Friday, December 27, 2019


So today I think the guys are going to get back to leveling the ground for the pool.
They will probably work in the morning till it gets too hot, then stop for the day.

Which is fine by me.  I don't want either of them to get exhausted and/or suffer heat stroke.

Yes, it will be wonderful once the pool is up and running, but I don't expect it to be done at the expense of anyone's health.

Ya hear that guys?

While they are doing that, I am going to potter around in the house.  There's still a few odd jobs to be done, what I call 'fluffing' around.  *smiles*

Plus there's washing to get done and hung out.
And I might even do some work down the side of the house where the dogs are.  We have not had a chance to do anything down there yet, except spray weed killer.

I did a good job last night in the sewing room, sorting out all my fat quarters:

 ABOVE:  I am a bit alarmed at how few I have now!  I have used heaps making Soup Bowl Cosy's.
 ABOVE:  I am really happy with my thread holders!  So easy to see what is there, and access them.
I do have 'spare' threads too of course, they are in little boxes on a shelf.

ABOVE:  Another thing I'm happy about, the curtains from the family room - now in here.  I get privacy at night now.

Right, that's me for now.  I will be back later ... with some more photos of the progress being made outside, to the 'pool area'.


12.30 pm:  And today is going as planned.
Bex and I tidied up and weeded half the area down the 'dogs' side of the house.

 ABOVE:  We have done to as far as that old, funky post.  The rest is probably going to look after itself.  And the girls go piddles on that end of the garden.  So whatever survives stays! lol

 ABOVE:  Sorted and looking good.  I will be getting some lettuce, parsley and chive plants soon.

ABOVE:  Working on the leveling still.  And clearing out the old pavers, down to the left for the new lawn.

9.28 pm:  We all worked till about 2 pm, then stopped and came inside to shower and relax.
I took Coco to Animates for her groom... she looks wonderful now.  

We decided not to have left overs for dinner tonight, instead we had KFC.  A night off for everyone.

Now?  Coronation Street.  Then bed.


  1. Good Morning! The studio is looking spiffy. Wish I could borrow you for a week to sort MY studio!

  2. Looks great. So cool that everything is getting done so fast 😊

  3. So hot here today.Had 45mls rain and now it's cooking.You are doing well both in and outside,looking realy how you have set up your cottons.Sun is out and its burning cant be outside.THE OLD MOO.

  4. It's exciting to see how quickly you guys are sorting out what you want to do with your new house ... and I'm super impressed with how quickly you got everything unpacked. We've been in our house 13 years- and there are still a couple of boxes I've never unpacked. (I can't even remember what's in them ... but whatever it is, I probably don't need them!).

  5. your sewing room looks amazing!!!! I could stare at those coloured cotton spools all day!!!! Christy xxxxx

  6. It will be very nice, having a pool! My wife and I were discussing where we could put one.. Your new garden looks nice too!

  7. You guys are going gung ho!! It's going to look fabulous when you are all done. Very motivating!


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