Monday, April 06, 2020


Today I am going to roll the paint on the front wall of the studio.
It will probably take me a couple of hours.

Once that is done, I will take a break from painting for a few days.  My arms and back need a break.


I might look a bit like that... later.  Probably have knickers on though.  *snort*

Stew is back to work (in the lounge) today, just another day at the office for him.
I will have lunch with him at 1 pm.

Last night I sat up until after midnight making things for the next tree addition, I had certainly never made them before!
And I had to use a kitchen fork.  
And ideas?


ABOVE:  I made flowers!  Using a fork.  It was very interesting.  And easy. But not that fast.
They are cute though, and add yet another dimension to the tree.

This addition will go on in a couple of hours, once I'm outta bed, dressed and have some face on.

I've been neglecting the face.  Not pretty.  Must do better.  *smiles*

STEVE update:  so far so good.  His pain is diminishing slowly, and he will be on a much lower dose of steroids by the middle of the week.  

Then he will not be classed as 'immunosuppressed' anymore, and that means he will be able to go off his property for a walk with the kids.  He's so looking forward to that.
He's been totally housebound or in hospital for quite some time now.

Yesterday I forgot to mention that Stew did an amazing job of getting a mass of windows washed, inside and out!  There's still more to do, but OMG he's made a huge dent in the number.  So relieved cos they were really awful.
They look WONDERFUL now.


ABOVE:  Flower addition is on, me face is on, earrings on too.  Feel like I should be going out somewhere....  but no.

Off to change into painting shirt and get on with the job at hand.

Oh and... I got messaged this morning by a Whatsapp chat from a neighbour down the road, telling me there was a weird cloud above my house!  Why thanks Richard, I needed to know that!  lol  It was a jetstream.

ABOVE:  Couldn't be bothered with photos this time.
And where is everyone?  Not at work... well not 90% of ya anyway. It's been very quiet on here today.  

I'm taking a break... probably won't be doing much this afternoon.

And as predicted ... I did do bugger all this afternoon.  I had a nap.  I 'helped' Stew with a project when he finished work.
I cooked dinner and now... watching TV till bedtime.
So lazy!


  1. Sandy in the USA9:15 AM

    Hi Chris from the US. LOVE the tree, such a conversation piece! How lovely that you're meeting your neighbors and having a chat because that must help 100% with the lockdown situation. No such luck here, everyone is sequestered away and I haven't seen my neighbors in days. Beginning to miss other people, chatting, etc. Your home is looking terrific. Keep well you guys.

  2. Ive been talking to friend about your tree do u mind if i copy your photo to share with her

  3. HAHA. Weird cloud over your house! People must be bored and lonely! Kinda, cute tho!

  4. the land of the long white cloud.... as they say !!!!!!!!!!!

  5. The tree is so cool. What are you going to do when you finish that one???

    1. I don't think I will 'finish' mine for a very long time.

  6. You guys are really putting "your stamp" on your home...loving all the changes.

  7. I've been at work!!

    1. Normally I'd say poor you... but in this weird time I think GOOD ON YOU.

    2. Pretty lucky really to be essential services. Poor people losing jobs and businesses closing....Apart from the soap and distancing it's pretty normal days.

  8. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I have been at work also sorry!! George's Mum.

    1. As I said to Kate... GOOD ON YOU!

  9. Kiwionholidays5:49 PM

    Fab read as usual So love that colour you are painting Chris. You guys sure have worked like Trojans Smiles, and so good Steve is on the up and up, even though it’s been a long haul,
    Bex and the children will be stokes when they can all go out as unit for walks outside the Bubble

    Good on you all taking it seriously as we try n do our best here,,

    Cheers 🥂

  10. Anonymous8:29 PM

    You have been very industrious with all your painting, jobs etc...the tree looks great... lovely to bring the neighbours together...good Steve going well...


  11. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Geez Stew gave me a fright. Idiot lol. Love the blue. Its bold and beautiful. And the tree is amazing. Kj oh and I'm working too.

  12. I think I'll look on YouTube and see if I can make some of these flowers in the future. Those are great! Glad Steve is doing better.

  13. Busy as always. Well done.

  14. Everything is looking great!


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