Monday, April 27, 2020


So... Stew and I thought about what I could put in the blank spaces on the cot quilts?

We thought about baby toys, like a rattle, stacker rings, bath toys etc.  Then I hit on the perfect thing!


Pretty hearts.  I've done cot quilts with hearts before and they look adorable.

So, today I will be cutting out hearts.

Today is a public holiday.  So Stew is still not 'at work'.
Tomorrow when we move down to Level 3, he will still be working from home most of the time.

Lacy will be home sometime tomorrow, all going well.  I'm still not sure if Griffin is coming home.  I suppose we will find out tomorrow!

Perhaps the only other changes for us at Level 3 will be the ability to drive to say the lake for a walk.  Or along the river bank or the Hamilton Gardens.  And being able to get limited takeaways via pick up or delivery.

I hope this new Level only lasts 2 weeks.

I would like life to get back to some sort of normality eventually!

First up for today, I will be adding something to the tree.  Then I will do some more sewing.

ABOVE:  Kinda funny.  Every now and then I think a cat would be a nice addition ... then I remember the DOZENS of notices on Facebook about lost cats/dead cats on the road, or in a ditch, and go "YEAH NAH".  Been there, done that.

So, time to get a move on, start the day and so on.


11.36 am:  Well it was a very foggy start to the day, and I'm thrilled to say the DVS is working perfectly.  Absolutely NO condensation on any of our windows.

Stew has done a few little jobs for me this morning.  He took the nasty holland blind down from above our bed, then he secured my fat quarter boxes onto the shelves in the Sewing Studio:

ABOVE: Now I can see at a glance what I want in them.

After that he raised my trestle, to make cutting etc easier on my back:

ABOVE:  It might be a bit too high, but he can easily saw the tubes down a bit if necessary.

Meanwhile, I added this to the tree:

ABOVE:  Just a standard addition today.  Can you see the fog in the background?  It was really thick today.

I'm now making a couple more additions for the tree, before going back to making some hearts for the cot quilts.

6 pm:  And I've had a wonderful afternoon.  I made some slashed hearts for the cot quilts I will be making.

ABOVE:  Not very good lighting ... but you get the drift.  They are so cute.

I have done a lay out of one quilt... and will show you tomorrow.

Stew has cooked dinner again... we are having roast pork, roast potatoes, kumera and carrot, cauliflower cheese and home made gravy.  He's showing off now.  I use sachet gravy.  *sigh*

Because I had 'brunch'... I'm starving!  

Dinner was fantastic!  Stew's a damn good cook.  *smiles*

Time to head off to bed, bloody tired.


  1. Cats a a fantastic addition to the family, but you are right it is heart breaking when they get run over.
    When Simon and I chose this house one of the reasons was it’s quiet culdesac street to minimise the chance.

  2. My life wont change much from 4 to 3 except i will be able to get my glasses fixd although ngaire did such a great makeshift fixup job they might hold up a few more weeks and get new glasses all together these ones have been nothing but trouble. Look forward to tree addition.

  3. It will be nice to see the cot quilts with hearts when finished. We have a cat named Jolene, but she doesn't go out at all. Sometimes I even forget that she lives here!

  4. My cat has been coming home covered in sawdust so I assume he has been hanging next door during their renovations lol.

    It will be different dynamic at you place with whirlwind Lacy home :-).

  5. I am reading your posts, but reading them on my phone, I do comment but it doesn't show, I think it's because of what you said maybe in your sidebar, who knows I'm hopeless lol. No probs with comments on my computer, I hope, thing is I don't go on it too much these days :D Looking forward to coming and seeing your tree

    1. It could be the browser on your phone. I can only do comments here with Google Chrome.

  6. That is inspired how Stew raised the height of your table.

  7. Anonymous2:40 PM

    You've got a clever bloke there Chris stay safe tree is looking amazeballs. George's Mum.

  8. Great job Stew im most definitely steeling that idea my back stnaps in half standing leaning over trestle making my card kits and demonstrating. He is a bright lad Id be keeping him on Chris lol

  9. Kiwionholidays3:29 PM

    Great idea to raise the table well done stew n you..,
    Great new pics n catchup, today

    Lovely to see The Webber’s living at the beach too

    I have tried lots of different ways to still be able to comment on the blog
    Can read Sue ,,,but not “ get through” to say how neat the pics are.

    Oh well that’s life in the fast lane lol

    Take care all

    Cheers 🥂

  10. It's certainly grand to have a man about the house! I grabbed son this morning to move around some drawers for me. Where would we be without them! :)

  11. Kiwionholidays6:14 PM

    Sounds a real neat Dinner stew is doing
    Love the care n share roles you ones have like it is here,,

    Can you handle 2more for dinner lol cu soon ,,

    Enjoy without us in case we don’t get there in time

    Cheers 🥂

  12. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Love the hearts. Cant wait to see the layout. Your dinner sounds delicious. I'm over my cooking. Lol kj

  13. Dinner sounds yummy. How lucky to have a partner who like to cook. Take care.

  14. Also love the hearts, cant wait to see the quilt. My grand nephew and his wife just announced they are expecting, so you have given me some ideas. I might just steal them. You cant get me I am too far away. lol

    By the way, love your tree, such a great idea, my tree in the front garden is just too too big for me to even think of doing thst, would never have enough yarn.

    Read you every day, just never commented.
    Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay HOme.


  15. I have to keep my cats inside since we have coyotes here. Learned that one the hard sad way.


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