Sunday, October 21, 2018


WELL.... it's finally happened.
I'm kinda old.

NOT that I feel it!  I can't believe I'm that old, but yeah, I am.

I've held off opening any cards or presents till now.  But today, while I'm still in bed, I will be opening the cards that have arrived, and a few presents.

I did get one present yesterday, Steve and Bex gave me these:

ABOVE:  Four AMAZING trays!!!  And the perfect size for my party platters!
I'm so thrilled with them.  I joined up some paper to line the bottoms, so that the food is kept hygenic.

These trays are very 'rustic', just what I wanted and couldn't find in the shops.

 ABOVE:  I made 'sign's for the bathrooms, out of paper and then pinned them onto these stands.  
No confusion on which bathroom to use now.

ABOVE: My family room last night.  We couldn't find the balloon pump, so Steve and Bex blew them all up!

Jen asked me what I sold the most of at yesterday's market, and the answer was : 'Table Runners'.  I was left with only one Tree Runner, so last night I made this one:

ABOVE:  I just love these runners.  
I am hoping that I can get one more made tonight, after my birthday party!  We will see though, I might be too tired!

It's going to be a busy morning, I have to pick up the Birthday Cake at 9 am, and buy the last of the food.  

Then get home and prepare everything, get the platters arranged and so on.

PHEW... turning 60 is freakin' tiring!!!

Let's have an awesome day...


OMG... today!  I'm having an AMAZING DAY! 
Far too much going on to blog more right now. I hope to do a proper update much later tonight.

Right, I have a bit of time... before heading back into the sewing room to finish off a table runner in time for tomorrow's market!

It was a Red Velvet cake, and it was

 ABOVE: I was very spoilt and got masses of cards and presents.  Opened some in bed with the little grandkids first  thing this morning.

 ABOVE: Stew gave me this AMAZING crab!!!!  You can lift up it's 'shell' and put ice in the body, then some bottles to keep them cool.

I'd seen it in a shop ages ago, and he remembered and got it for me.

 ABOVE:  The platters came out AMAZING.  Just how I wanted them to.  It was so good... people just 'grazed' all day long.  

 ABOVE:  The fourth one ended up on the dining table.  Which worked well cos the little kids could reach the food easier from the table.

ABOVE:  Crabby got used outside during the day, but he's come inside now.  Isn't he amazing?

Thank You to everyone who sent me cards/presents, I appreciate each and every one of them.  

It has been just the most lovely, awesome, special day, spent with lots of friends and family.

I am signing off now... I have heaps to do before tomorrow.


  1. Have the very best birthday ever xxx wish I could have shared it with you.
    A very happy special 60 th birthday xxxxxx

  2. Happy Birthday Chris, I hope you have a wonderful special day, you deserve it to be truly beautiful and a day which will create many happy memories, lots of love and best wishes may your day be truly blessed.

    Maggie Magpie Melbourne Australia

  3. Trish in NJ8:02 AM

    Happy Birthday. Hope your party is lots of fun along with lots of fabulous presents. Enjoy your day.

  4. Happy Birthday Ma ������ see you soon xxxxxx

  5. Barbara Anne8:26 AM

    Happy 60th birthday! I'm nearly 67 1/2 so I'm ahead of you but am still only 5'1" tall. I thought I'd be taller by now!

    Happy party, too!

    Love those trays and the many Christmas table runners you've made, and the cheerful wall quilts with the animals along with the stuffed toys. You're so talented!

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Chris!!!!! 60 is just a number and isn't that bad. Hey, we're alive and kicking :) Have a fantastic day and I love those wooden trays that Steve made.

  7. Happy Birthday!!!

  8. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Dearest Chris, happy 60th!! May you have a terrific day surrounded by your nearest & dearest. Xox.

    Beck, Brisbane (long term reader, I remember your 50th!, first time commenter). Must have been a great year to be born, as my mum turned 60 this year too.

  9. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Happy Birthday!!!! Enjoy your day!!

    Cheers Peta

  10. Happy Birthday. I hope you have a wonderful day!

  11. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!

  12. Happy birthday OLD TART with love-have an exceptionally amazing day

  13. Happy 60th Birthday Chris! I hope that you have the most awesome day, surrounded by family, friends, love and laughter :)

  14. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Happy,happy,happy birthday to you! Wishing you health and happiness in the next year!
    Christine in Kansas

  15. Sandy in the USA10:23 AM

    Wishing you a very happy 60th birthday! Getting older means that we are all survivors and should be proud of ourselves so .... many happy returns to you :)

  16. Happy Birthday Chris, hope you got my ecard.

  17. Happy happy birthday, I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy your party.

  18. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Happy Birthday Chris,wishing you the best of days with family and friends


  19. did Steve make those????!!!!.... they look fantastic! Hope you all have a great day and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Christy xxxxxx

  20. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Happy birthday!

  21. Happy happy birthday!!!πŸŽπŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽ‚

  22. Many happy returns!!!

  23. Happiest of birthdays to you. Wish I could be there to give you a birthday hug. Will catch up soon. πŸŒΌπŸŽ‚πŸΉ

  24. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Happy birthday Chris, I’ve read your blog for ever and if you lived closer, same country closer I know you’d be a good friend one that I could trust completely your that type of good human. Have the best birthday ever, you deserve all the best things this life has, Jo x

  25. Happy Birthday Chris, hope your special day is the best....enjoy.

  26. Have a wonderful birthday Chris - all the best people are born on Oct 21st..... it's my hubby's birthday too xx

  27. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Happy Birthday Chris, hope you have an amazing day! J.

  28. Anonymous2:34 PM

    All the best for a great day and Happy 60th !!! You have a mighty busy weekend lined up. Enjoy! Michelle from Oz :-)

  29. Happy Birthday Chris - have a wonderful day!

  30. Happy happy birthday hope you have an awesome day with family and friends and food x

  31. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Happy 60th Birthday Chris enjoy your family, weather great, make happy memories.
    Your weight loss/healthy choices are fantastic......can really notice the positive change in face and body.
    Know the effort you are contributing to get the results, wish I had your motivation.
    A daily reader of your blog, you are inspiring. Kindest, Heather

  32. Happy,Happy 60th Birthday Chris. Hope your day has been the best ever.

  33. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Happy birthday & enjoy making new memories!!

    Party! Party! Party!


  34. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Happy Birthday Chris! I hope you’ve had an amazing trouble free day and been spoilt like you deserve. I love the trays Steve and Bex gave you.

  35. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you are having a great time!!!

  36. glad its goping well and all your concerns have been for naught hun x

  37. Great to hear that you're having an awesome day ... you deserve to have everything perfect for your special day

  38. Happy Birthday Chris, have a lovely day

  39. Your grazing Platters/Trays are just fantastic Chris, My daughter has her own Grazing Platter and Table business and she praised yours.
    I am glad your day was so wonderful

  40. The crab looks so cute ... and those platters look amazing! (Am thinking maybe I should do something like that for Christmas Day - although on a smaller scale as we only have a little family)

  41. Happy,Happy birthday, we have been away and I tried to post a message of my phone, if it worked then this will be your second wish! Welcome to the 60's it def not that bad! Enjoy every minute of your special day xxxx

  42. The platters looked awesome and it was great to see you and your family again. Thank you for inviting us :-). I am so pleased you had a great day.

  43. I love that photo of you and Stew!! I love the platters... I'm so glad you had a fabulous day.

  44. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Happy 60th birthday Chris, so glad to read it's been a wonderful day for you. Katrina

  45. Happy birthday Chris, I knew you would have a wonderful day. Krissy πŸ˜€πŸŽ‚πŸΎπŸ°πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽ

  46. Happy Birthday!!! I love the kids on the bed with you so cute! The trays looked fantastic!

  47. Sorry I missed it, happy birthday old chook! Glad you had a lovely day xx

  48. Sorry I missed it, happy birthday old chook! Glad you had a lovely day xx

  49. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Happy Birthday Chris!!! Sorry I'm a bit late. So glad you've had such an awesome day!!!! xoxoxo

  50. Glad to hear your party went so well. The trays and the food are amazing. The crab is just plain awesome!
    Happy birthday


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