Sunday, August 02, 2020


Yesterday I was looking at the latest Wave painting, #4.
And wow.

The progression in my technique spread over just 4 paintings is amazing.

ABOVE:  It is very clear to me how far I've already come in making these paintings.
I still LOVE them all ... but I can see the progression in colour, composition and form.
I'm kinda impressed with myself!  
Well come on, someone had to say it!

With #4 I added quite a few more colours, thankfully I wrote them all down, and taped the process.  
While you can do that, there is no guarantee that the next painting will come out exactly the same, in fact, that would be impossible. 
It all comes down to how you put the paint on, how you layer it, how you blow it out etc.
It is such FUN, and nerve wracking at the same time.

I'm sure as I do more I'll get less nervous of the outcome.  😏

Now... today?  I might have a girlfriend visiting, not sure yet.  I think we will just be having a quiet day.
Stew got lots of little jobs done yesterday, so I'm sure he just wants to chill out today.
As for me, I won't be doing another painting until the last half dozen are totally dry, varnished and ready to go off to their new homes.
I only have so much drying room!
Our study has become the drying room, I can shut the door and keep dust off the paintings as they dry.
Dust is EVIL.

Ha ha, forgot 'ONWARD'.
Oh well.
It's now 2.25 pm and it's been a semi busy day so far.

Steve and Bex called in to pick up our lawn mower.  Then Steve sussed out the size I wanted for a display easel.
He's going overboard by the sound of it.
But if he does it like he plans, it's gunna be amazing.

After they left, Stew and I went out and got some more canvas's from Spotlight as they were having a sale this weekend, 40% off.   Damn annoyed it wasn't advertised beforehand, cos I wouldn't have bought any on Friday eh?  Grrrr.

Then we went to Mitre 10 for a small level for making sure me canvas's are level.  It's a right bugger if the paint runs off the canvas cos it's not level!

Home now, and Lacy and Keera are visiting for a little while.

I've got 4 paintings in the garage almost ready for their varnish... they should be finished by tomorrow.  Quite exciting knowing there will be some finishes soon.

edit:  Make that two.  The other two need another week to cure.  

Me damn printer has crapped itself.  I've sent out an SOS to Steve.  Hopefully he can get it working.
It's so HANDY having him just 3 minutes up the road now.
Poor bugger will be constantly fixing shit for me/us.  

It's nearly time to think about heating up the chicken we are having for dinner tonight.  

Dinner was so-so.  Stew tried new noodles tonight, they were Vermecilli, they were interesting.

Steve came and re-connected the printer to our Wi-Fi.  

I varnished two paintings.  They will be dry tomorrow and ready for their hanging string, and then I will sign them and they will be DONE.
I have not been signing them... WHOOPS... probably should.
And date them.

And that's a wrap for today.   Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. The paintings really are changing and getting better. It's interesting to see them in order like that. Have fun with your girlfriend. I don't know if I will ever be able to hang out with friends in a "normal" way again. Such a disappointment. Now as states mandate mask requirements a certain faction of people claim to have a medical condition that exempts them. And stores, employers, and whatnot are not permitted to ask about their ailment. Such bullshit. I saw a lady wearing a mask yesterday AND using oxygen. If she can do it.... Anybody can. Truth is there are no medical conditions, except maybe "anxiety". What about MY ANXIETY about being exposed to their potentially deadly germs!

  2. Great work! Well done Chris xx

  3. Kiwionholidays11:42 AM


    Well done you,
    It’s like a rainbow never tire of the variety

    Enjoy your day

    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  4. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Wowzer you're doing so well Chris πŸ‘πŸ‘ dinner last night sounds wonderful. A very dreary dismal day here we're off to a birthday party this arvo not too many beersies it's a school night lol GM.

  5. Kiwionholidays5:02 PM

    Fab to have the home handyman/men in the area and isn’t it neat ???to share all our talents, weaknesses n strengths together??

    Lovely sunny day here so hope your Mum is due to go home soon or enjoying a nice sunny afternoon where she is,,

    Go the Highlanders lol seeing the Chiefs couldn’t do itπŸ‰

    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  6. download a level app for your phone, return the level and get more canvases!


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