Thursday, April 18, 2019


It's off to work I go... again.

A different house today, one that is not too onerous.

Lots less scrubbing, and virtually no spiders!  Thank god.

I got a really lovely text message from 'MH' yesterday, her's is the home I did last Friday.  The HUGE home.
She just wanted me to know she was very happy with how well I did her home!  Awww, nice to know.

After I've done today's house, I will come home, clean myself up and then go into Hamilton for some paint and stuff.

I hope to get at least one or two canvas's done over the long weekend.

I did get a few odds 'n' ends yesterday here in Cambridge from the 1 2 3 $ shop.  Plastic cups.  Wooden stirring sticks. A couple of cheap canvas's... I don't want to use expensive ones while I'm learning how to do this new technique.

I can't stop watching You Tube videos!  There are so many different ways to do paint 'pouring'! You are never too old to try something new.

Well... if you are arty farty that is!  Clearly, I'm arty farty.  *sigh*

ABOVE: Last night's dinner.  OMLord, their Butter Chicken is to die for!  I swear, I've never tasted a better dish!  I don't have rice with it, just some Garlic Naan Bread.  And a large glass of wine.  It's probably the only time I have any alcohol now days.  Stew had a hot Chicken dish of some sort.  He liked it too.

EASTER coming up, and Stew has next week off work.  That's going to be lovely.


3.00 pm:  Well this morning went well.  I got my job done bang on time, then came home, got changed and went into Hamilton as planned.

Don't ya just love it when everything goes to plan?

My first stop was Spotlight, where I got some paint supplies, then Bunnings, then Rebel Sport.
Yep, the only place I could find that sells Liquid Silicone was at Rebel Sport.  It's for Treadmills of all things!

Then I went to Burger Fuel and had an amazing burger for a very late lunch (2 pm!), and then I came home.

ABOVE:  Took a few photos of the trip home from Hamilton.  I was stuck behind a concrete mixer truck, along with about a dozen other motorists.  He was going damn slow.

 ABOVE:  Hee hee... I bought some shit.  
Always make me smile when I go shopping.

ABOVE:  I just love the view I get when I pull into our driveway.  So pretty.  Give it a couple of months, all the leaves will be gone.  *sad*

 ABOVE: So, ummmm yeah.   Sorry Darling, ya got a little job to do when ya get home.  Thanks so much *smiles*.

 ABOVE:  And there ya have it.  I think I've got everything I need to make a start on Acrylic Paint Pouring!

Bring on tomorrow.  (or Saturday)

Well... it's the end of the day, and I'm ready for bed.  Been watching more You Tube videos of painting techniques.  Starting to get very befuddled!  Time to stop and just think for a while.

I might not even try to paint anything tomorrow... might just do some relaxing sewing.


  1. Those dinners look delicious...

  2. I am glad you had a nice dinner out, you should do that more often now the kids are grown up enough to look after themselves :-)

  3. Oh yum... now I feel like butter chicken

  4. I still have yet to try butter chicken. Maybe one day. Lol looks yum!

  5. I have never had butter chicken, either. I was expecting you to have much bigger containers of paint. And the pourable kind - like house paint. I guess not. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Make a video! So - we can watch YOU (or at least your canvas) on YouTube!

  6. I've wanted to do that paint pouring for a long time but can't afford the materials. So, I'll have to wait... :(

  7. replied to the blog last night but sometimes on new device,, cant get the full gist to send..

    Lovely pics and enjoy the new projects .. Will be fun
    Have family member who does it and its fab .

    Love the scenery going in to Cambridge .

    We discovered Vegetable Korma in Hamilton a couple of years back at an Indian Restaurant in the main street (fabulous they also did takeaways to Motel) and have been addicted to that,, and Butter Chicken,,, Naan bread etc ever since

    Good on you guys doing Date night.

    Bet you slept well after the wine .

    So pleased Brylee and Griffin and alls the others are doing well,,,

    Enjoy the long weekend

  8. I watched a couple of pour paint videos last night on Youtube. One of them had 5 colors of pourable paint in a plastic cup (lightest color on bottom so it ends up on top). No silicone involved. Anyhoo - our local "garbage dump" has a "free table" where people can drop of unused paints and others can pick it up. That would be a great place to get a bunch of free random colors to experiment with before using your spendy stuff. If you have such a thing.... I saw other videos that must involve silicone (I had volume off) . I assume the silicone is what gives it the "marbled or alcohol ink" looks. I can't wait for you to try it!!!!

  9. Some girl my daughter knows does that paint pouring and thinks she is the one that invented it or something.

  10. Paint pouring can't wait to see the end result!


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