Saturday, July 18, 2020


Right.  Today we have to prepare for tomorrow's Mid Winter Christmas Lunch.

First up... put up some Christmas decorations and a small tree.
Luckily, all our Christmas stuff is in one, easy to access place.

Once that is done, we shall go to the grocery shop to get supplies.   
And on Sunday morning, a quick trip there again to get some cooked chooks and fresh salads.

Some of the little gifts I got yesterday were wrapped for me in the shop, so there's only half left that need wrapping.  Again, I've got Christmas paper in a handy place, so it should be simple to get that job done too.

I'm going to open my shop today too!  Yep.  I will have someone in there during the day, either myself or Zack can do that on top of everything else.

What else?

I did a couple of paintings last night, one worked really well... but I put it on an uneven surface to dry and the friggin paint ran off!  So... that was going to be a 'Start Again' canvas.  But... I dicked around with it after dinner last night and managed to save it.

ABOVE:  That was the 2nd one I did last night.  Finally getting it right!

I can't wait to do another one.... using a different technique.


As I said, I dicked around with the first painting I did last night...

ABOVE: I consider it saved.  Like a lot of things, you have to see it 'in person' to appreciate how funky it actually is.  

This is the 2nd one:

ABOVE:  This one... THE CELLS!  Just love the cells.  And the bright colours.  The next one I do will be blues/teals I think.

Oh wow...Stew has been a busy bee this morning.  So happy with him.
He's got a shelving unit up for my paintings to dry on, it's in the study.
And he's hung a wall hanging which I was sure would stay sitting on the floor for 3 years before it got up! Lol

I don't know what else he's been up to cos I'm in me studio sewing and singing along to me music. Such a lovely day.

ABOVE: 2 pm...and I'm done in the Studio for the day.  I got 6 Bowl Cosy's made today, so a good effort.  No one in the shop today... bummer.

Stew, Zack and I are about to go shopping ... food for tomorrow mostly.

I've decided to do a couple of big platters ... like we did for my 60th Birthday.  Much easier... peeps can just help themselves to food when they feel like it.

4.19 pm:  And the grocery shopping is done, all ready to set up tomorrow.

ABOVE:  I kinda forgot how expensive platters were to do!  Only consolation?   I don't have to spend hours cooking tomorrow.  

Stew is outside doing something with the weed eater.  I think he wants to get the lawn mown before tomorrow.  It is a bit long.  How lucky is he that it only takes 30 minutes now!  😄😋💜

I've got some lamb rissoles out for dinner... so we shall have those with mashed spuds and veges, or something ... I've got two large garlic bread loaves in the pantry that need eating.  Hmmm, might have to have them.  Do they 'go' with lamb rissoles?  They do now.

8.34 pm:  ha ha!  The lamb rissoles were in fact chicken.  Still a lovely dinner.  I'm struggling to stay awake... so I might just go to bed really, really early tonight.  There is 5/8th of bugger all on the TV tonight, so not much point sitting here watching rubbish.  Stew is engrossed in rugby, so at least  he's happy.


  1. Anonymous8:42 AM

    They are both really cool 😎 hoping you have a good day in the shop today GM.

  2. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Wicked. Love love love them. Like rainbow colours. You are amazing. Kj

  3. So very, very interesting. Just Cool to look at!

  4. I really like the second one with the cells.

  5. You are a clever chook. Love the paintings.

  6. Kiwionholidays4:43 PM

    Rissoles n garlic bread, a perfect combination,
    Sure is a big shop but time saved for tomorrow’s do,,

    Cheers 🥂

  7. Garlic bread goes with garlic bread, enjoy!!


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