Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Today Brylee will probably have to go and get a Covid-19 test.
She's got a cold, sore throat etc.  
And if she doesn't get a test and be cleared, she won't be able to go to work.

So, she might be home for a few days.

I will be working in the sewing room all day.

And my house will be getting vacumed by... AMANDA.  Yeah, how awesome is that?
She is coming over to visit, so I told her she was on vacum duty.  ha ha ha.

Right, how about last night's dinner photos?

Come on... ya know you want to see...

ABOVE:  Entrees, which we shared, were Pork Belly Bites and Calamari.  So damn YUM!
And we both had a Seafood Chowder, served in a Cob Loaf.
OMG so delicious.  Obviously, we didn't actually eat the Cob Loaves...

ABOVE:  What we left.  Such a waste of food.  As Stew said, it would have been better served in a bowl, without the bread.  But still, a lovely dinner.

I finished the second round Placemat yesterday afternoon, quite late.  So here it is:

ABOVE:  I like this one.  So colourful.

I might make some more soon.  But today, I will make another Wonky House Runner.  


ABOVE:  Well... seems I have help in the studio/shop today.
Which is just as well cos I needed to pop down to Spotlight for more roof fabric, so Amanda watched the shop for me.

And she has a shopping spree.  Spent a LOT of money on stuff!  Nice one.
She learnt what Bowl Cosy's are for... liked that idea and got a few of them too.

Alright, back to it.

3 pm:  And I closed shop after 1.30 pm, and the girls and I went to the Base to pick up my repeat prescription, and some vacum bags.  REALLY interesting shit eh?

We had one lady in the shop today, she was lovely.  We had a nice chat, she had a good browse and might come back closer to Christmas for presents.  

ABOVE:  It's like being out in public with two bloody giggling school girls!  Seriously.  No matter what configuration of daughters I go out with, it's THE SAME!

We are home now.

Update on Brylee.  She couldn't get an appointment to be tested today, so she's getting tested tomorrow morning at a drive through testing station.

9.30 pm:  It's the end of a lovely day.  Very enjoyable having company all day.  Can't say I'd like it every day, but occasionally is nice.
Nearly time to relax and watch Coronation Street!  Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Stu had a covid test yesterday - we are both really crook, probably just a bad cold but best to be sure. He had to wait hours in a queue, it was so badly organised!

  2. I love a good seafood chowder - problem is they are surprisingly hard to come by and I end up disappointed- yours looked great.

    I am sure Brylees's test will come back negative but at least it is peace of mind :-).

  3. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Brylee's test will be fine I am sure better to be safe though. Great that Amanda helped you out did she do the vacuuming haha. Tracy, unsure if you live in NZ but every now and again I buy the ready made ones Naked Locals or Good Taste just add some bits and bobs yummo. George's Mum.

  4. Kiwionholidays1:35 PM

    Love the catchup,, fab to see Amanda there looks young and healthy,,

    I am sure Brylees will come back aok best to be sure with all the outbreaks happening
    We were hoping to holiday at home soon but Victoria has new cases now so that will lengthen the trans Tasman opening for other states as well,

    Would rather it be like that cos a second wave will be FAR worse,
    We are only going out if we have to now we no longer work..

    Enjoy your day n hope your Mum and all are going good in the land of the Koala 🐨🌀

  5. All good here, just freezing.2 deg. This morning,but a lovely fine day,but still the place mat,the girls look lovely also,THE OLD MOO.

  6. Love the goofy picture of the girls! So cute! I really hope Brylee doesn't have Covid-19. I imagine the chance is incredibly slim! I want all of that food!

  7. Kiwionholidays8:36 PM

    Happy is Happy with the girls, made me smile too their pic

  8. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Genuine question - given Brylee is not feeling well (even if it turns out to not be covid) why is she out at a mall? The advice is to stay home if you are unwell


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