice at all.

I tried to have a nana nap this afternoon.  Didn't happen.  Got phone calls/texts etc.   And Marley decided to chew up a toy right under me nose.  Charming.

Stew just got home to a cold house, and no dinner.  Just not cooking tonight.  Takeaways it is. Might turn the heater on though.  

I can't wait to ring the Old MOO and see how she's been today, and if she's safely home again.  I've wanted to ring all day, but didn't cos she could be busy.

So... sadly The OLD MOO is still in hopital, and will be until Monday.

Last night a poor girl in the room next to her had a breakdown, and spent the entire night screaming and crying and banging on the door and walls.  So she kept everyone awake.  All night long.  

So Mum was scared and afraid that this girl would get out and perhaps hurt her.  She was assured that that would not happen, but she was still so very upset.  

As a consequence, she was just too tired and overwrought to go home today.

I'm so upset for her, she was looking forward too getting home and being with Ron again.

Hang in there Mum, it will happen.

I'm about to head off to bed soon (early night), so catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I have a front loader now and when it eventually dies I am definitely going back to a top loader. Top loaders are easier to stop during a cycle if you want to take things out or put things in.

    1. I agree.

      Front loaders that handle oversized blankets, etc are great on occasion.

      But for every day wash, I prefer a top loader where clothes are totally submerged, I can soak things, I feel
      like everything gets cleaner.

  2. You might call to see if there is a charge for the follow up vet visit, sometimes follow ups are included in the initial fee.

  3. I must admit I struggled with a front loader machine ... happy to be back to my top loader.

    Re the vet ... definitely worth shopping around. Our cat is on meds that cost us $120 a month, but I get a 3 month script from our vet for $20 then get it filled by an online vet supply service for $60 a month. Funnily enough the online service is a side business of another local vet so I can even pick them up without added postage. I shopped around and most vets charge the $120 for the same meds ... except our old vet who retired a year ago and she was closer to the $60 a month mark. Her consults were only $40 whereas our current one is $80.

  4. My daughter's washing machine died last week and she got a front loader - cheapest was from Heathcoates in Hamilton and they delivered to Auckland. Hopefully she will love it because clothes going out of balance was her big issue too.

    1. Haha... first report from my daughter after using the front loader - it takes AGES to do a wash!! Over two hours. I said just walk away and forget it. I think I'll stick to my top loader for now :)

    2. Lynda tell her to check out the different programs available. I choose one that is 30 min and washes beautifully.

  5. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Vets are so expensive! The main reason they charge so much is because of how expensive it costs to study to become one, so they basically pass the cost on to the customer.
    My daughter is studying to become a forensic pathologist and her student loan is expected to reach nearly $100k and that's in New Zealand! Insane! She has to become a Doctor first and then there is additional study on top of that.-Stella

  6. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Oops forgot to say. We got a front loader a few weeks ago and it kills my back having to bend down. I wish we had stuck with another top loader!-Stella

  7. I have a front loader. The dryer is on top. It goes out of balance and the whole thing teeters back and forth in an alarming fashion. It's hard to bend over to load and unload. The clothes come out twisted up like a rope and the rubber gasket molds (even if you leave the door open like they recommend). Not in love.

    Happy the Old Moo goes home. What a relief!

  8. Anonymous11:20 AM

    There was a program on SBS about vets and it changed my opinion of how expensive they are, it can be watched as a catch up in Australia maybe in New Zealand also? Stella has touched on some of the issues. I have two Burmese cats that are kept indoors with an outside run that helps with expenses as they cannot get into fights and also it protects the wild life. Chris you take good care of your little dogs, they are very cute.


  9. Anonymous12:17 PM

    We need a new washing machine too and I am leaning towards a top loader because we're all getting older lol πŸ˜† yep it was $1300 for George's surgery which blew me lights out!! Jeepers it's blowing a gale here wondering if the equinox are early 🀐 George's Mum.

  10. I've had a front loader for the last four years ... wouldn't go back to trying to reach into a top loader again, that caused my back more issues than the front loader for sure. I also have my dryer on top of the washer but don't have any balance issues mentioned, and no issues with clothes coming out twisted either. I

    1. no twisting? that is my number one issue.... huh.

  11. We have a front loader and love it, it’s a more gentle wash so our clothes don’t pill and last longer. There is a clean cycle so it doesn’t smell and has long and short cycles it depends on what you wash as to how long it takes. Our pup had exactly the same condition as yours and was that price just 3 weeks ago here in Australia. When she was 10 weeks old she swallowed a pebble that lodged in her gut and needed surgery to remove that was $3,500, it was a scary and expensive time.

  12. I would never ever have a top loader, have had a number of front loaders over 40 years, by far the best is the Miele I have had for last 15 years, expensive but there are cheaper models. Not one piece of lint on clothes, woollens wash beautifully, the spin cycle leaves clothes so dry and never get any tangling. Hope you’ve done lots of homework Chris to visit your mum, I am in Melbourne and we are not allowed to leave home any further than five kilometres so even interstate is a no no for us. Hope it doesn’t apply to you. Xx

    1. If I am approved to enter Australia, I will be flying into Sydney (NSW) and not crossing any borders as Mum lives in NSW. I'm happy to quarantine too if necessary and pay for it. I will do ANYTHING to be with my Mum now.

  13. Anonymous1:10 PM

    We have a Fisher and Paykel front loader and love it. Cycles are as short as 15min (Our normal everyday cycles is 1 hour) and it has a function that you can add forgotten items for a little bit after the cycle starts (depending on water level)....So handy! Front loaders use way less water and are way gentler on clothes. I wouldn't go back to a top loader and having to lean over into a machine ever again.

  14. Anonymous1:10 PM

    We have a Fisher and Paykel front loader and love it. Cycles are as short as 15min (Our normal everyday cycles is 1 hour) and it has a function that you can add forgotten items for a little bit after the cycle starts (depending on water level)....So handy! Front loaders use way less water and are way gentler on clothes. I wouldn't go back to a top loader and having to lean over into a machine ever again.

  15. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I love my front loader. Yes it takes longer and some cycles go for ever but I have found one that is good and length is only varied by water temp. My daughter has said that clothes come out much drier in my front loader than her top loader. My current machine is 6.5 kg but I would go bigger next time so my quilts will fit πŸ™„. Only disadvantage is they are so heavy. Drawer units are available to lift them up if needed
    Re Above Melbourne is in Stage 4 lock down and no where else

  16. Yay for your mum! I have a front load. My 2nd actually. I love it! Wouldn't go back to a top load unless it had to be a financial decision.

  17. Both myself and my three daughters/in laws have front loaders and love them. NOne of us would ever go back to a top loader. Glad your mum is home where she will be much more comfortable. X

  18. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I am fine Mum xx spices and curry is all I can say πŸ˜‚ 🀣
    #Lacy πŸ’™

  19. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I love my front loader (2nd for me too). I'd never go back to a top loader either! Hope you Mum gets home safely & has a good nights sleep in her own bed. X

  20. Yay for the Old Moo. No place like home xx
    I have a front loader. Have had it for over 10 years and I love it. It is far gentler on the clothes. Seems to get them cleaner and no more sleeves tied in knots. It's far easier to get the clothes out than diving head first into a top loader and I have a bad back. More economical to run - even uses less detergent. If I forget something I can stop it early in the cycle and put it in - always seems to be a sock!! But if it's too late I just add it to the next wash. No big deal. I cannot find anything in a top loader that I prefer. And our dryer sits on top of the washer so more saved space. The cycles can be longer but if something is needed on a hurry there is a quick wash. I don't understand why a longer cycle is a bad thing .... cleaner clothes in my book!

  21. Oh My! The love of front loaders! Come on, gals... Do your clothes come out twisted like a rope? Do you have moldy gaskets? To be fair, My teetering issue could be because of our floor. And granted it does get every spare drop of water out in the spin, it does use less water, it cleans well, the bending over isn't horrible, you could get a step for it. But the clothes twisting and moldy door gaskets..... Anyone? I can't be the only one??

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      I have never had twisted clothes or anything. Nothing has gone mouldy but we tend to leave our door ajar when not in use so it dries

    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Nope no mouldy seals or knotted clothes no unbalanced loads any more

    3. My clothes twist in a top loader. Never in the front. And I've never had a problem with mouldy door seals either and ours is 12 years old.

    4. Dogstars perhaps you got the LEMON?

    5. Well, I have had two. Both brand new. The first one was a Bosch. That one had the moldy gasket. I can probably assume the wobbling is my floor. It's over a "crawl space" not on concrete. The bending over a top loader and bending over for a front loader is probably a 50/50 draw. My new one (less than a year old_ is Electrolux. It claims to have a mold-proof gasket. And it is not moldy yet! But the clothes in both come out twisted like a rope. Especially long sleeved shirts. I will send you a picture. To be fair, if I was going to the store and buying brand new - I would still choose a front loader stackable washer/dryer set. They use less detergent, water, energy, and space. We are space challenged in our house - so I don't even have an inch to spare in height. But, if I did I would get one of those pull out folding shelves that install between the washer and dryer (when stacked).

  22. I had my last front loader for 15 yrs (asko) , just purchased another one. Would never go back to a top loader. I also love that because its a front loader i was able to have a bench build over it and now have additional storage etc.

    1. I'm thinking of putting my dryer above it, freeing up some space in the laundry area.

  23. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I have a two in one front loader washer/ dryer by Bosch. It has short cycles, washes and spins really well, must say I don’t use the dryer very much though. Wouldn’t go back to a top loader. We have ours on a single drawer unit ( from Aldi) which raises it up a bit. Ally S Melbourne

  24. Kiwionholidays7:25 PM

    Love your hair looks stunning

  25. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I have a Meile front loader and love it.It has never tangled clothes, in fact it is so gentle a folded table cloth came out folded.I believe it forces the water through the fibres.Always washes clean .Never had any mouldy seals,I leave the door ajar and always do the clean cycle when it tells me to.also you cant overload because it tells you your weight limit.Only down side for me is hugh items ie woollen underlay and large quilts have to take to daughters or laundramat.

    1. If I were to buy a Miele, the biggest one is only a 9 kg machine and it is... almost 5 thousand dollars! A crazy price to pay for a washing machine. It folded the tablecloth? Did it put it away in the linen cupboard for you too? lol I'm glad you are happy with your machine though, unlike me and my piece of S*#T.

    2. Oh Chris, here in Australia an expensive Miele is around $2500. I bought my daughter a cheaper Miele for around $1200, but you can get a cheaper European machine surely in NZ?

    3. I'm not sure what other 'European' machines we have. I will look tomorrow.

  26. I have used front loaders exclusively for 30 years now and LOVE them! As I've got older, I've put a drawer under it so I don't have to bend too much, or get on my knees to load & empty it. I'll send you a photo on messenger

  27. We got our front loader about 3 years ago. Awesome. I didn't want one but yeah it's cool. 15 min washes and you can change spin speeds etc and temp. Loads of different cycles. It's a Bosch. It's a bit smaller than our 5 million kg Simpson we used to have that I could fit inside 🀣🀣but still groovy. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

    1. My current machine is a Simpson 8.5 kg top loader. It's been a nightmare from literally day one, this getting uneven and stopping has happened from literally the start, but it's gotten so much worse in the past year or so. I want to kill it with a sledge hammer!

  28. Hope Old Moo gets to go home soon. Good luck sorting out the washing machine. Take care.


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