Saturday, June 27, 2020


Since I changed to the new blogger interface, I've used two font sizes.

For a while I was using this one (Large) and had no problems with it.

Then a reader said it was too big, so I changed it to this:

The next size down (Normal).

I want to know.... which do you find easier to read?  Which size do you prefer?

Whatever one comes out on top will be the one I use going forward from today.

LYNDA:  I cannot change to a mid-size font by going to my Layout/Theme ... it's not an option.

Now back to today.

And the dilemma Stew and I had yesterday, trying to get a good background sorted for taking photos of my stuff.

Stew hung my big new blind in the sun room, thinking we could just pin my runners etc on it to take photos.

NOPE.  It just put holes in the blind.

So back to square one.

We looked around the house for an alternative background.

And YES!  We decided the white wall in the spare bedroom would work.

But... we didn't want to be poking holes in the wall to pin things on it right?

So, thinking caps on.... and we came up with this:

ABOVE:  We put a shelf up high, then ran curtain wire along the front of it so we could clip runners etc on it.  That works perfectly.  SO HAPPY we finally found a solution.

I will be spending some time today taking photos of all my runners so I can list them on Facebook.

I will make a new PAGE to advertise everything.  It will probably take me a while.  

I'm not sure what to do with the blind in the middle of the sun room now!
For sure it's coming down and going SOMEWHERE else.  

Right now though, I'm gunna roll over and catch a few more zzzzz's.


9.07 am:  didn't go back to sleep so got up and into me little shop by 8.30.
Turned the lights on... and before I was even half way ready to put me OPEN sign out a lady walked in off the street!
So... she had a good look around, sounded very enthusiastic about my bowl cosy's and said she would be back another time to get a few things.

Time will tell.  At least she knows what I have right?  She was walking her dog, so obviously wasn't carrying her wallet.  I've had quite a few instances like that... it's all good!  People are interested enough to come in and see what I have.

While in the shop today I will be sewing bunting together.  This afternoon I will start photographing my runners.

I don't know what Stew's getting up to today... but for now, he's still snoring his head off.  😂😀😅

Testing.... did what you said Lynda.  Had to tinker a bit... but let's see how that goes.

I presume I can still change each post if I want to, like have bigger here and there?

Testing... testing...testing...

Still testing.... 

Right.  I've set a 'default' font size, so let's see how that goes.  I hope it suits everyone.

And now... back to my stitching.

I am sleeping really well on the new bed... still wake with hot flushes but that's just life.  As for Stew?  Not sure ... still too early to tell I think.
It is certainly FIRM!!!  WE both comment on it when we first get into bed!  I love it, it makes turning over so much easier on a firm bed. 

8.30 pm:  Well... it's been a quiet afternoon, then not such a quiet evening!

We had visitors for dinner:

ABOVE:  Amanda and her two youngest came over for a few hours.
Pizza for dinner tonight.

The kids have now gone home to bed, and I'm here still watching some kids movie called The BFG.  It's.......  entertaining.


  1. In my case most certainly the larger font please, even with my glasses on thr smaller font was hard to read

  2. I prefer the small because it's easier on my phone but either... bigger takes longer to scroll for me 😏

  3. The small font is too small

  4. The larger font is definitely easier to read. Too bad there isn't a size in the middle.

  5. Anonymous9:10 AM

    The larger one for me is easier to read - the smaller one is just too small. Pity there isn't one in between the two. Did you decide the white curtain wire (that someone suggested) couldn't be used on the blind? Audrey Rotorua

  6. Chris: You go to "Theme", "Customise", "Advanced", then select page text which will show font size and you can select any default you want. From then on all your blog posts will have that size

  7. Larger font easier for me please

  8. Great, now lower the font size for side bar and comments etc... Those are too big (same place on Theme etc). Keep testing until you are happy :)

    1. Nope.... there is nowhere to change the sidebar font size... can only change the colour.

    2. Adjusting the widths is not applicable with my theme.

    3. What theme are you using? I could have a look, sometimes the sizing is hidden under a different description.

    4. OK, I think you are using "simple" theme... yes, you can't do much with that one. Maybe take the overall text size down a little still? I use 'picture window' and find that has lots more options. I know you like your header up the top so maybe find a theme that still allows that?

    5. Whatever you just did looks better :) You could even take it down slightly more and still have a fairly large font. How was the bed, are you sleeping better?

  9. Larger font is better for me.

  10. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Any font is good Chris we just have to know what's going on in your life haha George's Mum.

  11. I prefer the smaller font, I am using a lap top, so it is easy for me to read.
    Glad yu solved your picture taking problem, an easy fix for sure.
    By the way....Love the wonky runner

  12. Your new default font is great. Not too big and not too small!

  13. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I can read both but prefer larger font because of my eyesight. The default size is perfect.kj

  14. I scrolled back about a week and ALL of your font sizes are bigger than they were when I commented that it was too small. I don't see the tiny font anywhere. So - I am god with any of todays font sizes.

    1. That is because I changed the default size in my Advanced settings.

  15. Agree with George's Mum any size is ok,have no problems.THE OLD MOO.

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Hi THE OLD MOO hope you're doing okay over there 🙂 how's the tapestry coming along? George's Mum.

  16. On my phone the bigger is easier to read.

  17. Kiwionholidays7:33 PM

    Love the new font as I read these messages just very small as I type ,,

    Thanks for trying out all the fonts etc

    Go the Highlanders sorry to the Blues fans ,

    Highlanders need the points lol

    Enjoy the evening

    Cheers 🥂


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