Saturday, August 18, 2018


RIGHT ... first up for the day, let me show you what Stew got put on his new car yesterday:

 ABOVE:  Whisper quiet roof racks.  Now we are able to take the Gazebo to Market... and use our Roof Box when necessary too.
Stew had originally planned on only having the roof racks on the car when we needed them, but by getting the Whisper Quiet ones, they can stay on permanently. 

The other thing Stew got sorted out this past week was our Karcher Water Blaster.  We had a really good one, have had it for over 20 years.  It died.  So Stew took it into the Karcher Retailer in Hamilton, for a quote for repair.

WELL... it transpired that it would cost $569 + GST to repair it!  So he said, hell no, because the cost of a brand new one was $599!

We didn't want to spend that sort of money... so Stew said he would give it a miss.

Then the retailer said they had a couple of ex-demo models, and he could sell him one of those for a cheaper price ... and he quoted Stew $480.  Stew said NO... shaking his head and starting to walk away.

Then the retailer said how about $450?

Stew still went "Hmmmmm.....not sure", and the retailer then said "Let me see what I can do... and came back and said "$400".

So Stew said "YEP, let's do that then"...

 ABOVE: So we now have an almost brand new Karcher Water Blaster for $200 less than the new price!  BARGAIN.   AND the retailer threw in a bottle of concrete cleaner and a car wash brush!  It just got better and better.

Guess what we will be doing this weekend... providing the weather holds off.  Washing the concrete and the house roof, all going well.

The other thing we will be doing this weekend is putting up the Gazebo (trial run).
Well... hopefully we get it up!
I had put the instruction sheet on the coffee table beside me, planning on referring to it when it came time to put it up.

UNTIL Marley decided it might be nice to EAT THE BLOODY THING!

ABOVE:  Seriously, the little bitch ATE almost the entire sheet!  It was a double sheet too.
Now we just have STEP 5, and part of another step, no idea what it is.
Now I have to hope it's not that hard to put the gazebo up!

I am kinda laughing, kinda not.  Just shows I have to be more careful what is lying around for her to snatch.

Griffin is out all day on a day trip with friends.
Brylee works 12 midday till 8 pm.
Stew and I are going to be on our own for the majority of the day!

WHOOP.... we are thinking of going out for lunch/the afternoon.  Just don't know where ... yet.

Today's date:  18/8/18.  Just sayin'.


11.30 am:   And even without the instructions, Stew and I managed to get the Gazebo up NO PROBLEM AT ALL! I don't know what I was worried about.

 ABOVE:  It looks superb... we only put 2 of the 3 sides on it, as it wasn't necessary at this point.
I am going to get a travel bag for it to go in and maybe the sandbags too.
But not right now, I don't need them right this minute.

ABOVE:  view from the back.  Isn't it splendid!
I know there's heaps of gazebos 'out there'... but this one is MINE.  *smiles*

ABOVE:  We went and bought a mallet... and some neat pegs for holding stuff inside the gazebo.

Griffin has just been dropped off to his friends, he won't be home till quite late tonight.  Brylee is about to go to work.
Then we will be giving that water blaster a go.
And Stew is going to be putting chicken wire inside some of the guttering to stop the birds nesting over certain areas.

I get really cross have the entrance area and our cars outside the house being covered in bird shit... so this should stop them nesting and flying over that area.

 ABOVE:  This section of concrete gets virtually NO sun, so it's filthy.  And heavily covered in bird shit too.
It was the first part I started cleaning.

ABOVE: See how filthy it is?  Ikkk.

ABOVE:  I had a bit of fun with the mats... putting patterns on the concrete.  Silly waste of time when there's so much to do... but oh well.

ABOVE:  While I waterblasted, Stew got the netting into the guttering on this section of the roof.  It's going to keep the birds from nesting under the roof and fouling the seating/concrete on our patio.  Yaaaaa!
That's going to be so awesome in Spring and Summer.
No more bird shit.

ABOVE:  I'm just a little bit grubby... taking a break for a while as my back is killing me.  You have to do a slight bend when waterblasting, which KILLS my back.  Stew's taken over for a while.

We have decided, seeing as both kids are away till late tonight, we will go out to dinner, (instead of lunch).
A local Indian Restaurant, as we can have Tandoori Chicken without rice, which we both like.

SO... DON'T EVER wash ya hair with Selsun Blue anit dandruff shampoo, unless you LOVE knots and stringy hair.  
The kids stole my shampoo and conditioner for their bathroom... so I had to use Stew's shit.

And I ended up CRYING trying to get my hair brushed out!  Seriously. Crying.  And OMG did I lose a serious amount of hair brushing it out.  Never again.

Done now... moving on.  Got me face on.  Got dressed and now relaxing till we go out to dinner.

OH and I have an IMPORTANT QUESTION to ask you all TOMORROW.  So bloody well come back tomorrow if you can.  If I don't ask it tomorrow, I'll bloody well forget.  Cos I forget shit.  ALL. THE. TIME. 

Just home after having a really lovely dinner, followed by desserts too!  Yep, we went all out.  It's not like we go out to dinner much... hell this has to be the 2nd time THIS YEAR!  On a roll... lol.

Time to chill out now... feeling full as a bull.


  1. enjoy your Stew and Chris day and I am seeing more of those in the future for you...Darby and Joan days are getting closer xxx

  2. The gazebo looks nice!

  3. I imagine you will have about 10 people reminding you to ask that question. Kind of like a cliff-hanger. I am now trying to unwind after plucking porcupine quills from my dogs mouth. What a treat!

  4. Ok - should there be a ' in the word dogs, and if so - where? "I just got done pulling porcupine quills from my dogs mouth".

  5. I have used dandruff shampoo exactly ONCE in my life - the same thing happened to me.

  6. A colourful post as always .. your photography skills are to be envied you get exactly in a pic what you are trying to say ..

    Love the new Gazebo lots of uses in the days ahead

    Lovely to go all out on a meal as a couple often/sometimes .. Always a buzz for all concerned ..

    D&J days (as one of the other bloggers said))) always seem a long way off,(smiles) but treasure each and every day together from now till then,,, cos that's the icing on the cake!! lol .. ,,

    even tho we never stop being a Mum and Dad or grandparents etc

  7. Its lovely going out to dinner...enjoy the out together time

  8. It's tomorrow! Remember to ask the question!

  9. I almost bought a Karcher. Worlds #1 brand, but I bought a Craftsman.


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