Wednesday, February 12, 2020


On Saturday I got an email from Internal Affairs, informing me that Stew's new passport was on it's way and would be delivered to our home within the next 1-3 working days.

Cool.  I figured it would be here Mon/Tue or Wed.
So, Brylee and I played tag team, making sure someone was at home at all times on Monday.
No delivery.

Then I got an email saying it would be delivered on Tuesday by courier... so again, Brylee and I made sure one of us was home all day yesterday.

Because the passport had to be signed for upon delivery.

I tracked that parcel all day...

ABOVE:  When I saw that it was 'With courier for delivery' at 12.36 pm, I figured it would arrive in the afternoon.

NOPE.  So I rang the courier company just before 5 pm last night, to be told it would definitely be delivered that day.

Then I checked the Tracking information, only to see our parcel was back at the depot, waiting for the courier again!

WTF?   I'm livid, and will be ringing them bang on 8 am this morning to see what the hell is going on.

Obviously, I now have to stay home ALL DAY AGAIN, so if/when it is delivered I can sign for it.

New Zealand Post, Courier ... YOU DAMN WELL SUCK.

I should have chosen to pick it up myself, to save all this aggravation.  

So obviously, I will be home today.   I will do some housework, before heading into the Sewing Studio to do some sewing.


Well... there's no grass growing yet.  How long does it take?
It's hot.  It's got water twice a day.  ???

Rang New Zealand Post... our parcel is still sitting there at the depot.  Waiting for delivery.  Useless, they won't even let me go and pick it up!  Why?  Because it's been scanned as waiting for the courier, so can't be physically picked up by me!  OMG so frustrating.

So.  The latest update on the Passport delivery:

I rang New Zealand Post, and according to them the passport never left their Depot yesterday.
But when I rang them yesterday they said it was with the Courier on it's way to our house, and it would be delivered yesterday.

Brylee saw the courier van arrive outside our house yesterday afternoon, but the guy never got out of his vehicle, he just sat there, then took off again!

So I'm thinking that he didn't have it... whether he lost it or left it at the depot, I'll never know.


ABOVE:  It's now .. 'with courier for delivery' ... AGAIN.  So, let's see if it arrives this afternoon eh?   

I've been sewing steadily all morning, and ...

ABOVE:  I'm on the home straight for this project.
Then it will be on with more projects in the line up.

ABOVE:   Finally!   I got a phone call from NZ Post around 2 pm, informing me that it would be delivered between 4 and 4.30 pm TODAY.  And it was!
Thank god, I was sure they had lost it.

In other news, Griffin came home.  For a shower before heading off to another dental appointment.  Now I have to wonder ... will he be home for dinner?  Or even to sleep, cos since he moved home, he's spent one night here.  The rest of the time he's been?  Out.  

Got my answer to the above... he's 'out' again.  Home tomorrow.  Aaa Haaaa. 

Dinner tonight is a bit of a laugh.  I meant to get Saveloys out to go with potato salad and coleslaw.  Opened the bag and dropped them in a pot of water... only to see Cheerios!
So we are having kid/party sausages for dinner tonight!

I suppose they are just like saveloys, only smaller right?  *ha ha ha*!

While it's been an up 'n' down sorta day... with some aggravation thrown in, at the end of the day all is good.
Lovely yakking to THE OLD MOO and Steve today, and visits from Lacy and Kelly.

Time to sign off for the day.  


  1. I hate waiting for a courier!! I get all goods that need a signature sent to Stu's work. At least I know someone is there to sign. Hopefully it arrives today.

  2. I'm like Lynda. All courier parcels delivered to my workplace (my Mum & husband's parcels come care of my workplace too). We have couriers in and out several times a day plus if I"m not there, the parcel can be signed off by someone else 🙂. Fingers crossed the passport arrives today.

  3. I also get mine sent to work generally because there is no one at home half the time. For my passport I got it sent to our virtual office which is a shared space and then I know reception will be there to sign for it. It does suck that you cannot even go & pick it up!!

  4. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I always have my packages sent to my workplace (as I am there M-F 8 am - 5pm) and always somebody there for deliveries to sign for packages too. And I feel better knowing boxes, etc won't just be left on my outside step for a thief to steal. Hoping you got the passport today!!
    Dawn Pinnataro, Albany Georgia, USA

  5. Sounds like my wxerience Chris. On Monday at lunchtime I took some documents to NZ Post for overnight ingredients to Rotorua - a 45 minute drive! 5pm Wednesday they still haven't arrived 😮

  6. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Do you wear gloves when sewing? Apologies if that sounds like a stupid question! I'm not a sewer so have no idea.

    1. I wear special sewing gloves, they have little rubbery bobbles on the palm and fingers to help hold the fabric when sewing. I only wear them when I'm sewing larger projects. So yes, I do.

  7. Anonymous7:28 AM

    That's so neat! Thanks for answering my question. Learn something every day!


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