Sunday, November 17, 2019


Sunday... sleep in, all going well.

Then assess Stew's finger, if it's looking iffy we will head off to the Dr's.  I'm hoping it's OK of course.  I can't imagine anything worse than spending hours at an After Hours Medical Centre to be honest.

*** MUM (OLD MOO) update ***  All is going well over there.  The fire risk has dropped heaps and they are feeling much safer.  Still watering their home and surrounding gardens/trees, but they do that all summer anyway.
Their temperatures have dropped, Mum was even wearing a cardigan last night when I talked to her!

Righty ho... off to get some porridge and check out Stewie's finger.  


10.30 am:  Update on Stew's finger.  It's looking OK... and he's quite sure it's not broken.  So all good there.  We will be heading into Hamilton in about an hour... so catch ya later.

1.02 pm:  Home from Hamilton.  
Instead of going to the mall for lunch, we came back to Cambridge and went to Fran's Cafe.

They used to have the most amazing club sandwiches... different combos, amazing chutneys and just delicious.  Now?

Whoever is making them now sucks.  They are totally boring, ordinary, no flavour, nothing nice about them at all.

And Stew and I ordered a Ham/Cheese and Tomato toasted sandwich.  Out came Ham/Cheese are raw red onion.  NOT IMPRESSED and told them so.  Then I proceeded to pick out all the onion.  Ikkk.

Yes, they offered to make us new ones, but as it took them 15 minutes to bring out the first lot, we said no thanks.

Never going there again.  Won't be living here eh?  *smiles*

Home now... and am going to have a nap.  Cos I didn't get to sleep till after 2 am, my mind just would not switch off from all the different things cluttering it up.  

Moving.  Furniture placement. Fingers and thumbs. And so on.

Stew and I just spent over an hour getting everything out of Griffin's wardrobe, sorting it out and packing it up, ready to take with us.  *sigh*
Here's another kid who likes to collect shit.  Boxes things came in ... LOTS OF BOXES.
No way are we taking any of them with us to Hamilton!  Out they go.
His room is now 99% done.

Tomorrow I will be doing our wardrobe.  Oh ya.

OMG can it be any quieter on here?  I hope everyone is having a bloody awesome day!

Time to sign off for the day.  It's been lazy ... and busy.  


  1. Anonymous9:49 AM

    So relieved for your mum. Its been horrd reading about the devastation over there. So glad they're ok. Temperatures certainly dropped here last night. Spent day in Dannevirke and it was too hot for me. But came home and ftoze.

  2. Anonymous10:06 AM

    thumb update please

  3. Worked this morning. Groceries and cooking this arvo. Hardly thrilling but busy enough. 😁 I need another weekend day!!

  4. Been in Auckland for the weekend on a stampin conference it was fantastic

  5. I am enjoying hearing all about your move as I have not moved in 30+ years. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Great photos of Lacy and Keera! So cute and cheerful! The thing that IS NOT cute is Stew's finger (Sorry Stew, it HURTS to look at)! I truly hope it is far less painful than it appears!


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