Wednesday, September 05, 2018


Today... well Lacy gets to move out... AGAIN!

I will be taking her into Hamilton first thing this morning and dropping her and all her 'stuff' off at her new abode.

I'm surprised at how quickly she found somewhere suitable to live to be honest!  All going well this new place will be a perfect fit for her and she's happy there.

I'm probably not going to the hair salon again today, my hair seems to be much straighter after I washed it, and I don't want to have them cut any more off.  I had a good 6 inches cut off yesterday!

Once I've settled Lacy into Hamilton, I will be coming home and getting on with a huge pile of washing... Stew's taped up the 'problem' part of the hose that has a hole in it, so hopefully I can get the washing done without having a flood in the garage.

Then I shall be doing some more sewing... which I love doing.


12.20 pm:  And it's DONE.  Lacy no longer lives here.  I'm pretty happy about that to be honest, we  have our spare bedroom back!  Lacy was an awesome house guest of course, she didn't make any waves and didn't QUITE eat us out of house and home!  She did gain 2 kilos though!!!

I've got some washing on finally... and it's not leaking.  Stew taped up the hose hole really good!  So thankful we didn't have to get a new washing machine!

I'm just having my lunch before heading into the sewing room... a warm cheese sauce with onion and sausage.  Nice on a cold day.

F*#K there's some shit stirring bitches around.  And that is all I have to say.

Meanwhile.. .I'm having a lot of fun in the sewing room!
I added something to this Tree Runner... not been on any others at all.  It's a bit of fun.  Will show you tomorrow... cos I need something for tomorrow's post eh?  lol

I'm crabby as f*#k now... so...we are having Pizza for dinner.

Only consolation?  I got Thin and Crispy base pizza.  And NO dessert.

Dinner was nice... ate too much and now feel ikkk.  Story of my life really.

Watching Coronation Street now, just about finished another Tree Runner.
Time to sign off for the day.


  1. Thanks so much Ma and Pop and Brylee and Griffin for having me, had a lot of laughs with you guys :) I'll be back to walk the Furr Babies xx
    Love Lacy xxoooo

  2. great news Lacy is settled...all the very best

  3. So pleased Lacy managed to find somewhere nice so quickly.

  4. I was at the State Fair yesterday and saw a booth of hand sewn goods. It reminded me of you! Congratulations to Lacy! It must feel good to be on her own in a cute new home. A new adventure is in store for her!

  5. Great to hear Lacy is settled in. It looks like a great place. Enjoy your new abode Lacy. It's a nice day up here Chris. Waited for rain but it hasn't come and the sun is shining. Happy sewing.

  6. Hiya, just saying hello as I am on my PC. Comments left via my iPhone don't seem to get thru.Have a nice night x

  7. And I'm back in the land of blog looks like a nice area for Lacy. Your market is this week? Some nice runners there then.


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