Monday, January 13, 2020


Just a few years ago I never went on You Tube at all.  
I had no idea what it was for, except to listen to music!

Now days, I 'follow' heaps of people on it.  They are like my blog, only in video form.

I've thought about stopping my blog and going to You Tube, but I really don't think it's the right platform for me.

But I do love You Tube!

When we moved into this house, there were no instruction manuals for anything.

We went on You Tube to work out how to work the HRV and the Heat pumps.  

Last night the oven was flashing 'AUTO' and do you think we could get it to stop so we could use the oven?  NOPE.

So onto You Tube I went and within seconds ... we had a video up that showed us exactly how to get it going again.

It's a fantastic site to use for so much!

What do you use it for primarily?

Now back to today.  Stew goes back to work after having over 3 weeks 'HOLIDAY'.  I say holiday, but  in reality the poor bugger hasn't had one.
He's had a holiday from his 8-6 job at the office though.

His next 'holiday' WILL be a holiday though.
We had planned on going to the South Island for a month over March/April.

But those plans may change... it will depend on if we decide to get new carpet or not.  

This home's carpet is in a dismal state.  VERY worn and stained.  If it's not too expensive, we will get new carpet and forgo the South Island trip in favour of a couple of shorter trips away.

I have got two carpet companies coming in this week to give me quotes.
The first company arrives this morning, and the 2nd one is due tomorrow.

I'm really hoping we can get new carpet!  It would certainly give the house a positive lift.

Brylee has work today too... so for the first time in over 3 weeks... it's going to be JUST ME at home!  What shall I do?



10.49 am:  And wow it's quiet here!  I've done some housework, and the first bloke from Carpet Court has been, and will get back to me with a quote in the next day or two.

Also this morning, I have been slowly taking photos of all my 'project panels' and fabrics, so I know exactly what I've got to work on.  It's going to be neat to print them out and refer to when I am contemplating starting a new project.

There's quite a few really lovely cot quilt panels, which I enjoy doing. 

Because I sold 6 soup bowl cosy's yesterday, I need to make more of them next.  Then I will do some cot quilts for market.

Right now though, I'm taking a breather.  

4.11 pm:  OMG that took so much longer than I thought it would!
I had to pin up each 'project', photograph it, then download it, edit it and put them all into collages to be printed.


Here's just a couple:

ABOVE:  I've put them into groups of 4, that way I don't have 54 separate photos.  *smiles*

As I make them up into quilts or whatever, I shall cross them off.

This way I know exactly what panels I have left to do.

It's called being organised... or having OCD lol!

These fabrics are JUST the panels ... not all my fabrics of course.  Just wanted to clarify that.

I have some amazing fabrics too... I will show you some at a later date.

For now, I need to make a start on dinner preparations.

We are having Beef Spare Ribs.  And veges.

So... dinner was lovely.  Now... watching a new mini series on the telly before bed.


  1. We fully recarpeted our place last year with good quality carpet and top underlay for $5,300 all up. We love it! Don't get wool carpet though, make sure it's the latest non-woollen stuff because it looks like wool but won't fade and is ridiculously easy to clean.

    I also use Youtube for manuals and instructions etc - especially good for learning how to use gadgets on our new car!

  2. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Love you tube! We just bought a caravan and now I spend a ridiculous amount of time watching caravan channels, including a fantastic one by a New Zealander called Travellingk. You learn so much.
    New carpet or holiday.... tough choice. We need new carpet. But we bought a caravan. Oh well!!
    AllyS Melbourne

  3. Uribe may be useful, but would not like you to give up your blog.How would I know what you were up to and I would miss all your lovely blog friends.Im sure they would miss you to.THE OLD MOO.

  4. Anonymous10:49 AM

    New carpet and 3 day weekend trips away best if both worlds eh....Blondie

  5. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I have used You Tube at lot since ive been at Uni (Studying accounting and financial planning). There is so many things i didn't under stand that ive had to self learn - Algebra , financial formulas, economics etc its been amazing! Bee - Gold Coast :)

    1. Oooh! is a great free place for learning stuff. We used it for our son in High School - but I think it goes all the way to college levels!

  6. My house is quiet today...housevwas buldging with family and friends for a week

  7. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Love your panels, I love watching You Tube as well. I think it would work for you and actually thought that when you put up a few videos on your blog, not sure about the trolls though they can be pretty awful. Jo

  8. Maria6:19 PM

    Missouri quilt com & Jordan fabrics have great step by step quilt tutorials on YouTube. Check them out

  9. I love the panels cant wait to see your other fabrics. I also agree with the old moo keep up your blog im back to checking it every day. Xx

  10. I've been watching a lot of resellers on You Tube. It's like going shopping without spending money haha.

  11. I use youtube for learning stuff. That is probably the #1 thing I watch. How do I do this or that? Also, music videos, listening to new bands. That's about it though!


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