Monday, February 04, 2019


It's easy to do when ya husband is home and you really don't have to get up and do anything!

So, the post is late.  But... it's comin'....

Here's a few photos from yesterday's Pizza gathering:

 ABOVE:  Hayley (in the all black dress) is leaving the group for personal reasons, so we did a whip around and gave her a Thank You gift as she did a lot of admin work last year.
She's me neighbour too, so I shall still see her of course.

 ABOVE: Our hostess provided the bases, all we took was the toppings, and made our own.  It was a neat idea.

ABOVE:  Pip, our hostess was a dab hand at cooking the pizzas in her pizza oven.  Made me want one myself!

She certainly could churn them out pretty quick... I hate to think how many she cooked yesterday, but it would have been over 20!

ABOVE:  This was Pip's Kune Kune pig... all I could think of was bacon.  lol

Last night Stew was yakking with my friend Sue's husband, Trevor, about camping.
We are planning on going camping next summer, probably with them.
They have a big bus they go traveling in.... we can't afford a bus, but I am hoping to get either a little pop top or a decent tent.

Stew's always poo hoo'd the camping idea, but I really want to try it.  

So anyway, after talking with Trevor, Stew is keen to go check out a local camping ground not far from here at Hora Hora.

So, that's what we are doing today... going on a tiki tour.

Griffin is at school today.  Lacy is heading back to Tauranga with a view to moving over there soon.

Brylee will probably come with us.


I don't know if I mentioned it?  But anyway... two weeks ago I made a complaint to the District Council about the goddam annoying, barking dog next door.
I decided enough was enough.

It has barked EVERY SINGLE DAY it's owners are away... non stop till it runs outta bark, then it moans and groans till they get home again.

They spent A LOT of time away over the holidays... so it barked all through the holidays, and now they are back at work and school... it's going to town again, as per usual.

So, I thought something might have changed after I complained about it right?  Nope.  Nothing was different.

Till this morning.

When Stew and I heard someone yell at it from next door!  The dog started barking at about 8 am, after they all left the house.  But obviously someone was still home cos the dog got yelled at.

ONLY... it's still barking.  Just like normal.  So, I'm gunna complain again.  And again.  Till they do something to stop it.  I've put up with it for over 2 and a half years and I'm done.

1.15 pm:  We've been out and about... found the camping ground out Hora Hora way.  It's small but nice looking.  Might be a bit too quiet for us!

On our travels we ended up at the Arapuni Dam, and we saw a sign saying 'Swing Bridge' so yep... went on it:

ABOVE:  I saw when it was built and was a bit like ... "Hope it's still sound!"

 ABOVE:  An old turbine from the power station.

ABOVE:  looked solid enough!

 ABOVE:  Seriously, it doesn't look as high up as it was!  I don't really like heights!  
Glad we went across it though, it's all experiences eh.

After that we went to the Little Waipa campground.  It had very few facilities, a couple of loos and showers and a BBQ.
There were a few campers there.  It's incredibly tranquil:

 ABOVE:  I suppose if you like camping and just sitting reading a book it would be awesome!  But for Stew and me... we like a bit more to do/see.  So probably won't go and stay there.

ABOVE:  We stopped near Lake Karapiro and saw heaps of baby trout!  Literally hundreds of them.  Suppose that means the river/lakes are healthy!

Home now and I'm going to do a bit of prep for my next cot quilt.

Just realised I have the Cambridge Trash 'n' Treasure Market this Sunday!  Shit that came around fast!  

Had a busy afternoon.

-Put the gazebo up so we could work out a better way to hang cot quilts and runners around the sides. 

-Went to Mitre 10 and bought some ratchet tie downs for the gazebo, they work perfectly!  Will show you next time we put it up.

-Had a swim to cool down.

-Then into Spotlight in Hamilton, and got some essentials for cot quilts.

-Picked Griffin up from Boxing.


-Finished cooking dinner and fed everyone.

-Dinner was mutton chops casseroled in the oven.
Now our house is like a bloody oven!  So ... SO HOT.

-Now going to veg out until it starts to cool down, if it ever does.  Shit, I might just turn on the air conditioning!!!

AIR CON WENT ON.... and it was wonderful for a few hours.  Then it got cold!  So weird.  Anyway, it's now bedtime.  Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Oh God I can't stand a barking dog

  2. That Bridge is AMAZING! And, it looks plenty high in the photos! I LOVE it, I LOVE the campground too. I want to live in New Zealand! What a beautiful and friendly place you have there!

  3. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I think that barking dog has moved in next door to us

  4. I'd probably go steal the dog if it barked all day. So annoying!

  5. Fab pictures as always love the 5th one from the bottom Looks floaty and peaceful. I can shut my eyes and remember all of that ..
    Wrapped you did the swing bridge.Good for you!!

    Growing up,further South,,, there was one in one of the places we lived as Teens, and used to jump off it in to the fresh cool water, often there were eels there (we saw as we were doing the jump)

    Dont do the jumps now (smiles) but every time we go back there get photos taken on it for memories sake .

    Fab that the three of you did it together..

    Hope the barking dog/dogs get sorted soon. Its quite wearying isnt it??? esp when you cant get them out of their space ..

    They or it is probably fully bored and lonely maybe??

    Take care and Enjoy the wee ones, and the Mums n Dads


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