Wednesday, March 27, 2019


So I'm totally loving making the wonky house runners!

I finished two large ones yesterday, and one small one last night:

ABOVE:  This one is a place mat size, or suitable for on the kitchen bench, or a coffee table?  Dunno, but it's damn cute.

So today I'm going to continue sewing.  And no doubt I should do some housework too.  Ikkkk.
I got some floors washed yesterday, it did feel good, cos they were DISGUSTING!

So, I might do some vacuming, cos OMG this house needs it!  I have been seriously slack lately.

And that's me for now... I'll be back later no doubt.


1.40 pm:  And I'm just back from Hamilton.
I wanted to do the vacuming right?  So, I am not able to find the crevice tool... Stew's looked for it, I've looked for it.. to no avail.
So I decided to go back to The Base where I bought it from and buy another one, and some more vacum bags.

I get there at 10.30 am, and there's a sign on the door:  'Back Shortly, having a toilet break'.
Cool... so I stand there for 10 minutes... nobody comes back.

So. I go over to the Warehouse and buy some cheap buckets, go to the toilet myself and then wander back to the shop.  And the shop guy is just getting back!  It's like, 11.10 am by now.

So either he's been mucking around, taking a long break, or there's something seriously wrong with his bowels!  lol

I mention to him how long he'd been away from the shop, and he INSISTS he was only away for 10 minutes!  BULLSHITER.  There was another man waiting for the shop to open again, and he said he's been standing outside the shop for the past 15 minutes!  

But ANYWAY... I got what I needed then headed over to the grocery shop.  I ONLY needed a lettuce for tonight's dinner right?
Yeah.  $157 later, I leave that shop and come home.  *sigh*

I've had the most brilliant idea ever... well OK, it's not original.  I think Steve thought of it first.

I'm gunna move me sewing room into the two bedrooms Brylee and Griffin currently reside in, and move them to the other two bedrooms.

We will lose the 'spare' bedroom, but at the end of the day, we can put up a whole family in the 'lounge' on the bed settee, and single mattresses on the floor.

Then I will get Steve to knock down the wall between those two bedrooms, so I've got a decent sized sewing room!  

I wonder what Stew will think of this 'brilliant' plan?  

3.30 pm: edit:  after talking with Jacqui, we probably DON'T  need to knock down the wall... just make a double doorway between the two rooms and have a concertina door, so the rooms can be closed off if necessary!  BOOM!  

FELICITY:  Thanks babe, ya know how much I love comments!  ♥

MAGPIE:  I am SURE you were laughing your head off when you left that comment!

LYNDA:  My kids are used to me moving them around... poor buggers.

TRACY:  That would be a good thing, he might actually FIND a few missing things then! *smiles*  And I could go through his clothes and get rid of what he's outgrown too.  He can't even close his drawers anymore, he's got that much stuff! this is a link to my fundraising page for the Cancer Society, Relay For Life being held this Saturday.  If you are able to donate even $1 it will go towards a very good cause.  This can be done via internet banking.  TYIA if you are able to.

10.30 pm ... and it's been a good day.  I feel totally back to normal.

Dinner tonight was diced marinated pork steaks, cooked with onions, added with salad stuff and put into Stand and Stuff soft tacos.  OMG delicious!
Sure gunna be doing that again.

Now... time to sign off for the night.  Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Just saying hi as u have no comments yet lol


  2. Those wonky house runners are so damn cute...

  3. Your kids are going to get dizzy the number of times you shift their rooms :) Is the new plan going to be the hot side of the house? You'll still have four bedrooms so you may as well make a big room out of those two.

  4. I am sure Stew will be over the moon

  5. Griffin will have to have a clear out of his current room unless he wants to lug it all to his new room :-)

  6. I have been waiting for this, I've already got a few ideas in my head. Talk to Dad, once he has finished rolling his eyes and saying Yes Darling let me know and I'll get it sorted :)

    1. You know your Dad cause your a chip off the old block

  7. Good luck with your new project. The runners are cute.


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