Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Today marks the last BIG change we are making to our new home.
Getting rid of the garage tilt-a-door.

We are replacing it with a sectional garage door.

If you are not sure of the difference, I will do a little video of both versions... later.  😋😊

Yesterday I showed you the piece of Britto Amanda bought me.
Totally forgot to show you the Britto I gave Stew for his Mid Winter Christmas gift... AND the piece Steve and Bex gave me as well.

Steve and Bex gave me a piece as a 'Thank You' for everything I've done for them this year... very much appreciated guys.

ABOVE:  This is the piece I gave Stew.  I'd bought it a couple of months ago, thinking I'd give it to him for Father's Day... but then we had our Mid Winter Christmas gathering, and I decided I'd give it to him then.  

ABOVE: This is the piece S & B gave me.  Very cute.  Thanks guys.

So today I will be working in my studio, have me little shop open, and also keep an eye on the garage door installation.  
Bex is coming around mid morning to do some housework for me too.

Got it all going on!  lol


It's almost 11 am... and no one is talking to me!
Pfffft.... might just have to pack a sad. 

But good news. The door is getting put in. Might even be done in a couple of hours.  WHOOP!

It is now 1.50 pm.  The Garage door guy has left, he finished at about 1.15.  

ABOVE: Inside of the old door.

ABOVE: Outside of the old door.

ABOVE: That is what I disliked about the tilt a door so much.  The room it took up to open.  You constantly had to make sure you were not parked too close to the door, or risk having your car whacked with the door.
And of course, the cars took up more room on the driveway as they had to park further back.

ABOVE: The obligatory video!  😀😊😂

It stopped raining long enough for me to take a comparison photo of the doors:

ABOVE:  Top is the old door, bottom is the new one.

Lacy just popped in for left overs.  She's still bunged up with a cold.  
And I'm feeling freezing now that I've stopped moving around.  Brrrr... it is a really cold day.

ABOVE: We might be out on a Date Night. 🙃😉😊

9.20 pm:  Because I was feeling really tired tonight, I decided Stew and I would eat out.  Called it a Date Night... cos we ae actually having them now.  Only took 35 years to finally start  having them.

Anyway... we went to our usual place, and I had my favourite,  Seafood Chowder.  I think next time we will go back to our lovely Indian Restaurant in Cambridge for Butter Chicken.

It's been an awesome day, I just love the new door.  It's weird how a simple garage door can make you happy! 😋
It's now time to sign off for the day.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. I'm here. At work but still sneaking in to read 😉

  2. Kiwionholidays11:42 AM

    Haven’t heard pack a sad for ages 🤷🏼so have to say neat pressies you received and got from Steve n Bex as well

    So cute,,

    Hope the doors are up n done when I check back later

  3. Im sure wee will have a mini movie of the new door doing its thing.

  4. Your Britto collection is coming along well :-). Love the new pieces.

  5. I'm so glad your family lunch went well. It was a lovely idea, and good to think of you all following it up in a few weeks with a desert night. Also, that door! Awesome news xxx

  6. Can't wait to see the new door. Ours is tilt one and I hate it but seeing as the garage is basically the husbands workshop I ignore the whole area!

  7. I share your enthusiasm for your new door - our rental property had a tilt a door and it was awful, I was always scared that when it was raised it would hit the neighbour's car which had to pass close to the garage to get to their garage. I love the insulation on the new door too.

  8. The new door is lovely!

  9. Anonymous3:35 PM

    We had a roller door and changed to a tilt a door. My husband has a 4 wheel drive which needs a little more height, he drove around with sand beads in the car to lower it. Jo

  10. I'm happy you got your new door installed before this afternoon's rain. I have always been wary of tilt doors for the same reason as you - my brother still has one, and when I visit there I always make sure I am parked well away from the horrid thing.

  11. Cold clear day in Coffs,been to town,got drivers licence after 3 months delay,so feeling real good about that.In a couple of days I'm going shopping.Feeling so much better in myself,and more
    Confident.Thanks again everyone,you keep me in touch,and it's good to know what everyone is doing also family news.Hope our little boys are settling in at their ne.w school.THE OLD MOO.

    1. Hey old moo. The boys are settling in really well they are making new friends already which is awesome. I'm so glad your feeling alot better I have been thinking of you xx

  12. Anonymous5:15 PM

    New door is awesome. Love the Britto. Kj

  13. Awesome door. Can you give my an approximate cost? Thinking about doing it here but have absolutely no idea of cost!! Thanks! Roz

    1. We got quotes from 3 places. Went with Windsor Doors. It cost $2,500 which was the mid line quote. I went with them because they were really good with communication and didnt dick me around.

  14. Boy did you luck out with the door color! Looks great!

  15. New door looks great, very modern!

  16. Not familiar with Britto, explain?? We got rid of our tilt doors a couple of years ago, and now have one like you have, they are great aren't they.
    Have a great day/ or night what ever you are in now.

  17. The garage door looks great! How wonderful it matched to the old color so well.


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