Saturday, January 12, 2019


Well, we don't have any firm plans for today.
There's housework to be done. (always!)
And prep for Market tomorrow, not sure how much I need to do!  I've kinda forgotten about markets lately!

And at some point, probably this afternoon, we are going into Hamilton, to take Griffin in to see a friend of his who's in hospital.

Lacy has had a dreadful backache lately, but last night something 'clicked' and she could move again... so hopefully she is still feeling better this morning.  Nothing worse than a sore back.  (or a grumpy Lacy)

And seriously, that is all I have for now!  I'm just sitting here staring into space, NOTHING is coming to mind.  

So I will just bugger off for now and hope I have more to yabber on about later.  *smiles*


Hi there sorry it's not been a Bloggy sort of day. I've been lying in the sun, just enjoying the day. Stew and the kids are in Hamilton.  I opted to stay home and swim... like in the sun and so on.

Think I'm ready for tomorrow... don't even feel like going right now. 

Think it will be a waste of time... but we will see.

So, Stew and Brylee just got home from Hamilton.  Griffin stayed there with his friend's parents, visiting his mate in hospital.  

Stew finally spent the Christmas Voucher I gave him:

 ABOVE:  Doesn't he look lovely in that new t-shirt!  

ABOVE:  He also got 2 new business shirts, 2 singlets and another 2 or 3 nice t-shirts.  He's such a spunk  *smiles*.

So... a totally lazy day!  Perfect if ya ask me.  I have market tomorrow so am going to bed early.  I really am not looking forward to the morning!  Ugggh.


  1. Hope you r having great day Chris

  2. Should have got those Uggs! I LOVE UGGS!

  3. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Stew loves blue too lol

  4. Used to have uggs in nz now when we holiday in winter there see they are still about.. Lovely for snuggly winter days!!!

    great Stew,, got some newbies all fresh n new for summer. Glad you got a slower day Chris.. those are Happy days too that we all need .

    Gr8 success at markets tomorrow

    you will soon get in to the swing again!!!

    Cheers !!!

  5. Stew also likes blues, I see. Good luck at market and have fun!

  6. His weight loss is very obvious. And yes, he is a bit of a spunk you lucky girl! ;)

  7. I like the thought of you laying in the sun at hme by the pool. You're one of the hardest workers I know, you need time for relaxing.

  8. Have a great Market!

  9. Stew looks great!

  10. Ha that shirt looks like a paint explosion happened nice colour though.


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