Wednesday, January 16, 2019


I am determined to get into my sewing room today and make more Dog Placemats!

AllyS Melb:  I think you have misunderstood what my dog placemats are for?  They are not placemats FOR Dogs to use ... but rather, placemats with dog pictures on them... for people to use!  lol

ABOVE:  A small sample of them.... I've not got many left right now at all.  I think I've sold over 30 of them so far.

Most people tend to buy one with their type of dog depicted, or of a family member or friend's dog.  

You would not believe how many people ask me if I have a particular breed of dog!  Most times I actually don't sadly.
There are just so many different sorts of dogs, it's quite amazing really.

I will have to stop making them soon as the supply of dog breed fabrics I've been getting has dried up.  Bugger.  Or not, depending on if I keep selling stuff at markets or not.

I have two definite markets on my calendar, the local Church one on the 28 January, and one at Tamahere School in March.  

I MIGHT do the February and March local Cambridge one .... just not sure yet.  It was such a dismal waste of time last weekend, I'm just so discouraged.  

But moving on... I also have two baby quilts to keep me busy too... both I am really looking forward to doing.  They are fun. (Thanks for the order Heather *smiles*)

I didn't get around to doing the white wash on the wooden picture frame last night... cos I got distracted with an alternative for the wall.  I will show you later.

For now... I am contemplating heading out for a Social FBG walk at 8.30 this morning.  It will totally depend on the weather.  If it looks like it's gunna get hot, I'm staying home and sewing.


Well!   I went on the friggin walk didn't I?  It was a bit cloudy and had been raining, so nice and coolish.

 ABOVE:  For once there was a beautiful clear view of Mt Pirongia!  Usually it's all hazy.

 ABOVE: There's a first for everything, and today's first was seeing a totally burnt out car on the side of the street!

ABOVE:  Today's walk photo.  Just 4 of us today. 

Been the kids taxi today.  Already taken Brylee to work this morning, and I need to pick her up at 2, then turn around and take Griffin to work at 3.  Thankfully, Stew will be able to pick him up on his way home from work tonight.

I've just had lunch and am feeling a little bit motivated to go and do some sewing.  Just a little bit, not a lot!  lol

Grrrrrr... seems Griffin had his own plans and didn't bother telling me about them.  He didn't need a lift to work after all.  And there I was all ready to take him. *sigh*

edited:  content removed... just no point.
Don't want or need drama on here.

We have huge clouds forming ... looks like we might get a thunder storm!  I hope so, I love them.

It's time I sorted out dinner... I'm making pies from left over Spag Bol... the family will love that.

I have a headache.  Too hot.  Stressed over Griffin being a shit.  Bloody teenagers.

Dinner was great. Filling.  I loved the coleslaw on the side most.

Time to wind down, I've had enough of today.


  1. Ha ha of course!, lol. I still want to make my dogs placemats though!

  2. Anonymous11:11 AM

    would these work for you?

    1. Absolutely! I also used to be able to find this one too: It's from the same maker 'Elizabeth Studio'. I use both of them, but there's nowhere here that has any now.

  3. Anonymous11:12 AM

    or this

    1. OOO I've not seen any of that fabric here at all. Very cute.

  4. Anonymous12:26 PM

    1. Thank you for the links. I think it's cost prohibitive when you look at the exchange rate and postage, but thank you for the links.

  5. Wow - It's just so beautiful where you live! Nice embellishment on your FBG t-shirt!

  6. Oh - and 4 people is lots of people. I would have a hard time gathering four people for a walk where I live!

  7. I am the exact same way with my phone. I often leave it somewhere that I am not, or leave it on mute (because one of my dogs is deathly afraid of ANY noise the phone makes) I have tried every text tone and it all freaks him out.

  8. Quick one today, That view of MT Pirongia,, just stunning and the foreground garden adds to the niceness .

    Well done you,, in your photography ,,,always light bright interesting , n good memory boosters for us (smiles)

  9. Looks like a nice place to live. Walking is the best! Glad to hear you are getting out there and enjoying the summer.

  10. So nice to have people to walk with!

  11. I love agapanthus the purple and white. Puts new meaning to doing a burn out. Lol


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