Monday, March 30, 2020


Today marks the 5th day of total lockdown in this country.

I had a comment yesterday (not published) from a person taking exception to one of my readers calling the Australian Prime Minister a moron.

And well... I have to agree.  He should have locked his country down far sooner.  

From what I've read, that country is only going into full lockdown TODAY.

Scott Morrison... went on holiday while his country burned, and now?  Dilly dallied and let the covid-19 virus spread far and wide much faster than it should have.  


And if you are a fan of the man... and feel the need to have a go at me... by all means do. 
But remember, I am entitled to MY OPINION, just like you are, and I don't actually have to publish your comments.

But I might, cos it could be an interesting debate! 

Moving on... Stew goes back to work today... in the lounge.  
Our new 'normal' for now.

 ABOVE:  I've got the washing in the sun room, cos we keep getting the odd shower.
It's such a handy room!

The potted seeds?  Still just dirt to see, so I won't show ya.  Bex suggested putting glad wrap over the tubs to help the seed germinate.
So I did.  They are like mini hot houses now.

ABOVE:  I've got more for the tree, but I'll stagger putting them on, cos otherwise that tree is going to be covered all over... in a week!

I have done some in crochet, and that takes much less time than knitting.  I am thinking of making more, smaller pom poms too.  For adding higher up the tree. 

So far my stash of wool is holding out!

ABOVE:  Our Fat Bottomed Girls group have been holding video chats... to keep us all connected, and help those that are in self isolation (ON THEIR OWN) interact with others. 

It's been very entertaining, lots of laughs.

Today I'm getting out of bed at my usual time, and doing my usual things.
I took two days 'off' and lazed in bed much, much longer than usual.
But I did get up and get dressed eventually!  Some people I know haven't even been bothering to get dressed all day.

So today?  I will do some housework, then I might just go and sew a few things.  Not sure what yet... 


ABOVE:  Too good not to share.  It's going around.

Got dinner on already, lamb shanks in the crock pot, with onions, carrots and potatoes.  Should be good.

Now I'm gunna go sew one of those additions to the tree...

11.30 am:  I'm thrilled to bits with how much attention my tree is getting!

Today while sewing the latest addition on, I had about 6 groups walk past and chat to me about it, and several cars drive by and wave, and one lady even slowed right down to a stop to wave.  So nice.

Then we had these two:

 ABOVE:  Mary and Dave (just met them), who live down a little side street 1 minute from our house. Mary took a photo for her Facebook group to see.

ABOVE: And then there was this lady and her husband... don't know where they live but they had been out walking for a while this morning, and the lady said when they went past the new addition wasn't on.

And she was so surprised on their way back to see how much I'd added.  lol
It is a big piece I must say.

ABOVE:  6th Addition done.

I'm now going to have a go at making some hearts to hang off a higher branch.  

KIWI CHRIS AND RHONDA:  Yep, it is totally a personal opinion.  And I am guilty of 'name calling'.  I shall try not to do it again, even though I still think his reaction to this health crisis has been somewhat slow.

ABOVE:  Well I think I have mastered making crocheted hearts, the first one I did is at the top.  I think I got better at them by the time I got to the blue one.

Marley likes them, she tried to nick the pink one and run off with it... but Brylee saved it.

I've been on the computer all day when not making hearts.  Or yakking on the phone, thanks Christina!

Stew came out of the 'office' for his lunch and afternoon tea, otherwise I've not seen him.  So working from home is certainly working for him.

It's 3.30 pm and I've just had a couple of scones for a late lunch.  Dinner is starting to smell amazing... it will be a late dinner here, as I didn't get it in the crock pot till around 10 am.

And... dinner was lovely, and I have enough left for another dinner tomorrow night.

End of the day... catch ya tomorrow.


  1. My youngest is home, in quarantine with us, finishing her semester online. (She has been here for 2.5 weeks already. Yes, quarantine days definitely run together, I had to look at the calendar to figure out how many weeks now.) Anyway - she said one of her online classes they all have a crazy hat thing going, including the professor. She said it really brightens their day.

    I have never been able to knit, something about the tension. But I used to crochet a lot. One of my grandmothers used to do both plus tat (lace). She was also a weaver.

    How is your mom doing with all this? I realize they live well separated from people, have they just self quarantined?

    My bulbs are coming up like crazy. I planted and planted last year, adding borders to existing beds. Little did I realize how exciting it would be this spring, to have something to watch.

  2. What are you using for your video chats? I have used Zoom a little bit. But just wondering what everyone else uses. Our US President also dilly dallied about doing anything about the coronavirus. Now we have more than 100,000 cases. And already have overwhelmed hospitals.

  3. My son and niece both live in Sydney and yes, up until now, their PM has been a moron. My son has said the streets have been teaming with people. Food shops all open, malls open etc. Hopefully that will change soon but he's still allowing meetings of two people - ie, you can go and meet a friend then another and another... then go home to your family ?? At least in NZ we are only allowed to mix with our 'bubble'.

  4. I love the colors you're using for the next set of tree wraps. Aw, when I see all those wide open windows and trees with leaves, I can hardly wait for the same here.

  5. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Different States in Australia have different rules and regulations. In Victoria our schools have been closed for a week and our local play grounds etc have as well. Today we have been placed in Stage 3 Lock down. Personally I wish it was Stage 4 Australia wide.


  6. love the tree.I am working from home too and have made sure I get dressed and try & stick to some semblence of a routine. Actually all I want to do is have a snooze tight now haha

  7. The tree will be snuggly warm on these cold days

    1. It's not really that cold here yet Felicity... I'm still mostly in summer clothes. Only had a couple of moments where I thought "Oh, I'm a bit cold!". *smiles*

  8. Opinions are like arseholes and every one has them.

    Australia are not in lockdown. We have some guidelines, but not yet legally enforced and won’t be if the numbers keep coming down.

    Having a valid opinion and knowing what you are talking about, gives you weight in your debate.

    I have used my time during isolation to study NZ vs Aus governments and what they are doing. Which are both completely different.

    NZ is attempting to eradicate the virus, Aus is attempting to slow it, while saving the economy.

    Let’s see who’s economy bounces back and the death toll comparison for the countries.

    Studying not from what the bullshit the media put out either. Actual scientific evidence.

    When NZ eradicates it, if they manage to do so. What happens then? They keep their borders closed for 12+ months so it doesn’t come back into the country?

    I am so bored!!! I am at freedom tomorrow!!

    Round 1 ding ding🤣🤣

    1. Yep, our PM announced today that she would indeed keep put borders closed. That will be interesting but very safe for those of us here. I'm looking forward to a fantastic road trip through the country when the lockdown is over - it will be amazing to travel the country with fellow Kiwis and no one from overseas. It will also be good to help people to get back into business.

    2. Good luck with that Linda.

      Tourism is one of NZs main sources of income, not to mention import/export items.

      Plus you can’t eradicate it at the stage you are at and once everything is opened again, fellow Kiwis will infect each other.
      Tell her she’s dreaming🤣

    3. I suspect we will not be opening up for a very long time... I'm a little more optimistic than you by the sound of it :)

    4. The UK (that's where I'm from) tried to "flatten the curve" and save the economy as Australia has. We're now facing a death toll and infection rate worse than Italy's. I think many of us here wished they had locked down way, way, sooner than they did!

    5. No the UK attempted hurd immunity and then abandoned it because they got too scared and crumbled to pressure from other countries and that’s where their problem is. Now they are trying to flatten the curve.
      How do people in their own country’s not know what is happening and what their governments intentions are?
      NZ = Attempting to eradicate.
      Aus = Attempting to flatten the curve and I’m picking from what they are doing, then hurd immunity later with the non vulnerable.
      UK = As above.
      USA = Changes daily 🤣

    6. I know what's going on thanks. Yes they threw around herd immunity in a misguided attempt to save our economy - I'm well aware our government thought "a few pensioners" were worth being left to die in order to keep money rolling in, within days they changed their minds and they then attempted a half baked attempt at social distancing to flatten the curve and save the economy, within days again they locked us down even further when it became apparent that herd immunity and half baked social distancing wasn't going to do the job - by which time it appears to have been too late. Australia a few days ago seemed to be at the half baked social distancing end of things but I will admit I haven't tracked their progress in recent days as I've been busy trying to keep on top of the UKs stuff - our news usually covers us, a small snippet of the world and then WAY too much US for my liking.

  9. Rhonda1:03 PM

    Love the tree. I live in Camden, NSW, Australia, am 64 and in good health. My husband turned 70 yesterday. We are self isolating as we are able to. Many countries are handling the Coronavirus in different ways, and yes mistakes have been made. I am encouraged that the numbers of infection have dropped in NSW in the last two days. Hope this continues. I am confident that ‘most’ people are doing the right thing in relation to social distancing. I won’t go into politics as I believe it’s very very complicated and I certainly wouldn’t say what my thoughts are would be correct. But, I think I can say without a doubt Scott Morrison is not a moron. Definition meaning a stupid person. I believe he is far from that. My thoughts only and am also of the opinion that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Ultimately We are all human beings, with feelings and name calling and bullying hurts everyone. I hope my comment doesn’t upset you Chris. Love reading your blog. Stay safe

  10. Rhonda from NSW. I woman with a brain. Thank you 😊

  11. My understanding is no matter the method of dealing with the virus, there are going to be continuing “waves” of breakouts. I think the second wave, is usually the worst, historically. As soon as society/travel starts again, hot spots will break out and then re-spread. That is going to be tough. It will be very helpful if they can determine if people developed immunities after recovery. Because knowing if people will stay well vs getting it a second time will help countries know what to do.

  12. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Hi All accept my apology if I offended anyone by calling Scott Morrison a moron. Correct Chris and Rhonda everything is different for many countries. I would rather a slow economy than keep this virus around in the future. Hope everyone is keeping well and let's not bicker, better to be alive than dead. George's Mum.

  13. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I live in Australia & my 95 y/o mother in law lives with us. I can't believe how slow our govt response has been!! Not offended at all!!!!!
    Love the tree art :-)

  14. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I think Stew is staying in his "office" in case you get him to do some looks good..


  15. Thanks for the video - cried with laughter!

  16. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Have a look at Mrs Hughes on Marriage and children...very funny too


  17. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Loving your tree!
    Re our PM..... I don’t think he’s a moron... but I do think we should go straight into complete lockdown after seeing what’s happening in the rest of the world. The morons are the people still flocking to the beaches, and having gatherings despite the warnings ... I live in Melbourne, and have always thought of our Premier Dan Andrews a a bit of a moron... but he’s seriously doing a great job, and Victoria is being far more pro-active than most of Australia.
    AllyS Melbourne

  18. Glad you're keeping busy! I'm running out of things to paint. And paint...


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