Saturday, July 04, 2020


Today is here!   Steve, Bex and the boys are arriving sometime today with a load of stuff from their house.
Then they will be staying here until they get the keys to their new home on Monday.

I will be looking after the boys for the next few days, while Stew, Steve and Bex go to and fro from Auckland, bringing all the rest of their belongings down.

ABOVE:  The little labels for my patchwork creations arrived after only 2 days.  So now I can start adding them to everything I make.  They are made of a polyester fabric, are fray and fade proof. 

Now, I shall get up, get the washing on, make the beds, and sort out dinner.
We have a houseful for dinner tonight, not just S & B and kids.

Once the housework is done, I will get on with finishing the 2nd cot quilt, and open me shop till 2 pm.


Can I just say, I'm damn proud of myself.  I was told a few things recently that kinda made me mad as hell.  But, instead of blasting someone on here, or in person... I've held it in.  There is nothing to be gained, so yeah... I must be growing up!  LOL
But I will say this:  I've not 'lost interest in anyone'... I'm just too busy right now.

YOU KNOW... working, taking care of my kids and family 24/7 for 41 YEARS ALREADY, running the house, bla bla bla.   FORTY... ONE... YEARS.  Yeah.  

When YOU can say that, I give you permission to bad mouth ME.

12.30 pm:  And ha ha!  Because the weather is stable over this weekend, but supposed to rain Monday/Tuesday, we decided to go up to Steve and Bex's and get going on bringing everything else down.

So, I left here at around 8 am and Stew left a bit later with his car and trailer.
I loaded up and headed home straight away...

ABOVE:  I was pleased with how much I managed to get in my little car, even though I think Bex was horrified at my packing technique.
Oh well... nothing got damaged ... I have done this about 20+ times in my adult life after all.

It's now time for me to do NOTHING.  I'm done.  From here on all I'm doing is babysitting while they do the rest.

Stew has all of next week off work, as does Steve, so they can work on getting everything from here to the new house slowly but surely.

Dinner tonight... their first dinner as 'HAMILTONIANS' again.  And we are having?

Sausages and CHIPS!  lol  Nice and easy.

2.10 pm:  And Stew and the kids arrived back and have just finished unloading Stew's car and trailer, Bex's car and Steve's van.  There's probably two - three more loads to go and it will all be here.
That will get done tomorrow.

Now.  Relax time for everyone.  We are all knackered.

ABOVE:  The boys hanging out in the trailer... the couch was the last thing to unload from it.

ABOVE:  I don't have to cook tonight. YES!

ABOVE:  so much hilarity tonight! 
And noise.  OMG so much noise!  You'd think three boys would cause the most right?
Wrong.  It was the 9 yr old girl!!!  
But so much fun, unless you are a Granddad trying to watch the rugby.  Poor Stew.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜–

8.30 pm and all is quiet again.  Amanda and kids have gone home, S & B's boys are in bed and now we are relaxing.  Stew is glued to the rugby on TV.  So he's happy.

I won't be long out of bed tonight, it's been a long day, with another one tomorrow.  


  1. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Morning chick how exciting is this weekend going to be! And very busy but you will cope πŸ’— sometimes you just gotta let sleeping dogs lie and believe in your own self. Remember we all love ya! George's Mum.

  2. Amanda8:57 AM

    Gaaaaah, I’m 41, man I feel annncient “sniggerin” πŸ’™

  3. Kiwionholidays11:58 AM

    Aaww excitement central there at you n yours

    Have a fab day

    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  4. All the best for dinner xxx

  5. It sounds like a busy weekend for you all. I hope the weather is kind for you all up there during the move and that all goes well. Looking forward to seeing your next finished cot quilt - you are so talented πŸ™‚

  6. So exciting πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜ƒ

  7. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Wow that’s great going how neat to get a good load moved down. Many hands make light work.

  8. It's going to be lovely having everyone within cooee.

  9. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Exciting. You are the best parents.kj

  10. Kiwionholidays9:14 PM

    Fab ending for you all after all the moving back n forth
    Lovely the others joined you too,

    Well hope whoever Stew was going for won the game ,.
    Both sth isle teams All in all a good game on a cold night ,,

    Cheers 🍺

  11. Hope the weather holds off for you all tomorrow. We watched the rugby too :)

  12. Anonymous12:04 AM

    #Lacy πŸ’™

  13. Looks like a nice housefull! :)


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