Sunday, November 11, 2018


So... I have a board I wanted to have standing behind the placemats on my stall.
So I asked Stew if he could figure out a way to hold it in place.

ABOVE:  This is the board.   I wanted people to be able to SEE what place mats I had, rather than rummage through the whole lot, looking for a particular dog or animal.

And Stew, using his KIWI INGENUITY/BLOKE LOGIC ....  'sorted it' for me:

ABOVE:  Yep... his solution!  A vice grip.   SO ELEGANT... NOT!
He said it was simple and effective!

I'm like... NOPE.  Looks horrendous.  I did have to laugh though.  Lacy thought her Dad was just having a laugh and wasn't serious. Me? I knew he was dead serious!

So I sorted it myself, using the two holes already in the frame:

ABOVE:  So that was pretty much the last thing I needed to get sorted out before today.

And it's now time to get in the car and head down town and set up the stall.

It's supposed to be a nice day, and busy in town.  So... let's have a positive day.  Fingers crossed.

Catch ya later.


2 pm:  Home from the market.  Had some lunch.  And now... I'm going to do NOTHING for the rest of the day!


EXCELLENT!  So glad I decided to stay.  That's not to say it will be 'excellent' every month, but for now, I will keep it up in Cambridge.

 ABOVE: My stall.  I should have taken another small trestle table for the left hand side... next time I will.

 ABOVE:  My 'happy face'.... one's face gets sore from smiling for hours on end!

ABOVE:  Customers.  
I sold lots of placemats, thank goodness I made heaps!  And tree table runners.  And ... a smattering, across the range, of my other stuff.

This coming week I will need to make MORE placemats and soup bowl cosy's.  Everything else is OK for now.

The board I made with the list of placemats  available ... was virtually ignored!
Seriously, people still rummaged through all of them!!!  So, I will still use it, but try and point it out more.

ABOVE: There was a parade in our little town this morning at 11 am.

This is why:

At 11am on 11 November this year, New Zealand will mark the centenary of the armistice that ended the First World War in 1918. On that day 100 years ago, after four years of brutal conflict, war finally gave way to peace.

It was only a small parade here, but everyone stopped to observe the 11 am tribute and parade.

It's now 8.58 pm and Stew and I have settled down to watch a movie on Netflix. After that it will be bedtime.
It's been a long, but good day.


  1. have a great day Chris

  2. I hope this will be your best market day yet.

  3. I think that sign is a GREAT idea. People (like me) who are afraid to walk into some booths, can eyeball it from the outside and maybe turn a walk-by into a sale! Genius!

  4. I hope your market day is going well and that you are making lots of sales and contacts.

  5. I'm sorry. But your sign does not compare the the "Beds R Us Birthday Sale" - which is incredibly overwhelming! I still love your sign idea, tho!

  6. Can you "cover" the Beds R Us sign next time? Have the men in your life create a tall something or other to hang your goods while "accidentally" blocking their sign!

  7. Glad it went well for you, well done. People like to rummage, I know I do, the sign is a good idea to sow what's on the placemats but I'd still want to go through them and see the pictures.;-D xx

  8. So Happy you had a good market day and sold quite a bit... Rewards for your hard work


  9. Lacy Harvey11:06 PM

    Shot Ma 😊 stocked you had a good day 😊

  10. I was going to say I doubt people will read the sign lol. I think when they look through they find stuff they didn't know they wanted ;) I do hate that little kids with grubby fingers tough my stuff sometimes though.


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